Gozo bishop preoccupied at ‘general indifference’ to migrant deaths

Gozo bishop Mgr. Mario Grech has denounced what he described as the “general indifference” to many migrants deaths at sea, while trying to seek asylum from war-torn nations.

Addressing a youth gathering in Gozo, Mgr. Grech stressed that it is a serious matter of concern to see how tragedies at sea - such as yesterday’s perishing of some 250 migrants trying to reach Lampedusa from Libya – doesn’t really move people.

“I see most remaining silent, indifferent, or trying to avoid the truth,” Mgr  Grech said.

He stressed that it made absolutely no sense at all that people are more concerned about birds killed, rather than talk about the deaths of migrants.

“Sometimes, one got the impression that some people were acting like Pontius Pilate, by simply washing their hands and shirking off their responsibility,” he said.

Mgr Mario Grech - Guidance please!
Completely out of context and a complete fabrication when one considers the large public response to this theme. Actually it is the the dispute between italy and malta which has relegated this tragedy to a simple statistic. The Bishop had the opportunity to sent a strong worded message to those responsible for this political intrigue and the responsibility shedding behind this needless loss of human life. Instead the way he half heartedly choose to get the message across simply helped to cover up for those politicians which are the real modern day Pontius Pilate. Coming to think of it, the church's silence to this dispute speaks volumes.
Keith Goodlip
My should the local church be concerned, it's not THEIR catholics who are drowning and there are no profits to made in their rescue.
Your Excellency, you very well know that action speaks louder than words. Thus if you want to help these poor souls why give them shelter in the many vacant buildings the Church has in Gozo. After that, you should mortgage some of the gold and silver to raise money to feed them. Talk is cheap; putting your words where your mouth is, it is a whole different ballgame.