BirdLife condemns ‘libellous statements’ by hunting lobby

BirdLife condemns St Hubert Hunters’ (KSU) ‘attempt to cover up illegal hunting’.

BirdLife Malta has said that St Hubert Hunters are covering up illegal hunting by discrediting the conservation organisation’s reports, saying it was the hunters who needed to provide irrefutable evidence that all 5,600 hunters licensed to kill this spring were honestly reporting their catch.

BirdLife drew attention to the fact that the organisation had consistently backed up its reports with photo and video evidence, eyewitness accounts and the necessary police reports.

The conservation organisation referred to the video of the shot Harrier released earlier this week showing the shot protected bird being collected by police officers.

The Executive Director of BirdLife Malta, Paul Debono, welcomed the KSU’s call for police officers to accompany BirdLife Malta’’s Spring Watch camp teams. “This would result in a more efficient police response to catching poachers, and it would provide additional safety to the organisation’s teams. BirdLife Malta already pays a police officer (off duty) to visit the teams, and also engages security officers for the teams’ protection.”

Last Tuesday, Birdlife filed a police report regarding an incident that occurred at the Red Tower, in the Foresta 2000 site, where four volunteers (two Maltese, an English and a Dutch) were verbally abused for 40 minutes.

Paul Debono added: “It’s ironic that the KSU feels that a handful of Spring Watch teams should be monitored at all times, while they are completely satisfied that 40 officers can strictly supervise 5,600 licensed hunters spread across Malta and Gozo.”

BirdLife demanded that the KSU provide evidence that all the licensed hunters on the islands were honestly reporting their catch. The number of birds shot is being measured through voluntary reporting by hunters in their carnet de chasse and the SMS they are supposed to send to MEPA every time a bird is killed. Every time a hunter fails to do this, the killing never happened. It is a convenient way for hunters to appear to stick to quota limits.

“To divert attention from their own wrongdoing, the KSU is throwing mud at a wall hoping that some of it will stick. BirdLife Malta’s track record speaks for itself, just as the hunting lobby’s past actions reveal this tactic is not new,” Debono said.

George Zammit
"BirdLife condemns ‘libellous statements’ by hunting lobby" Can you tell me, Maltatoday, where the above words in italics appear? Or are you just juicing up another load of bollocks from your buddies? The way you slant everything to put all hunters in a bad light is disgusting. And you have the gall to claim to be Malta's only independent paper! The sheer bitchiness of some previous articles is staggering. If you want to cover a hot subject like hunting, at least get your facts RIGHT and keep your own personal opinions OUT OF IT. Bloody shameful, I call it....what a disgrace to the profession.
Mela sewwa l-kaccaturi gew misluha €50 biex johorgu ghal kacca f'April u ma jistghux joqtlu iktar minn 4 tajriet u issa lil dawn il-barranin li jigu hawn ghal holiday biex jispijaw fuq il-kaccaturi nibdew nibghatulhom pulizija wkoll. U din tal-Bird Life li taghmel festa meta jsibu xi tajra tal-priza maqtula mhux gharukaza li tipprova thammeg lill-kaccaturi kollha, jekk jinabad xi hadd jabbuza jew jiskser il-ligi ha jhallas u hekk ghandu jkun imma mhux thammeg lill-kullhadd. Ara fil-pajjiz kemm hawn ligijiet li kwazi kollha jinkisru pero' min jinqabad jittella l-Qorti u jiehu dak li haqqu, imma qatt ma tara xi ahbar sensazzjonali jekk ma jkunx xi kaz kbir bhal qtil, xi serqa kbir. Din tal-Bird Life m'ghadix id-doqq tajjeb id-diska ghax kwazi tilfet il-kredibilita kollha ma kullhadd inkluz mieghi li jiena m'inhiex dilettant tal-kacca anzi l-armi jdejquni, lili ssibli minn kollox id-dar ghajr arma. Good Luck kaccaturi j'Alla dan l-istagun tghaddi passa tajba ghax sa issa milli jidher ma kien hawn xejn gamiem u summien.