Labour asks BA to bring PBS in line over Lou Bondì, Peppi Azzopardi

Labour MP Gino Cauchi has asked the Broadcasting Authority to oblige the Public Broadcasting Services in getting in line with broadcasting legislation, over its accusations of partiality by Where’s Everybody directors Lou Bondì and Peppi Azzopardi.

Speaking after an admission by Azzopardi of having coached Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando to face down former Labour leader Alfred Sant in the run-up to the 2008 election, Cauchi said the BA had to enforce section 19 of the Broadcasting Act’s subsidiary legislation on standards and practice. [READ – opens PDF]

The legislation states that those known to the public primarily as presenters of current affairs programmes on PBS must be seen to be impartial. “It is important that no off-air activity, including writing, the giving of interviews or the making of speeches, leads to any doubt about their objectivity on-air. If such presenters or reporters publicly express personal views off-air on controversial issues, then their on-air role may be severely compromised.”

The law further states that such presenters must not state their voting preferences, express themselves in favour of any policy in a matter of current party debate, advocate any particular position on an issue of current public controversy or debate, or exhort a change in high-profile public policy.

“It is the BA’s obligation to see that the law is followed. PBS appears to be out of control and degenerating into an arm of the Nationalist Party,” Cauchi said. 

Cauchi said Labour had already complained to PBS chairman Joseph Mizzi, copying articles from Bondì’s personal blog in which he criticised Labour policies, MPs and the Opposition leader, but had not received any acknowledgement from the station.

He also said that Bondì had declared himself publicly on Net TV that he would vote for the Nationalist Party, and that Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando had testified in court that Peppi Azzopardi had coached him in how to face down Alfred Sant during a Broadcasting Authority press conference.

“Azzopardi is therefore admitting he had a crucial role in coaching PN members during the election. Additionally, he produced influential programmes during the 2008 elections, including debates between the two leaders, that were crucial in making people’s minds up,” Cauchi said.

Azzopardi’s role in coaching Pullicino Orlando during the Mistra scandal was revealed in court during the sitting for a libel suit against Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan, by Richard Cachia Caruana, Malta’s permanent representative to the EU.

Cauchi added that Lou Bondì’s programmes are touted as impartial and independent programmes. “Today I ask the general public whether they believe these programmes are impartial, balanced and independent.”

Cauchi added that the current PBS chief executive Anton Attard had in 2008 served as Pullicino Orlando’s minder during his clash with Sant over the Mistra scandal. “Attard was there to see that the player did exactly as he was coached to do with Sant,” Cauchi charged.

He also said he wanted to know from Azzopardi whether he ‘coached’ the Prime Minister in the run-up to the 2008 general elections.

In his testimony, Pullicino Orlando confirmed that he was following instructions before the 2008 elections as instructed by Cachia Caruana and former PN secretary-general Joe Saliba.

In court Pullicino Orlando was asked by Balzan’s defence lawyer Toni Abela to mention the name of the person who had coached him. Last week in an interview with Josanne Cassar, Pullicino Orlando had mentioned he had been coached without revealing who this person was.

