PM’s ‘outrage’ over Labour’s handling of EFSF ratification

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said he holds Joseph Muscat responsible for “damaging Malta’s reputation” over the delay in approving the EFSF ratification agreement.

Addressing a political activity in Swieqi, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said the Opposition “embarrassed” Malta in front of the “whole world that was waiting for us to approve the EFSF ratified agreement.”

Last Monday, after a five-hour session, Parliament approved a bill which ratified the European Financial Stability Facility. Initially, the bill was agreed upon in July and following the summer recess, Parliament had to approve the agreement as soon as it started, Wednesday before.

But former Prime Minister Alfred Sant raised an objection over a legal technicality. Sant repeatedly questioned the legality for approving the EFSF, which was originally approved by an act in July last year. The amendment was to provide for the extension of the facility.

Sant had objected and said that the updated text of the EFSF agreement had not been presented along with the resolution that authorises its approval. He added that the text needed to be examined in light of new obligations for Malta.

Then last Monday, after a lengthy session, Sant said that such amendments should be discussed at Committee level, to which Gonzi objected, saying that the Opposition could have viewed and analysed the documents before coming to Parliament.

“We gave the Opposition all it asked for and made our technical team available to them if they wanted more clarifications,” Gonzi said this morning. “But the Opposition insisted on being difficult and make us look bad when all eyes were on us.”

He said that it was to Malta’s benefit that the Eurozone regains its stability and uncertainty was not good for the country’s economy.

Gonzi added that government had agreed beforehand with Labour leader Joseph Muscat that it was important the document was unanimously approved. He reiterated that the EFSF was an important mechanism to safeguard the economic markets and it was in Malta’s interest of the workers to see that the markets are stabilised:

“There obviously is a hidden agenda if the Opposition wants to toy with the future of our workers,” Gonzi claimed.

He said that he felt “embarrassed” having to receive phone calls from “important ambassadors” all asking why the delay in the vote: “The Financial Times put us on the same scale as Slovakia, whose Opposition threatened to vote against the ratification. We prided ourselves in being a stable country and now this reputation has been tainted.”

Gonzi said Muscat was irresponsible and should have been aware of what was going on internally in the PL when it was discussing Europe’s economy.

“It is evident that Labour is not clear on its stand over Malta’s accession to the EU. Alfred Sant continues to question if it was a good idea and continuously criticises the Euro, while the Labour Party never disputed his claims.”

Gonzi also challenged Muscat to “say where he wants our country to head. Does he want Malta to remain at the heart of Europe?”

In another statement, Gonzi defended his government’s policy of liberalisation and said he prided himself in incentivising those companies who were contributing to Malta’s economic growth while stopped subsiding those which were not sustainable such as the old public transport system and the Malta Dry Docks.

