Novelist reacts to Attorney General's defence of Realtà appeal's 'god reference'

Alex Vella Gera tells Attorney General Peter Grech he misunderstood his reference to 'god'.

READ THE APPEAL: 32 pages in five PDF files on Google Docs

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The Attorney General has written in to the comments-board stating his reference to God in his appeal of the acquittal of writer Alex Vella Gera invokes the right of people not to be insulted or treated to ridicule for their religious beliefs.

“The references to God were first made in what appears to be a rather capricious manner in evidence tendered by the defence,” he said referring to Vella Gera’s statement in court, which he quoted in his appeal.

“The submissions made on this evidence in the appeal aim at making the point that most people in our society believe in a God, that they have a right not to be insulted or treated to ridicule for believing and that religious belief is a much more important reality and element in shaping what constitutes public morality than the egos of individual writers – be they of the all-knowing, all arrogant breed or otherwise,” Peter Grech said.

But he said his lengthy 32-page appeal was not based on religious, rather than legal arguments.

“This interpretation is not at all objectively justified and represents a very one-sided view bent more on constructing a platform for treatment to insult, ridicule and contempt rather than on any real interest in informing the public about the true grounds of appeal.”

MaltaToday’s report was based primarily on Grech’s interpretation of Vella Gera’s reference to ‘god’ in his court testimony, and a succinct summary of his appeal’s main planks.

In court, Vella Gera said he wanted to give readers total immersion in his first-person monologue Li Tkisser Sewwi – narrated by a sex-driven man who treats women sordidly – “without any moralism, in the sense that I didn’t include the voice of God saying ‘look you’re going wrong’.”

Quoting this statement in his appeal, Grech says Vella Gera had to realise that there are others “whose ideas, preferences and tastes are unlike his; a society that must be protected, and its morality preserved.

“And there’s God above everything and above everyone, and God is certainly bigger than the biggest of egos of even more famous writers.”

But in a reaction, Vella Gera posted his own comment addressing Grech, saying he misunderstood his reference to ‘god’.

“I was referring there to the God-like point of view in a narrative, where everything is certain, and the protagonist of the story would be thoroughly condemned in the text itself, unlike in Li Tkisser Sewwi where the condemnation is left to the unreliable narrator himself, as so ably described by Adrian Grima as ‘jinqela’ f’zejtu’.

“My reference to god had nothing at all to do with the divine God-head, Christian or otherwise. Perhaps a crash course in literary criticism would help you along somewhat.

“The fact that you jumped so readily onto that point does seem to suggest a knee-jerk reaction and thoroughly deserves ridicule.”

In his appeal Grech will argue on “the element of free distribution of the work in question to young persons… It would certainly not appear to be at all reasonable to conclude that any work that may be published may also be distributed free of charge to young persons and it would do no disservice to your readers if some more information were to be given on this aspect of the appeal,” Grech wrote on

He will ask the Court of Appeal to consider that Vella Gera’s work was not in the public interest; that the witnesses Lino Spiteri, Profs. Kenneth Wain, Albert Gatt, Ranier Fsadni, Maria Grech Ganado, Adrian Grima and Toni Attard – presented by the defence – were not court experts and therefore expressed their subjective opinion; and that the short story does not constitute “an instrument of spiritual elevation or aesthetic pleasure”.

A total of 12 pages are dedicated to a lengthy exposition of the juridical interpretation of pornography, and its treatment by American, British, and Italian courts.

