Protected bird of prey shot in front of Spring Watch team
BirdLife Malta Spring Watch witness several shootings of protected birds, claim to have been subject to aggressive behaviour.
Geoffrey Saliba, BirdLife Malta Campagins Coordinator said the BLM's Spring Watch team at Handaq yesterday morning witnessed a Montagu's Harrier shot just a few hundred meters away.
“The protected bird of prey was later recovered by police officers who responded to BirdLife Malta's call,” Saliba said.
He added another team also witnessed the shooting of two other birds of prey at Has-Saptan area next to the airport in Luqa and the police were also called in.
Saliba said that on Sunday, other teams recorded illegal shooting at all seven locations visited:
“Teams also recorded illegal electronic quail lures, protected kestrels shot at in Marsascala, and armed hunters in the countryside on a Sunday morning when all hunting activity is illegal.”
Saliba said these past two days seven protected birds - four Marsh Harriers, a Grey Heron, a Montagu's Harrier, and a Yellow Legged Gull - were seen by Spring Watch teams in flight with gunshot injuries.
Meanwhile, BirdLife team claim to have been subject to aggressive behaviour.
“A pick-up truck yesterday evening stopped barely short of driving into a Spring Watch team at the Red Tower, causing one team member to jump out of its way to avoid being hit. A group of men then leapt out the truck and started insulting the volunteers,” Saliba said.
He said the incident lasted some 40 minutes during which team members were sworn at, insulted, and the local team leader threatened and told “We know were you live”. Mobile police reacted to a call for assistance and dispersed the aggressors.
Saliba said BirdLife will be compiling a report and sending it to the European Commission at the end of the spring hunting derogation.
Footage of the incidents may be seen on