Does stability mean to do whatever the government tells you to do?
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said he holds Joseph Muscat responsible for “damaging Malta’s reputation” .This wanna bee world statesman lost all his marbles, damaging Malta's reputation Mr.Gonzi is when you as a PM voted against the wishes of the people in a referendum that you yourself proposed, damaging Malta reputation is when you stole 500 euros extra per week behind every one's back. How could the LP damage Malta'reputation when you destroyed every bit of pride we once had? Your reputation has long been established as the weakest, inconsistent,arrogant PM of all time.
Luke Camilleri
Just thank Dr. Muscat, Dr. Sant and other opposition members for doing your and your Cabinet of imited talents' job and seeking and looking after the National Interest First and formost!
I would have not brought up the subject if I were Gonzi. What was certainly embarrassing and a huge affront to the people and Parliament was that the original agreement setting up the EFSF was not tabled in Parliament. This shows gross incompetence but it seems no one would own up for this omission. Dr Sant was assiduous and acted well within his remit as an M.P. in a parliament of a sovereign nation. If he had wanted to stall matters, he would have opposed an extension of the debate on Monday but he did not. I think all of us should be grateful to Dr Sant for not allowing the debate to be transformed in a rubber-stamp affair. What was on the other hand not acceptable was the shoddy manner in which the whole matter was handled by the executive. Soon, Parliament will face another motion to increase once again the capital guarantees of the EFSF because it seems that € 2 t is needed, not € 440 b that has now been approved, to prevent a meltdown of the European banking system. Moreover, Barroso is proposing to anticipate the setting up of the European Stability Mechanism a year earlier. Our PM should refrain from spinning to earn some cheap political mileage as he used to brag when the financial crisis hit Iceland, He should instead focus on the serious nature of the present financial crisis which has been caused primarily by the reluctance of politicians to take responsible decisions for fear of losing their seats of power. Doesn't it sound familiar (and this applies to the Opposition as well) ? Populism has indebted our democracies to such an extent that their survival is threatened as never before since WWII. Let's act before it is too late. Already, a wave of social protest and anti-political sentiment is rearing its head. J.Ellis.
Let Greece default. That is the only way. But bring it down as a controlled default. This will limit the dangers to the Euro.
@I M Shreck With statements like these, Gonzi wants to remind us that he is the epitome of Arrogance. . I think you are wrong there , he's the epitome of INCOMPETENCE, arrogance belongs to the Wanker and stupidity to Tonio ArseInAll
The problem is that the opposition approved this resolution without a proper discussion on why Malta must give this huge guarantee and what happens if we have to pay out on it. Secondly if the ESFS was subject to approval it would imply that the Maltese parliament could have disapproved. What would have happened then. We have rendered parliament a rubber stamp body as otherwise we would damage out reputation according to Gonzi.
With statements like these, Gonzi wants to remind us that he is the epitome of Arrogance. The only thing that matters to this administration is the servile attitude that all nationalist administrations of the past have shown towards or foreign masters. They (the PN) know that they have dragged the maltese into something which is turning to be a nightmare, putting it mildly. So now, in desperation, they want to blame it on someone else. A convenient excuse to save their ruthless and vile face. Quo vadis Malta?
Paul Sammut
Hekka sejrin tajjeb. Jidher li ha nispiccaw b`teatru mighajr saqaf u prim ministru minghajr qalziet.
Mark Anthony Enriquez
possibbli li ghadu jitwemmen?mhux ahjar jaghlaq halqu u jirringrazzja lil sant talli ta lezzjoni lil lis- school boy li ghandu mieghu jmexxi flusna!!! frankalu li jaqa wahda ghac cajt nobis, gih il bambin WARBU!!!
What is the problem of having a guarantee on a loan that is going to make good from the peoples money and our children and their children and their children. Is this the irresponsibility of Dr.Joseph Muscat or a hidden agenda, Mr.Prime Minister ? It's been said in Parliament some time ago, that our children will have to make good for such a nonsense agreement ( without guarantee). Thank you E.U. and Mr.Dr.Prime Minister Gonzi.
Maybe we need to start the "Occupy Wall Street" movement in Malta as well as is happening worldwide.
Outrage in giving our money to thieving Greeks????? and now they have the gross cheek of sending over their President on a short holiday/State visit to Malta. It's not only cheeky but outrageous for him to be travelling at the people's expense when his Country is busy being bailed out.
Get off it mr. gonzi. Why would malta's reputation be damaged for having the Maltese citizens, not you, donate 700 million to a fund where I doubt if we ever see the money again. I hope I am wrong and we will get the money back, but you know as well as I do that it's like giving away money to charity in today's europe. Europe is not financially stable as most people know unless you are living in a bubble. And what do you suppose a leader of opposition is suppose to do. Debate and state his mind. The same expection is also there for each elected member of parlament. If everyone were to agree with what you say, and most people including thousands and thousands of nationlist like myself, then what is DEMOCRACY. Will you please stop your arrogance once and for all.
Well said, Maltabiss. The only way forward is out of this designed collapse that will enslave all European citizens. And I'll repost my earlier message here: For “damaging Malta’s reputation”? What brown-nosed PM would say such a thing? And what about the looming bank bailout? What does our PM have to say about us being forced to bail out banks on mainland EU? Are they too big to fail, or are we too small to matter? When is anyone here going to wake up to what's REALLY going on?
