AD accuses Muscat of ‘venting xenophobic populist discourse’

Alternattiva Demokratika said Joseph Muscat should “stop venting dangerous, xenophobic and populist discourse on the immigration issue.”

In a reaction to the comments made by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat Joseph Muscat earlier this morning, AD  chairperson Michael Briguglio accused Muscat of speaking in defence of national interest, without actually saying what he would do in concrete terms.

“Other than empty rhetoric statements and stating that were he Prime Minister he would have sent the immigrants back and let Italy deal with them, Muscat has not come out with concrete actions,” Briguglio said. “This shows that Labour not only is not progressive at all, but it is moving closer to the Far Right.”

Briguglio recalled that in 2009, Muscat had suggested a suspension of the Geneva Convention, “following in Gaddafi’s footsteps”. Without mentioning names, Briguglio said “certain self-proclaimed progressives” have remained silent.

“Even worse, some are apologising for  Labour’s lunacy, even though it sounds like a Maltese version of Italy’s Lega Nord,” he added.

Briguglio said that “the best and most humane way to deal with the immigration issue is to have diplomatic pressure for responsibility sharing within the EU, a line of action that is supported by the European Greens amongst others”.

AD spokesperson for Migration and Citizenship Robert Callus said Muscat is “resorting to cheap populism to create confusion amongst the Maltese.”

"It is sad to see the leader of a so-called progressive and moderate Party blow a lot of hot air for short term political gain on this very sensitive issue,” Callus said. “I'm sure that deep down he knows he won't be able to send boats back to Libya unless the situation there changes drastically - even were he to be Prime Minister.”

Callus said Muscat’s strategy, aimed at appealing votes, will only help increase the problem of racism in Malta and fuel far-right extremism in the longer run.

