Alternattiva Demokratika insists for action against Gaddafi’s regime

Alternattiva Demokratika has once again urged government to call on the international community to intervene in the Libya crisis and help save lives.

AD Spokesperson for EU and International Affairs Arnold Cassola called on the Maltese government to insist that the European Union and the United Nations should do something concrete to save people’s lives in the war-torn city of Misrata.

“Hundreds and hundreds have been killed.” Cassola said. “But if the international community does not act fast, the brutal Gaddafi regime will add other hundreds of victims.”

“The civilised world cannot just watch the carnage go on in absolute impotence,” he said.

AD Chairperson Michael Briguglio said government cannot “sit on the fence” and adopt a passive stance.

“The cost of not taking action against the brutal Gaddafi regime, and other similar regimes, is much greater than taking action,” Briguglio said. “It is comfortable to raise endless arguments on whether action should take place from the comfort of Western societies, when innocent civilians are being bombed by the Gaddafi regime.”

sinjuri tal alternattiva demokratika hemm suluzzjoni wahda.....ceasefire..bil waqfien mill glied ma jinqatel hadd la min naha u lanqas min ohra. imma intom qed tibqghu issostnu id duttrina tal qirda tfajtu it tama taghkom fuq il koalizzjoni tal kolonjalisti. l ingilterra, franza, l italja staqsu il ex kolonji taghhom madwar id dinja hemm kienu benevolenti dawn lejn l ex sudditi taghhom.
Keith Goodlip
There are three complete "waste of time organisations" in the world. The U.N., the E.U. and NATO and oh boy, do they like to prove it!
Now that AD have spoken another resolution is going to be passed in the United Nations in the next few hours.............wait and see........... yes forever wait and see.
U min se jisma' hanqa ta' ferh ta' nemlu?! Kemm qed tikber rashom dawn tal-Alternattiva li jahsbu li xi hadd (f'Malta u ahseb w ara barra) se jaghti kashom? Mhux ahjar izzarmaw bil-kwiet milli tibqghu tahlu z-zmien taghkom f'hafna kummenti u stqarrijiet li m'ghandom effett ta' xejn?!