Busuttil calls on EC to trigger responsibility-sharing of asylum seekers

MEP Simon Busuttil addressed a Brussels conference on solidarity and burden sharing as a response to the migrant crisis in North Africa and the Southern Mediterranean.

Simon Busuttil has called on the European Commission “to take the political initiative” to trigger the burden-sharing mechanism found in European law in the case of a mass influx of displaced persons.

He said that it was now up to the Commission to "show true political leadership in this issue.”

“The image of the people of Lampedusa displaying an EU flag with a yellow ‘question mark’ painted in the middle sums up the picture,” Busuttil said.

Replying to a participant from the floor who said that the situation should not be over-dramatised, Busuttil retorted: “it is easy and convenient for some here in Brussels to think that the picture is being over-dramatised. But if you were in the island of Lampedusa or in Malta, you would see things at a close range and you would have a different take on things.”

The aim of the conference was to provide a picture of the migrant crisis, as well as the national, EU and international responses to the large-scale movement of people in the region.

Busuttil spoke about the current situation in Malta and about the EPP group’s efforts over the past years to establish a viable burden sharing mechanism.

The conference was organised by the Brussels-based Think Tank, European Policy Centre and was also addressed by the Permanent Representative of Italy to the EU, Ambassador Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, by Luigi Soreca, Head of International Affairs Unit in DG Home Affairs of the European Commission and by John Fredrikson, the Head of Global Issues/EU Unit, UNHCR Brussels.

Fl-ahbarijiet tar-RAI Ms Malmstrom giet irrapurtata li qalet li Franza ma tistax tibghat lura lit-Tunezini lejn l-Italja ghax it-trattat ta' Schengen, dwar il-fruntieri jispecifika li l-fruntieri tal-Ewropa huma miftuhin u l-ebda pajjiz ma jista' jichad nies jaqsmu l-istess fruntieri !!!. Mela skond Ms.Malmstrom ahna ghandna d-dritt li nibaghtu lill-immigranti llegali li jaslu Malta lejn l-Italja jew lejn kull pajjiz iehor Ewropew. Mhux hekk ?. X'jghid Dr.Simon Busuttil paroli ?. Risposta jekk joghgbok dottore !!.
Ghalhekk kien inhass terremot; kien it-trigger tal-burden sharing ta Dott Simon Busutill! Issa imiss tsunami tat-tluq ta' illegal immigrants' minn Malta ghal pajjizi li xebghu jitnejku b'GonziPN!
Kemm ser iddum IDDAHHAK nies BIK Dr Simon Busutill fuq il kwistjoni ta l-immigranti illegali l-Unioni ewropea lil Mintoff iridu ghax kieku jibghathom JIXXEJRU l-Hemm hekk sewwa ghax ikunu ghaddejjin min qrib Malta ikolnna inzommuhom ahna Fejna il FRONTEX li tant kont tkellimt fuqa Dr Simon Busutill L-Unioni Ewropea TAJBA GHALIK Dr Simon Busutill ghax qied TPAPPIJA SEWWA INT L-EWWEL WIEHED