What AD cannot understand is that the Maltese electorate simply do not want them as can easily gauged by successive dismal performance since they have been in existence as a party. They tried running with wolves when they were about to form an alliance with the PN by persuading people to give them the second the preference after that of the PN but in the thirteenth hour the PN did not play ball and all their hopes were dashed forever. Now if they want to keep fighting with the windmills, well it's their choice, isn't it!
@Andre Portelli. Nahseb li qalbek thabbat mija mija ghal Marx! Hallna nghixu!
Proset Joseph ahna warajk. Int biss ghandek il-kuragg tghid dak li thoss u li hu tajjeb ghal poplu kollu Malti. Hafna ipacpcu qabel ma jahsbu bhal Brighten u anke Salvu Balzan. L-ewwel nett min fejn hi gejja u min holoq din il-problema tal-klandestini jew ahjar invazuri? Din gejja ghal fatt li dawk il-pajjizi kolonjalisti bhal Ingilterra, Franza, Germanja, Olanda u Italja wara li usurpaw il-gid tal-pajjizi li kkolonlizzaw kesksu lit-tribuijiet kontra xulxin, bieghulhom l-armi u hallewhom fi stat mizeru u mifni bil-gwerer civili. Hemm ukoll korruzzjoni kbira mil-multi nazzjonali li halliet ukoll l-effett taghha fuq dawn il-pajjizi instabbli. Mela l-ewwel responsabbilta' ghanda tkun ta' dawk il-pajjizi li kkolonizzawhom. Ghaliex ghandna nibzghu nghiduh dan. Issa x'hinu l-effett tal-klandestini/invazuri fuq pajjizna? Hemm effetti negattivi ghal xi whud u pozittivi ghal ohrajn. L-ewwel effett mhux biex nallarma imma biex naghtu kazu sew hu il-mard infettiv li jgorru maghhom. Mela ghandna nitolbu lil EU biex tiffinanzja li Lazzarett jkun refurbished biex il-klandestini/invazuri kollha li jigu bla certifikat Valina sanitarju jaghmlu zmien Lazzarett sakemm inkunu certi li dawn mhux qed igorru mard infettiv ghal periklu tal-poplu Malti. Dawn qed ikunu htija li rrizorzi limitati taghna qed jikkrollaw. Ezempju car hu li ghall-ewwel darba il-pulizija ma kellhomx rizorsi biex iqassmu n-notifika tal-vot ghar-referendu. Il-Malta Post qablilhom, mela ma jgergrux. L-isptar li ghalkemm hu sabih hafna mhux qed ilehhaq mad-domanda tal-Maltin zdiedlu fuqu il-piz tal-klandestini u barranin ohra. Min se jbati? Il-Maltin li qed inhallsu bil-kbir biex inzommu dan l-isptar. Diversi minn dawn jahdmu bicca bis-sew u uhud minn taht a skapitu tal-haddiema Maltin. Min ihaddimhom imma mar minn fuq ghax ihallashom pagi baxxi. Sejjer tajjeb ukoll min jiehu l-kuntratti tal-ikel u l-lodging sew jekk lajk u sew jekk entita' tal-knisja. Ma nafx kemm dawn il-klandestini/invazuri qed iqumu lit-tax payer Malti barra l-inkonvenjent u periklu imsemmija hawn fuq. Jekk taghddi dik li trid l-EU li dawk ir-refugjati li jkun ilhom aktar minn hames snin f'pajjiz ewropew dawn ikollhom l-istess drittjiet bhac-cittadini ta' dak il-pajjiz li jkunu jghixu fih lili ma toghgobnix ghax tista' twassal ghal inkwiet serju ta' bejn ir-razez kif gara l-Ingilterra, Franza u l-Germanja. Dawn wara ftit jippretendu li nibdlu l-ligijiet kif joghgob lilhom. Bil-qatra l-qatra timtela l-garra.
I agree with AD all the way because they are the only party in malta with principles the Labor has lost its principles and should not call it self socialist it is acting more like a right-wing party in my opinion it only cares for its own people which are the people which vote for them and no one else
Mark Fenech
Toninu - ghandek mitt elf ragun. Il Malta Today portal, Matthew Vella, Saviour Balzan kollha dawru dak li qal Dr. Muscat. Dr. Muscat mhux tghalli ma ridtx ihalli lil klandestina jmutu, anzi kieku kien ghalih kien lest li jghinhom imorru l-Ewropa ghax huma hemm iridu jmorru mhux Malta, maqfulin bhal tigieg ghal 18 il-xahar. Imma ghax Dr. Muscat qal hekk u jrid jaghmel hekk biex l-EU tigi f'sessijha u veru ssir solidati bil-fatti u mhux bil-paroli fil-vojt, dawruha li qal li jrid ihalli lill-klandestini jmutu. Dawn bhal l-ohrajn, aktar ma toqrob l-elezzjoni aktar iduru kontra l-partit laburista, minkejja l-paroli kollha li jkunu qalu matul l-4 snin ta' qabel kontra l-gvern ta' gonzipn.
Joseph Pellicano
Briguglio, your party is always trying to impress, cant you see that you are full of TIJATRIN, no wounder that your party never got nowhere. In my opinion you are the one being populist.
Jista xi hadd jghidli meta u fejn seghmu lil Joseph jghid li ghandna inhallu lil klandestini jerqghu ghax dak hu l-ahjar interess ghal pajjizna? Meta ser tifqu tkunu politikament disonesti u tammettu li dan kollu hu spin tipiku nazzjonalista fi zmien difficli ghal partit taghhom ( mhux ghaz-zieda tal-Cabinet kont qed nirreferi )? Issa naraw kemm hemm pampaluni li iwiegbuni. Dawn in-nies il-gideb huwa il hobz taghhom, u li spinning huwa l-ilma tal hajja ghalihom.
like I said in some other post MALTA L-EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX is coming back to haunt all of the EU blind followers. The EU made sense when it was a commercial union. It does not make sense as a political, or military union. Every country protects it's own interests, but obviously, according to PN and AD, we should save the world on our own. Poor things !!!!!!!!!!
Luke Camilleri
It's the general feeling around! We want our Leaders to look out for the National interest FIRST, OUR INTEREST THE INTEREST OF MALTA AND THE the Labour administrations used to do, Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox! Is that too much too ask?
The German Greens have not protested when Germany closed their frontiers to Illegal immigrants. Is.n't this xonophobic and racist? After all Germany is the riches country in Europe and one of the richest in the world! Why don't you do a sit in front of the German Embassy?....and given that cartain states in Germany the Greeens have a lot of influence why don't AD sent some of our illegal immigrants there?
Hallina Mr. Briguglio. Your speeches are like some SCREAM IN THE DESERT. Nobody gives a s**t at what you say. Next election will surely be your last as what happenned to Azzjoni Nazzjonali will eventually happen to your party.
So AD acknowledge that immigration is a problem (like Muscat), AD want Europe to help( like Muscat) but they want to wait until pigs fly(when the greens are elected to european governments) and Muscat wants action now. iis that xenophobic ??
AD has been and will always be a pressure group. The people of this country want to know where they stand on the issue of immigration because it is simply not acceptable that someone from Brussels and not our own elected Government decides for our country when to press the alarm buttons if a large influx of immigrants hit our shores. Of-course we must not abandon those in distress on the high seas but the EU has a clear responsibility to help too in burden sharing of this problem. If we are ignored by the rest of the EU then we are to take our destiny in our hands and protect our own people. Briguglio does not seem to be living on our same planet because we all know how many times this Government has knocked on the EU's door and as yet has remained shut with vague promises thrown here and there. AD should stick to Bird Hunting and leave other serious issues to serious politicians.
They both are saying the same thing. AD is only trying to gain sympathy and attract votes. And yes I tend to agree with the first comment, that AD is only a Pressure Group.
Joseph Sant
"Briguglio said that “the best and most humane way to deal with the immigration issue is to have diplomatic pressure for responsibility sharing within the EU.." Muscat said (quoting another story is this same paper) "“Malta should push forward the stand that if the immigration problem will not be prioritised, government will be ready to veto EU decisions – and not necessarily on immigration issues.” Aren't they saying this same thing? Enlighten me please.
Give us a break!
yes Mr Briguglio, and when diplomacy is just empty words what do you do ? we have seen the frontex farce; we have seen Italy refusing to go and fish immigrants out to their ports, we have seen Germany, England, France closing their doors to immigrants, so what do you do ? No wonder AD never made an impact on local politics. You are just a pressure group, nothing else.