Vince Farrugia blocks Lidl on Good Friday, obtains change in Legal Notice
GRTU boss Vince Farrugia has managed to obtain a legal notice by government that blocked plans by Lidl Supermarket chain to open regularly for business tomorrow, Good Friday.
Farrugia lodged a formal complaint with the Parliamentary Secretariat for SME’s specifically demanding that the law be changed “so that Good Friday remains as it has always been: a special holy day and a family day for all”.
Lidl Supermarket had advertised on brochures and its website that it would be open tomorrow as usual between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Parliamentary secretary Jason Azzopardi swiftly issued a legal notice, that effectively banned retail on Good Friday by making a special case for it in the law.
The Trading Licences Act makes provision for establishments to be able to obtain a special licence to open on Sundays and public holidays has now been amended to bar such licences for Good Friday.