Church media discriminated against journalist over political, trade union affiliation
Former acting editor files complaint in industrial tribunal.
The former acting editor of Church radio RTK has filed a protest in the industrial tribunal against her employers, over unfair and discriminatory treatment during a selection process to be appointed editor.
Sabrina Agius responded to an internal call for applications for editor of RTK and Gensillum online but was not picked for the role. The position was later advertised in an external call for applications, leading to the engagement of former Net News journalist Josianne Camilleri as the new head of news.
Agius served as acting head of news throughout the year after the departure of Leonard Callus. In her protest, she claimed she was subjected to discriminatory treatment throughout the selection process, and other incidents of bullying, intimidation and harassment from her superiors “intended to make her resign”.
Agius, who is currently still in active employment with RTK, said she resisted these attempts to make her resign.
“It clearly emerged that the company acted differently with Agius over what it considered was her political opinion, and her affiliation in a trade union,” General Workers Union lawyer Aron Mifsud Bonnici wrote in the protest.
Agius is asking for financial compensation and the removal of the discriminatory actions against her.
The Church’s media arm is the company Media Centre, whose directors are Curia spokesperson Kevin Papagiorcopulo, lawyer Robert Tufigno, and business advisor Franco Azzopardi.
Both Papagiorcopulo and Tufigno were major protagonists in the anti-divorce movement during the divorce referendum campaign