BEJN il-LINJI, naqbel hafna ma l-attiduni tieghek lejn il-hajja; il-problema li certu nies ma jistghux jifhmu hi li wiehed ghandu dritt jdawwar l-umbrella tieghu fuq il-bankina sakemm il-ponta ta' l-umbrella tieghu tersaq vicin imniehri. Imbaghad hadd ma' ghandhu jippretendi li jien ma nitkellimx jew naghmel xi haga ohra. Andy Farrugia
Silver Surfer with an english name ma hux soltu li nirrispondi ghax jien nghid li ghandi nghid u min jghogbu jaqbel u min ma jghogbux nirrispetta l-opinjoni tieghu. Jekk biex tkun f'dan is-seklu ifisser li tkun arroganti u njorant allura nispera li nibqa fl-era tieghi. Jekk ma fimtnix ser nerga nghid li kull artiklu trid tiehdu -jekk taf- fl-ambjent li jitqassam. Bis-sahha li kollox jghaddi ghandna hafna tfajliet li minghajr ma jafu jitqalu u imsieken huma u miskin il-wild. Jien ghal grazzja t'Alla wasalt fejn ridt minghajr ma thammitx u ghandi l-hila li inwassal lit-tfal tieghi sal-oghla livell u wara jkomplu huma. U ghalekk ma rridx li xi hadd jinqeda bl-istituzzjoni biex ihammighom minn kmieni. Barra minn hekk x'hemm hazin li wiehed ihalli it-triq tal-gustizzja tara u timxi skond il-ligi?
Is the Attorney General really just the 21st century version of the Inquisitor General? He claims freedom of speech but wants to legislate against anyone being offended by anything? He offends me, but unfortunately I just have to deal with it, like a grown up.
@Gianni Borg....If you do not believe in the country's democratic system than I am very sorry it is your problem......The way things work in this country (and all other civilised countries worldwide) is that cases are decided in court and it is the responsibility of each of the lawyers to present their side of the case...I agree with you that everybody has the right to read what he wants...However one also has the right to know what he is going in for before he reads it....when someone buys a porn magazine he knows what to expect....when a students magazine is handed out freely to people as young as 16 year olds I doubt that they are expecting to find writings such as those featured in the Realta magazine...Would you wouldn't expect to find a picture of the pope in a playboy magazine ? I'm afraid you have missed the whole point of the case...Nobody is saying that the author did not have the right to write such things...However, what is being questioned is his right to distribute such content freely in places which are not appropriate without even giving any indication of the nature of the content.... @Gecko & Gianni Borg If you actually believe that the AG has nothing better to do than to spend a day reading your comments and responding to them then I am afraid you are mistaken...The AG only posted one comment because he probably felt that certain comments were being made injustly but to expect him to participate in a public Q&A session is unrealistic and naive
Joseph Sant
Hear! Hear! Ganni Borg - I really would like to know who is behind the decision to appeal. That Dr Grech has not taken the trouble to reply is indeed very telling.
@ justmeMT If you are content to put your brain in cold storage and let others do their thinking for you and decide what you can and cannot read, that's up to you. Most of us prefer to make our own decisions, and decide what is good or bad for us - not some government apparatchik who is on strings pulled by the Church. Somebody has already asked the AG to assure us that this shocking decision was his own initiative and he was not acting under orders from some "Higher Authority". He has not done so yet, which is very worrying.
Bejn il Linji--- Jekk ma thossokx komdu go kommunita li qed tinbidel, issir aktar maturi u ma thalli lil hadt jaghmillha il bzieq fuq imnihiera, allura mhur fittex pajjiz tat tielet dinja u intefa go fih u ghid ir ruzarju kuljum ja Ipokrita. Int Farizej iehor li qed tipprova tiggustifika haga li ma ghandix bazi. Din hija liberta tal kelma u hadd u hadd ma ghandu jkun gudikant ta' x'wiehed qed jipprova jesprimi. F'Malta il progress il knisja u l-PN dejjem ppruvaW izzomnuh. Il progress ma jistax jkollu potenzjal jekk ma jkollux il leberta kompleta li jesprimi ruhu. Pajjiz bla progress u libertajiet huwa pajjiz bla futur!!!
