Prime Minister hails achievements of the last three years

Government’s choices and strategies have helped the country to overcome the economic problems better than any other country in the EU, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi claimed.

Listen to the Prime Minister’s speech here

The Prime Minister was addressing a press conference at Castille aimed at giving a rundown of the government’s work during the third year of its legislature.

The Prime Minister said that notwithstanding the economic problems in Europe, the political instability in Africa, the record oil prices and the price increase in cereals, "Malta still managed to have an economic growth of 3.6%."

in what would turn out to be a highly contentious claim, Gonzi also claimed Malta enojys the best rates of unemployment rates amongst the entire European Union. In reaction, the Labour Party issued a statement later during the day saying the unemployment rate is on the rise again, and that Malta was one of the few European countries which registered this increase.

According to EUROSTAT figures issued in Febryary 2011, Malta's unemployment stands at 6.5%, below the EU average of 9.9%. However, the lowest unemployment rates were recorded in the  Netherlands  (4.3%), Luxembourg (4.5%) and Austria (4.8%).

Durng his address, Gonzi also highlighted the number of reforms embarked by the government, including those affecting the energy sectors, local councils, MEPA and public transport. 

The Prime Minister also expressed confidence that during this year, the GDP rate will go down under 3%.

“And this was all done without ignoring vital sectors such as education, health and the social sector,” Gonzi reiterated.

He added that whilst other countries had to resort to austerity measures, Malta’s government had invested in new schools with the best technology.

“Where other countries increased their education fees, the Maltese government continued to pay and invest so that youths would be able continue their studies and develop their skills,” he said.

Gonzi went on to talk about the health sector, saying that government increased the service offered, especially marked by the substantial increase in operations at Mater Dei Hospital. He also referred to the ongoing struggle against cancer and the challenges the health system faces on a regular basis in this regard.

“We invested in cancer prevention programmes and a new oncology centre with an investment of €40 million,” he said. “Government’s expenditure on medicines increased by 65% these last three years.”

Gonzi said government continued to strengthen the investment in the social sector through initiatives in favour of persons with special needs and the elderly.

“Moreover, government is bringing change in the environment sector so the country can enjoy a sustainable environment,” he said. 

Never make an other promise again, because people thought you meant it!
A promise made is a debt unpaid Mr Prime Minister.
His greatest achievement is that he gave himself a weekly increase of €500 so that he would have no problem to meet the ever rising cost of living! Otherwise, if he comes down from his ivory tower and asks the man in the street whether he is feeling this achievement he will readily get his answer. By the way isn't it a bit early for boasting. Thought the election is still 2 years from now. Or is it?
Luke Camilleri
Prime Minister hails achievements of the last three years... starting with his state-of-the-art pay -rise he gave himself and his coterie, perfoprmance bonuses and perks he gives his appointed Blue Eyed Boys like ARMS top brass, MEPA top men and the other handouts he gives out as if our hard eared taxes are his and for his to dispose off1
@malta tal-maltin You forgot something mate: "Wipe your nose, it's brown, Mr prime minister"
EU orders so and so to the Maltese Prime Minister. Yes Sir, Of course Sir, I will do as you ordered Sir, Thanks you Sir.
Biex trid tiftahar Sur Prim Ministru, bl-arroganza,bil-korruzzjoni biex. Per ezempju fil-MEPA,taht il-Ministru Gorg Pulicino kienet bejta tal-korruzzjoni.Staqsi lis-sur Karmenu Abela li kien jahdem fil-ministeru tieghu,kif hu ha il-permess biex jibni fejn bena,(ghalkemm dan il-permess jidher mahrug fuq it-tifel tieghu).Mhux kulhadd jaf li dan sar biex ma jidherx hu personali. Ara lill-haddiehor ma jridux ituh permess.Tghid ghax ma xahhamx kif kien mitlub li jaghmel? Nisfidak,ghamel il Whistlblowwer Act b'effett retroattiv,Sur prim Ministru. Tahtek il-korruzzjoni kibret aktar,l-aktar qabel l-ahhar ellezzjoni generali li ghaddiet.
Luke Camilleri
Talk in our language Prim! Kemm hadthu zieda fis-salarju int u ta' madwarek? Kemm ha il-popolin? Kemm hadhu zidiet fil-fuel, fil-gas, fid-dawl u l-ilma fit-trasport, fil hobza ta' kuljum il-popolin? U int u ta' madwarek bil-mobile telefon, internet, allowances u bonuses u perkacci u servizzi ohra b'xejn karozza bix-xuffier, feul allowance, kemm hadtru minn dawn iz-zidiet fis-servizzi? Min qieghed jithaq b'min Sur Prim Ministru?
Keith Goodlip
Achievments? Balderdash! All he has done (unwillingly) is to confirn to EU norms.
Did gonzi list the €500 per week wage rise for himself and the cabinet as one of the achievements, the greatest achievement you can be remembered for if you dissappear fromthe plitical scene.
When one thinks he knows more, Mr.Lawrence Gonzi , The Verdict of your 5 year as a PM of Malta will be given to you by the whole people , not by the one's whom are getting all the good they can , while you are PM. In about 2 years time you will get the Verdict from the maltese citizens. RESIST OR SERVE!