Labour Party stands by Muscat’s comments

The Labour Party said it will continue to defend the national interest – as it believes 'the government should do'.

In a statement, the Labour Party hit out at government, saying the Prime Minister’s policy on illegal immigration has failed and that the Prime Minister should admit this.

“As other countries are placing national interest at the top of their agendas, Lawrence Gonzi’s government is constantly weak on the issue,” the PL said. “Whilst government should respect human life, it must also be strong and let no one do whatever they like with our country.”

During a interview on One Radio, Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat said Italy’s blockade was “the right decision”, whilst in a separate interview, Gonzi hit out at the blockade.

Sorry, meant to say hard 'choice' in case someone feels a correction is called for.
Typical armchair politics and a pontificating attitude at it's very best. Trying to gain political momentum in a crucial moment for our country being faced with a hard choose between humanity and national interest issues is the dirtiest type of policitics possible. This is a lot to criticize about this present government but this makes it glaringly obvious that a change will only mean jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Hope you enjoy your romp in the mud!
MALTA L-EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX This rallying cry is back with a vengance and will haunt Gonzi and his PN up till the next election. They will not know what hit them.