Unemployment rate on the rise again – PL
Eurostat’s latest statistics show that, whilst the unemployment rate in the European Union is decreasing, in Malta it is back on the rise, at 6.5%, says Opposition spokesman Anglu Farrugia.
Malta was one of the few EU countries which registered the increase. “In fact, the average unemployment rate in Europe and the Eurozone decreased between January and February,” Farrugia said.
Farrugia said Malta registered an increase in the unemployment rate amongst 25-year-olds, whilst there were more men looking for a job: “Eurostat’s statistics reflect statistics published by ETC, showing that between January and February there were almost 7,000 persons registering for work,” Farrugia said.
He added that those seeking jobs included professionals, technicians, associate professionals, service workers and craft and related trade workers.
“This indicates Lawrence Gonzi’s government is not creating long-term employment,” Farrugia said, adding government’s statistics show that the average wage rate per capita decreased by 1.7% in 2010.
“This has even happened without the effect of inflation,” Farrugia added.
Quoting statistics carried out by the National Accounts, Farrugia said services and products consumed by Maltese families increased by 3% in 2010.
“In real terms there was a 5% decrease in wages per capita. This shows that Gonzi’s shout Malta was not affected by the recession is completely out of touch with reality,” Farrugia said.