These arguments are EXACTLY the same ones as the ones used against Slovak polititian Richard Sulik who said NO to the EFSF. Note: Did you now Greece spent last year 3000 millions of euro on tanks for their military, besides buying submarines from Germany?? So, is European Parliament kidding us all??
Who do you think you`re trying to fool GONZIPN,do you honestly think that Maltese people who have their brains in the right place believe a word you said ??? Dr.SANT had a point and he stuck to it,he wanted to make sure that everything is being done the right way,not like you GONZIPN A YESMAN FOR EUROPE.
The EU wants to increase the fund five-fold to more than 2 TRILLION from the present €440 Billion. ** That means that while we are now exposed to €704 for the fund apart from the money already lost to Greece, we must increase our funding five-fold making it €3500 MILLION. ** Is this what our politicians want to do to us? ** Is this the burden our politicians wants us to be burdened with? ** Our answer will be on our ballot paper. ** Either OUT of the Euro and the EU or you shall get the same message on our ballot paper.
Ahhh, go away Gonz, we're fed up of you!
Quote: "“There obviously is a hidden agenda if the Opposition wants to toy with the future of our workers,” Gonzi claimed" Toying with the future of the workers is the one who said that in Malta's interest he would secure Malta's loan to Greece by collateral (though he never said in which form) and then was made to eat humble pie and return home home empty handed - as usual. Where has Malta's pride gone? By the way how can you accuse others of toying with the future of the workers and then dish out money, out of the Maltese coffers, to other countries? Can the PN's apologists enlighten me on this issue?
Oh, how easy to find a scapegoat! The PN goverment should blame themselves and stop cracking rotten jokes!!!
Desperation is the English word!!!! This is what the PN is getting to as there is nothing they can put the blame on Labour for. They have been around too long. So their only strategy is to try to put everyone in a bad light and try to have us believe that they are the only one capable of being in office. They should be the lecturers in a new course at university called PMS (Professional Mud Slinging). Nobody does it better!!!
FROM THE THEATRE OF GONZIPN ACT 1....SCENE 1 "Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said he holds Joseph Muscat responsible for “damaging Malta’s reputation” over the delay in approving the EFSF ratification agreement." Dr. Gonzi is it possible that you are convinced that the Maltese people are that gullible and stupid to believe your rehearsed messages? Let me guess you were coached by Peppi Azzopardi how to take the Maltese electorate for a ride with the usual devious accusations? How could Malta be embarrased by ratifying the EFSF agreement when there is still one member state that voted it down? Dr.Gonzi are you sure that with your acting coach you are hallucinating and mixed up Malta for Slovakia? And is it possible that the people listening to you are so brainwashed that they are negligent in their duties to protect the assets of their country? TOO BAD THERE WAS NOBODY AROUND DURING YOUR SPEECH TO SHOW THE COURAGE OF MS.ABELA GARRETT BECAUSE ONCE AGAIN YOU ARE THE PROOF THAT THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE F****** WANKER IN YOUR ADMINISTRATION. ONE THING IS FOR CERTAIN! YOUR SINKING ADMINISTRATION IS CLUTCHING TO EVERY STRAW IT CAN LAY THEIR HANDS ON.
If this is the new way of doing politics , always putting the blame on the opposition when things are not going your way , you must be the most stupid Prime Minister of all time . Do you think that the majority of the people beleve you when you say that Joseph Muscat is damiging Malta's reputation for requesting that tecnical legalities is addressed before the ratification procedure . If this is your new way of doing politics , always blaming the opposition when things are not going your way , you must be the most stubborn and idiotic Prime Minister of all times . Don't woory Mr.Prime Minister , you don't have to much time left till the people send you and your inadequate ministers to the place where you belong , on the opposition benches . Time is running out , a few more months and you'll be out of your office .
I would like to ask, has our beloved prime minister asked Greece to take a couple of thousands of our illegals together with our money to save their misbegotten ass?
Rather than being outraged I feel most reassured that there was at least one MP who must have read the agreement carefully and realised that it breached the procedural rules of the Maltese parliament whether technical or in substance. I feel also reassured the EU itself will now be aware that we are not a Noddy or a rubber stamp but do take Malta's financial commitments and potential future liabilities quite seriously and that the sovereignity of our parliament has to be respected even if there was a backroom agreement between the parties in principle.
Malta's reputation is damaged by events like the Lockerbie tragedy, the escape of a notorious drug dealer and the release of yet another one. Promising medical help to Libyans when you know you have a crisis of your own or introducing a transport system that makes tourists angry with a negative impact.
For “damaging Malta’s reputation”? What brown-nosed PM would say such a thing? And what about the looming bank bailout? What does our PM have to say about us being forced to bail out banks on mainland EU? Are they too big to fail, or are we too small to matter? When is anyone here going to wake up to what's REALLY going on?
BLAME IT ON LABOUR is the name of the game when everything is going against GonziPN' way - Moody's, Dr Debono, JPO, JP Farrugia, Mugliett, Arriva, ARMS, Smart City, ever rising deficit, W & E bills, fuel costs, unkept pre-election promises and................(the list is endless). By now we are used to the same old tactics!
So according to Gonzi, either you agree with him or you are damaging Malta's reputation. What is parliament for than? A simple rubber stamp? On a different issue, surly now is not the right time to defend our accession to the Euro zone! Would have been better off outside at the moment.
I think what's damaging to our reputation is the fact that important parliamentary records seem to have just gone missing. That gives the impression of an amateurish parliament.
hallina wenz.Trid twehhel f'joseph .Ara vera ma ghadekx xi tghid.Ahjar tara il ministri x qed ihawwdu.Time is running out