Malta accuses Italy of breaching humanitarian, legal obligations at sea

UPDATE 3 | The Maltese government has hit back strongly at Italy’s refusal to allow entry into Lampedusa of an AFM patrol boat laden with 170 migrants who had just been rescued from a drifting boat, just miles off the Italian island.

Home Affairs Minister Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici accused Italy of “breaching humanitarian, legal and international obligations,” adding that the neighbouring country refused to accept refugees who were fleeing a war-torn country.

In a press conference that was also attended by senior military staff that showed maps and pictures that showed how close the migrants were to Lampedusa, Mifsud Bonnici explained that the AFM just did their duty according to international maritime law by taking the rescued migrants to the nearest and safest port.

“Our patrol boat was eight hours away from Malta and a mere two hours from Lampedusa. The sea was very rough, and the Italians said that they couldn’t take the migrants because they were full and did not have any food or medical supplies, when in fact we know that this morning there were only 85 migrants on Lampedusa,” the minister said.

He said that it was odd that Italy’s Home Affairs Minister Roberto Maroni sent him a message yesterday informing that bhe was going to call later in the day. “Maroni eventually never called me,” he said.

Meanwhile, German home affairs minister Hans-Peter Freidrich has announced that Germany was taking 100 refugees from Malta.

The migrant group rescued this morning, included for the first time Libyan nationals.

(Additional reporting by Miriam Dalli)


Tensions between Malta and Italy increased over the past hours when a group of 171 sub-Saharan refugees fleeing war torn Libya were brought to Malta after Italy denied entry to an AFM patrol boat that rescued the migrants some 30 miles off the Italian island.

Senior military sources told MaltaToday that the migrants were picked up on a stranded boat not far from where 250 other migrants went missing last Wednesday after their boat capsized when Italian Coast Guard boats reached them.

An AFM patrol boat that was in the area continuing with its assistance in the search and rescue operation, rescued the stranded boat this morning, and attempted to land the migrants on Lampedusa which was the closest and safest port.

However, the Italian government blocked the AFM patrol boat from entering Lampedusa, leaving the AFM no choice but to bring the migrants to Malta.

Tensions between Malta and Italy have erupted once more following last Wednesday's incident, where both government's have engaged in an argument over the rescue of 300 migrants off Lampedusa. The migrants ended up in the water and only 52 were rescued.

Yesterday, Italy's home affairs minister Roberto Maroni implicated responsibility for the incident on Malta which did not sent rescue craft for the migrants.

Malta's Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici hit back at the statement by explaining that the migrants were at 100 miles far from Malta and a mere 30 miles from Lampedusa.

This morning's group included 17 women and three children.

This is the third boat of migrants in a space of a week, after 850 reached Malta on two boats putting the number of arrivals at more than 1,000 in a few days.

The best solution is not to respond to the calls. After all it is at their own risk that cross over.
@il-mohh kollox gieh ir-Republika to criminals? The logic of your reasoning is illuminating. probaby saves on your utility rates as well. Only God knows what he was doing when he created your type of wisdom. So any type of abuse, crime and explotiation is welcome as long as it is percieved as the means to an end while upholding human dignity and human rights are just signs of a weak society... what a shame
I sugest that authorities provide asulum seekers with proper education while in detention centre so when they finally come out they can start working. Next thing would be to change the law and after a year with a work permit and a clean refugee status they will be aloved to receive full citizenship so they can move freely within the shengen area. If this is done Europe would realise that refugees from Africa r European problem not just Maltese or else. These people r destroyed by world economy scam they r tortured and forced to seek life elswere. They deserve a chance.
I am sure if these refugees had a choice they would rather go to France or Germany, So the solution is very simple, give each and every one of them a Maltese passport, enough money for a flight out of Malta and then being a Maltese citizen they can live in any part of the European Union right?
Viva l-Ewropa. Kemm ghandek ragun KMB tas-CNI.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's time that GonziPN shows his "Par Idejn Sodi" and his commitment that he will be looking at Malta's Interests. The 3rd class treatment we are receiveing from our "European Brothers and siters" must stop. We cannot continue accepting such number of imigrants reaching our shores. Wake up. Mr Maroni and Mr giletti it's time that we show you our middle finger and get stuffed.
Mhux hekk kellu jigri u ser jizdiedu aktar kif jidhol is-sajf, post bhal Malta zgur li mhux ser isibu...dawk li ghandom il-flus diga qedin ghawn ara lill Shatwan u l-familja tieghu nahseb li anke fejn joqodu kellom lest....ovvjament il-maggoranza t' dawk li qedin jaharbu jkunu attivisti favur id-dittaturi jew habsin mahruba. Fis-sajf dejjem jidhlu eluf ta' klandestini li ma jigux intercettati ghax il-forzi armati mghandomx mezzi biex jikkaverjaw l-kosta kollha specjalment fl-inhawi ta' San Pawl il-Bahar, Xemxija u l-akwati u jispiccaw ma saqajna bil-pulit. Hemm hafna flus fin nofs u l-organizzazzjoni hijja eccellenti. Dan l-influss diga qed jinhass...jekk izzuru supermarkets zdiedet il-prezenza ta dawn jixtru bil-goff.............l-anqas biex iqassmu l-voti mhemx minn!!!!!! fejn ser naslu. Ghajjien il-gawwi
@Malta tal Maltin: You can only repatriate people to countries where you have a bilateral agreement (e.g. like with most North African countries). So if you do not have such an agreement then you can't repatriate. I hope you are understading - because you do not seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer. Now, you can't send them back to libya either.why, your little mind might ask? Because there is a war. If people are coming from Somalia or Eritrea there are also likely to be fleeing from persecution. so they are in need of protection. This is why "illegal" is incorrect. they are asylum seekers. Very different my friend.
When they to tought of attacking Libya not just a no fly zone, thye tought all will be finished in days, But as always they far from right. It's just the beginning . Now the gates are all open for thousands of illegal immigrants who wants to emigrate to Europe, just get the money for an illegal voyage and try your luck. Soon wil be summer and its a good time for them, to cross more easily. The PM and Co. should have know this. Like once Gaddafi said. "I will make Europe Muslim" :) I think Gonzi will wake up , when he will be on the floor.