Government employed 1,672 new workers in one year
The 1,394 employees no longer working in the public services were not only replaced but some 278 additional people were employed by government entities.
The Prime Minister’s Office has confirmed that over the last 12 months, government employed 1,672 new Public Service workers. This number does not include the number of new employees taken on by government authorities such as MEPA, Sunday newspaper Illum reports.
Between 11 October 2010 and 11 October 2011, 1,394 people stopped working in the public services sector. These workers were not only replaced, but an additional 278 were employed. According to Illum, this intake does not tally with statements that the number of those employed with government should decrease.

That's what they always say 'noholqu x-xoghol'. What's wrong with that?? Issa mmur s'ghand Santa Giovanna. Issa jew tghaddini bord inkella iddahhalni mal-Gozo Channel biex dawn l-erbat'ijiem li fadlilna npappuwa.

Mark Fenech •
Ma jafux jistħu nsomma dawn in-nies.

kollha laburisti!

Instead of shrinking, as was always promised by the nationalist administrations, the public sector is still being stuffed with additional workers. This keeps on adding to the already existing problems of productivity and indirectly contributes to administration's bureaucratic problems.
This not to mention the hundreds (if not thousands) indirectly employed with the government but on the books of the numerous boards, corporations and authorities which have mushroomed over the years.
And this in light of the fact that to-date we are still being deceitfully reminded of the presumably thousands who where employed by the labour administration of the eighties before the '87 change in government - almost twenty five years ago.

It is against EU austerity plan

Noholqu ix-xoghol says gonzi and the way he does reminds us of the previous tatics of the nationalist party.
Looks like gonzi is gearing up for the elections wonder if they'll be called before time.

Gejja l-elezzjoni. BRUSSELS WAKE UP.