Dog pup found nailed upside down to wooden cross
A priest in Mosta had the shock of his life when he found a dead puppy nailed to a wooden cross, hanging upside down on the front door of a vacant house.
The horrific discovery was made yesterday morning along Mosta’s Main Street. Police said an object symbolising a halo was also found on the dog’s head.
Whoever did the macabre act also left a note, claiming that "what the dog had gone through is nothing to what [he] is enduring."
As a police investigation is ongoing, the Animal Welfare department's coordinator Janice Chetcuti has appealed to anyone who has information about the case to come forward.
Despite the harsher penalties that have been introduced against abusers, there seems to be no end to animal abuse. Only last month, a boxer dog was discovered wrapped up in a black rubbish bag and thrown away in a skip.
Earlier this year, the case of the dog Star made international headlines after the dog was found buried alive up to her snout.