Its back to square on; so much for the 'xandir tar-regeme' and politics by 'persuation'! Some persuation! The holier than thou brigade' need to reinvent itself!
For the benefit of all members of Idiots Anonymous posting here, let me point out that the television license does NOT go to PBS. . I'm only saying this out of kindness, because it pains me to see fellow Maltese wallowing in ignorance.
Its time the people stop turning the other cheek, hit these hamalli where it hurts stop paying the licenses.The PL knows that words get you nowhere. We want action NOW.
Where is their MORALITY? Where is their INTEGRITY? and indeed - Where is EVERYBODY? Can you let your country be ridiculed any further and your taxes stolen from you in plain site?
So Sant was proved right after all! Why entertain the Clowns! You could tell the Smirk on their Faces!!!
I cannot really understand why people still tune in on TVM. It is so boring and the programs really suck.
I do not mind Peppi and Bondi on PBS... we all know where their political bias stands. However, the Broadcasting Authority should insist with PBS to have this democratic deficit against the PL rectified immediately by finding a suitable counter balance for both the two nationalist leaning (or bending) presenters and their two productions, Xarabank and Bondi+. If PBS really wants to be impartial and be seen to be so, programmes with a political content should either not be left in the hands of Peppi and Bondi or else my suggestion of counterbalancing them with labour leaning presenters (and not ones in the payroll of WE, mind you) should be seriously considered and urgently implemented.
@Belti u Malti, I have been saying the same thing you said for ages, Its about time that us the tax payers do our part.
When Al.Sant wanted to boycott WE because he was wise enough to see through their mask even MLP officials and MP's turned against him, because they are such lackeys just like their PN counterparts. Sant was correct about other matters too, more serious ones, such as the Euro.
Saviour, find a decent sub editor. PBS stands for Public Broadcasting Services, NOT Public Broadcasting Authority!!
Still not a squeak from the PBS Editorial Board. Shameful!!!
Personally I don't have any trouble at all with local TV (aka potical propoganda machines), I simply don't watch ANY of 'em.
Peppi Azzopardi should do the decent thing and stop anchoring Xarabank. Journalists presenting programmes on state TV are bound to declare their involvement in politics. Peppi, you have failed this basic test. You can NEVER expect to be taken seriously. SHAME ON YOU!
Its has been very obvious for years now, even to the ants, the flies and the mosquitos that both Xarabank and Bondi+ favour the PN Goverment.
Don't give us shit Peppi, you eat it yourself. JPO has now spilled the beans on you. You took part in a mediatic ambush planned by RCC and executed by you. This incident lays bare the fact that our country is in the grip of a deadly spider's web with RCC being the Black Widow itself. It's a shame that in a democratic country an ambassador stoops to play the role of partisan hack with a benevolent Gonzi smiling and rewarding him for his efforts. It's a shame taht our BA lets Loo Bond and Peppi getting away with their foul play. Both are a threat to liberty and the democratic process. Both are polluting the mainstream of Maltese journalism. Both must go. A Labour Government should arraign these dirty anchormen before the Courts for abusing the Public Broadcasting system. BA Chairman Anthony J Tabone should also be hauled before the Courts as an accessory. He did not use his powers to stop them from conducting dirty one-sided shows and transmissions. He also disregarded BA regulations which state that politically motiovated persons should never be awarded programmes on TVM. But to add insult to injury, now TVM is totally occupied by GOnziPN to the extent that even its Breakfast show is run by Pierre Portelli and Dr Joe Mifsud. Tje latter does not represent the PL. He has almost crossed the bridge and now he's just an appendix of his new masters. The PL parliamentary group should raise hell and highwater in the House and harass the its proceedings until Loo & Peppi are axed. If they want to continue transmitting they should go on Net.
Lisa Borg
We would love to hear, what Minister Dolores Cristina has to say about this saga. Why has she remained silent despite the seriousness of these implications? Maybe she is still trying to find the right words...ermmm...excuses
@trollface They are where they belong. . Slowly the facades are crumbling and soon gonziPN will be left naked with nowhere to run. WE stands for - WANKERS EMPIRE.
The use of Public Broadcasting to bolster the regime is a sure sign of creeping authoritarianism and failing democracy. The writing is on the wall - are we going to stand idle and see it happen?
Article 19, for the lazy ones: "It is important that no off-air activity, including writing, the giving of interviews or the making of speeches, leads to any doubt about their objectivity on-air. If such presenters or reporters publicly express personal views off-air on controversial issues, then their on-air role may be severely compromised." Lou and Peppi are in deep shit.
and if the brodcasting authority dosent do justice, we do justice ourselves! no one pays the licence anymore! tpaxxux lil hallellin tal poplu! meta ser titalmu?
attenti ma jmorrux jieqfu jxandru bi protest ghax inkella PBS ma jkun fadallu xejn aktar xi jxandar!!