AD accuses Muscat of ‘venting xenophobic populist discourse’
Alternattiva Demokratika said Joseph Muscat should “stop venting dangerous, xenophobic and populist discourse on the immigration issue.”
In a reaction to the comments made by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat Joseph Muscat earlier this morning, AD chairperson Michael Briguglio accused Muscat of speaking in defence of national interest, without actually saying what he would do in concrete terms.
“Other than empty rhetoric statements and stating that were he Prime Minister he would have sent the immigrants back and let Italy deal with them, Muscat has not come out with concrete actions,” Briguglio said. “This shows that Labour not only is not progressive at all, but it is moving closer to the Far Right.”
Briguglio recalled that in 2009, Muscat had suggested a suspension of the Geneva Convention, “following in Gaddafi’s footsteps”. Without mentioning names, Briguglio said “certain self-proclaimed progressives” have remained silent.
“Even worse, some are apologising for Labour’s lunacy, even though it sounds like a Maltese version of Italy’s Lega Nord,” he added.
Briguglio said that “the best and most humane way to deal with the immigration issue is to have diplomatic pressure for responsibility sharing within the EU, a line of action that is supported by the European Greens amongst others”.
AD spokesperson for Migration and Citizenship Robert Callus said Muscat is “resorting to cheap populism to create confusion amongst the Maltese.”
"It is sad to see the leader of a so-called progressive and moderate Party blow a lot of hot air for short term political gain on this very sensitive issue,” Callus said. “I'm sure that deep down he knows he won't be able to send boats back to Libya unless the situation there changes drastically - even were he to be Prime Minister.”
Callus said Muscat’s strategy, aimed at appealing votes, will only help increase the problem of racism in Malta and fuel far-right extremism in the longer run.