Hunters insist police 'accompany' bird watchers

St Hubert Hunters (KSU) have hit out at BirdLife Malta, decrying the NGO's reports as "false allegations generated to undermine hunters legal right to derogation."

Referring to reports made by BirdLife Malta relating to the shooting of protected birds of prey and the alleged attacks on members of BLM’s Spring Watch Team, St Hubert Hunters (KSU) reiterated their call for the police to accompany the bird watchers or teams from the Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS).

“We reiterate our offer to pay for such police presence,” the association said.

In its statement, KSU said that it had been instrumental in proposing measures to strictly control hunters – including the increase in ALE manpower, the appointing of marshals, a real time recording system and an easily recognisable means to registered hunter identification.

But KSU also claimed that BLM’s ‘allegations’ – which “lack official confirmation” – are directed “solely to undermine police efforts at enforcement.”

“These much publicised reports which are pure speculation, ultimately jeopardize the 'strict supervision' test required as part of the spring hunting derogation,” it said.

“We are aware of our obligations towards ensuring strict control of derogation and have - through the fees collected from our spring hunting license - contributed €280,500 towards better enforcement.”

But what KSU describes as “pure speculation”, BLM yesterday reported that one of the protected birds of prey shot down was retrieved by ALE officers.

In the statement, BLM had also said they will be filing a report of their findings to the European Commission to oversee the spring hunting derogation.

“We too are third parties that will be reporting our observations,” KSU said. “Unlike BLM’s, all our actions are reflected in the results of a substantial police presence dedicated to oversee strict observance.”

The hunters association also said it “demands that all reports presented by BLM are either officially denied or witnessed by a police officer paid for through our funds.”

It added that “illegalities are not only related to hunting but could also take the form of fictitious reporting by an organization that has publicly declared to put an end to spring hunting.”

KSU also said it condemns BLM’s “false allegations being generated solely to undermine our legal right to derogation based on totally unverified facts.

“[We] solicit immediate official action to prevent further ridicule of an efficient police force that is performing admirably.”

KSU still hasn't realised that the biggest threat to their cause is the rot within their ranks. These culprits are simply using KSU and FKNK as a front to continue shooting down anything that flies and the respectable image that the hunting associations are trying to project is constantly being eroded from within their own ranks. A large proportion of the public already know what is going on……..try one of the numerous hunter’s bars to get an unbiased summation of what is really going on…. The KSU, by this ingenious idea to police BL, is simply undermining it’s own credibility and is simply striving to hide it’s own dirty washing. So if it’s just the few who are breaking the law why is it so difficult to solicit your own members to expose these illegalities? The increased presence of law enforcers, together with BL and the Cabs has indeed made a difference this spring so how about doing the same come autumn and winter.
Keith Goodlip
it might be an idea if the hunting organisations themselves get out there to control the poachers and gunslingers, instead of whining about "allegations". Then, maybe, they might gain some credibility.
some hunters might be looking forward to tip a police officer or two, to give them some prior notice on where they will be heading to.....
George Zammit
Nah, Thorny, no need for that.....we leave the lowest form of wit to you. You seem to excel at snide remarks short of facts.
Luke Camilleri
The hunters will be soon be saying that the birds are committing suicide by shooting themselves .......