Attorney General appeals against Realtà acquittal

The Office of the Attorney General has appealed against the verdict acquitting author Alex Vella Gera and editor Mark Camilleri on obscenity charges.

The appeal was filed literally within minutes of the expiry of the deadline established by law: 15 days from notification of the sentence

Vella Gera and Camilleri were acquitted on Monday 14 March by Magistrate Audrey Demicoli, who noted in her judgment that the law did not provide clear definitions of ‘pornography’ and ‘obscenity’, and that the prosecution had failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Article 208 of the Criminal Code had been breached.

She also observed that the defendants were exercising their fundamental right to freedom of expression.

The court also concluded that public morality was something that changed over time. It added that what offended public morals 20 or 30 years ago did not necessarily do so today.

Furthermore, the court added, the publication was available only to University and Junior College students, which it said were mature students who already had free access to a variety of media including books, newspapers and the internet.

In this light, the court decided that it had not been shown how Ir-Realtà could have offended their morality.

The case goes back to 2009, when Camilleri and Vela Gera were separately charged with publishing and distributing pornographic and obscene material in the form of a short story titled ‘Li Tkisser Sewwi’, published in the left-wing student newspaper Ir-Realtà.

Reported to the police by the University Rector Juanito Camilleri – who also banned the paper from Campus grounds – the case sparked a raging debate on censorship and secularism.

Both Camilleri and the Vella Gera were accused of distributing obscene or pornographic material, and of undermining public morals or decency - under both the Criminal Code and the Press Act.

The story in question was first-person monologue narrated by a sex-driven Maltese man who objectified women and treated them in a sordid fashion. It also exposed his dilemma when being confronted with having feelings for one particular woman, and his inability to handle them.

This is so unbelievable...we live in a paradise...rather, it would be a paradise if it were not run by a bunch of holier than though hypocrites. Get a life guys...and deal with the real problems.
Maureen Attard
@fellus ta Gahan; and the tax payers money.
Is there any way for the people, collectively, to sue the Attorney General for wasting the courts' time?
The Problem is not with the Legal System --Bejn il Linji-- It is in the antiquated mentality of our policy makers and those in power. This is creating a huge democratic problem my friend. For how can you acquit someone for writing a story which is branded as obsene and pornographic but then Malta is wide open to pornographic images and videos over the internet!!! So why not taking Microsoft to court for inventing the Internet in the first place? Or Why not taking to court Hugh Hefner for inventing Playboy (which is available on our store shelves)!!!This is a country which is drowning to the depths of mediocrity. The PN is prooving to be a party stuck to a Medieval Church Doctrine which is ruining the Maltese Society on a daily basis. The Maltese People are being openly discriminated in the Rights department against their European cousins. What's good for the rest of the world apparently is not good for Malta. What an arrogance!!!!
Maureen Attard
Ara vera l-avukat generali m'ghandux fuq xiex jahli z-zmien... Nixtieq nistaqsi, xi dhalna naghmlu fl-Unjoni Ewropea jekk ma ahniex lesti li nifthu l-bibien berah? Kemmser nibqu vatikanizi u parrokkjali? L-avukat generali ghandu jara li juza l-hin imhallas ghalih ahjar. Din x'liberta hi li tant ghajjatna fil-mass meetings u d-dimostrazzjonijiet li hadna sehem fihom fis-snin 70 u 80? Xorta bqajna gvedrn jew iehor, hu biss irid jiddetta x'naghmlu, x'naqraw, x'nisighmu u x'naraw. Meta se niehdu l-liberta vera?
What is the problem that Malta follows its legal systems? For many like me the first judgement is debatable and in my personal opinion damaging. I hope the matter is clear as not to freedom of expression because in Malta everyone is free as can be and more because the cut line of values and of not abusing this freedom of expression is being made thicker and thicker. The authorities are responsible to see that the freedom of expression is not abused.
This is a country of ultra orthodox Catholic Ayatollahs!
A vote for Gonzi is a vote for the dictatorship of the Vatican, carefully orchestrated in Malta by all its bishops. I hope this ends up before an international court so that the whole world will continue to see what a Mickey Mouse island Malta truly is. And I hope all you young trendy PN supporters continue to take great pride in your modern and highly diversified party. What a lot of shit!
Luke Camilleri
Kollox pjanat, kollox diversiv...... forsi ma ghandhux x'jaghmel bizzejjed l'Ufficcju ta' l-Avukat generali? Min jaghtih "direzzjoni" dan l-ufficcju? Min veru ma jafx x'inhuma il-prijoritajiet f'dan il-pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse!
Missu jisthi il gvern ghamillu hekk lil dan iz zghazugh!
Keith Goodlip
Obviously the AG has his orders form the the Vatican dictatorship, to keep Malta centuries behind other countries and the hell with the cost.
I still cannot believe this happened in 2011 and it is simply astonishing that the Attorney General has appealed the verdict ! It is almost as if the AG and Juanito Camilleri have been living in a box all their lives , come on ! let artists , writers and the editors have freedom to express themselves . If it is not your thing don't read it but let others have the choice to do so.
It is the Vatican that has appealed; the Nationalist Party simply follows the orders. Yep; PN is the Liberal Party of Malta ! Pull the other one Dafne!
Looks like the AG is not aware that our courts are already overloaded with more serious cases than this one. Waste of time and money galore.
@rcasha the 'defendent' is us and our taxes
What a pain in the posterior orifice! . Is our country swimming in cash that the authorities should waste so much time trying to drag us back into the dark ages? Do we have an Attorney General or a Grand Inquisitor? . Magistrate Audrey Demicoli's verdict was a breath of fresh air. I hope that the appeals court confirm her judgement and throw out this case and order the government to pay for the defendants' expenses.
Hope the presiding judge throws the case out, wasting public funds on trivialities like this is shameful and sinful.
or rather there *is* more important stuff to do.
It is sickening that we manage to waste the court's time like this when there are obviously more important stuff to do.