‘Hypocritical’ Bondì gets Labour’s goat, Camilleri eyes Libyan reconstruction
Labour organ KullHadd paints scathing but revealing picture of how media lauded Libya and Gaddafi before he turned against his people.
A page 3 news article entitled 'L-ipokresija ta' Bondì' (Bondi's hypocrisy) on Labour organ Kullhadd, and today's l-orizzont (which is published by the General Workers Union) paints a scathing picture of Where's Everybody director and TV presenter Lou Bondì.
According to Kullhadd, Bondì had "hit out" at the former Labour candidate Joe Sammut, for having handled financial transactions on behalf of the Gaddafi family for a St Barts party in which US superstar Beyoncé performed. The performance was for an exclusive crowd on New Year's Eve, and was paid by Hannibal Gaddafi, reported the New York Post.
And on Monday, l-orizzont reported that a business partner of Bondì's - Silvio Scerri, the owner of Nexos Lighting - was responsible for the lighting arrangements during the celebrations commemorating the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya's 40th anniversary of its revolution back in September 2009.
Central to Kullhadd's story was the fact that before the Libyan implosion, Lou Bondì had used an entire edition of his TVM show Bondiplus in June 2009, to showcase entrepreneur Alfred Pisani's Corinthia Group and its Libyan endeavours.
"One of the main Corinthia investments showcased was the Palm City village, just 14km from Tripoli... which was described as a 'heaven on earth'. At no point did Bondifurcina's presenter question Pisani on his connections with the Gaddafi government, which go back to 1974. No reference was made to the regime's repression but on the contrary, it was presented as a tourism destination."
Labour today also hit out at the ‘hypocrisy’ of Malta Enterprise chairman Alan Camilleri, who spoke of the big reconstruction opportunities awaiting Maltese firms once “the Libyan crisis subsides”.
“Gonzi’s party and his former private secretary, Alan Camilleri, are zealous that Maltese firms win reconstruction contracts in Libya after the fighting is over, a zeal instigated by a difficult situation the Libyans are facing,” Labour said in a press statement today.
Attacking the PN’s ‘hypocrisy’, Labour has tried to take mileage from Camilleri’s opportunism after Labour leader Joseph Muscat publicly suggested “taking advantage” from the Egyptian and Tunisian uprisings in January, by attracting tourists to Malta instead, a suggestion that was criticised by the PN and the media.
What Kullhadd omitted to say in its Sunday piece was that Bondì's partner Silvio Scerri, is also the Labour party's consultant at One TV, whose involvement has already solved several technical problems and improved One’s picture quality.
But the piece does highlight the way Gaddafi's disrespect of human rights was ignored by government and media alike while everyone worshipped the dictator on the altar of business and money. And much like Alfred Pisani, Joe Sammut pursued an honest financial transaction on behalf of his clients - who were not LAFICO, but the Gaddafi family. Which is about almost the same thing.