Well done AG. Ibqa miexi kif tippermetti l-ligi u kompli ipprova ddefendi lis-socjeta kemm tista. Nispera li kif jigri dejjem f'appell il-qorti din id-darba tkun izjed kolta u gharfha(wiser). Missu jisthi min jippretendi li l-istituzzjoni bhal ma hu AG nindahlulu f'xogholu qisu nies bhali ma jezistux jew ma ahniex cittadini daqs cittadini ohra. Tkunx immatur JM u trid tindahal f'kollox ghax fl-oppozizzjoni qieghed u hemm ser thallina.
kieku minnkon jiena naghlaq halqi u inhalli id decizjoni fidejn nies li kapaci jehduha.....L-AG huwa purament jaghmel xoghlu u jaccerta ruhu li l-ligijiet tal pajjiz jinzammu u jinghataw ir rispett li jisthoqillhom...jekk intom minalikom li tifmhu izjed mela ohorgu al politika u ibdew iktbuhom intom il ligijiet ! @Dnub ma jorqodx : wahda isbah mill ohra ekk hu....forsi mintix familjari mal fatt li il punt tal qorti huwa li l-avukati jipprezantaw punti ta vista differenti mill avukat ta kontrihom u jippruvaw jirraprezentaw il kaz bmod differenti sabiex iqajmu punti differenti u jippruvaw ifehmu il fehma taghhom fuq il kaz....jekk qieghed tiskanta bil fatt li l-avukati ma jaqblux ma l-oppozizzjoni taghhom fil qorti mela niskanta jiena bil fatt li inti alavolja mandekx idea ta kif kaz jizvolgi fil qorti iddecidejt li tikkumenta f'dan l-aspett.... @Car u tond : nixtieq inkun naf xghandu xjaqsam il korruzzjoni ma dan il kaz? Ix xoghol ta l-AG huwa li jiehu il kazijiet li jinghataw lilu u jaghmel milli jista biex jirbahom u mux li jfittex il korruzzjoni huwa biex jiftah kazijiet kontra il korruzzjoni...jekk andek xi evidenza ta korruzjoni mur biha and il pulizija u ikun id dmir ta l-AG li jiggieled dak il kaz.... @Observer : It is not the AGs duty to open cases against people...if you believe that you have witnessed some action in which the law has been broken then it is your duty to report such a case to the police...if you are too scared to do that than I hardly believe that you are the right person to criticize people who actually have the balls to stand up for what they believe is best for Maltese society..... People should have more faith in the legal system and should appreciate the fact that legal matters should be handled by legal people...Government Officials (such as the AG) are obliged to act in accordance to the law (that essentially represents the rights and wrongs that the country believes in) and if such laws are being broken then such officials are obliged to take action...if u have any form of objection to the law than take it against the politicians who voted in favour of the law and not against the government employees who have the duty to ensure that such laws are followed...
Allura dan l-AG ma fehmx x'kiteb Gera f'dan il-fuljett? Intom hekk qed tghidu? Wahda isbah mill-ohra!
May I suggest to the learned (but apparently under-utilised) Attorney General, that the appeal is heared at the Sistine Chapel. i hope he will not be distracted by the works of art.....
Raymond Falzon
Fiest of all there is no god. And second the AG should learn how to button up his suit properly ..AH
Dear Attorney General, If you find the contents of this writing 'offensive' or whatever, you should go by the Junior College and hear then so called kids freely talking between themselves and then decide what is offensive or not! I say this cos everybody wants to play the part of God and yet it is disgusting the language our youngsters use during conversations. This sentence appeal, I personally find it offensive to try and hang to a straw when a whole tree blind all.
This is a pathetic waste of time and squandering of tax payers funds. Surely there are more serious issues to deal with. The attorney general should try to concentrate on true criminality issues. The PL have rightly condemned this brouhaha. The attorney general should start by making it illegal to watch television, block the internet, make people cover themselves from head to toe etc. if they intend to pursue this issue further!!! perhaps even other forms of literature should be banned and even learning about the human body should be banned!!!