Dog pup found nailed upside down to wooden cross

A priest in Mosta had the shock of his life when he found a dead puppy nailed to a wooden cross, hanging upside down on the front door of a vacant house.

The horrific discovery was made yesterday morning along Mosta’s Main Street. Police said an object symbolising a halo was also found on the dog’s head.

Whoever did the macabre act also left a note, claiming that "what the dog had gone through is nothing to what [he] is enduring."

As a police investigation is ongoing, the Animal Welfare department's coordinator Janice Chetcuti has appealed to anyone who has information about the case to come forward.

Despite the harsher penalties that have been introduced against abusers, there seems to be no end to animal abuse. Only last month, a boxer dog was discovered wrapped up in a black rubbish bag and thrown away in a skip.

Earlier this year, the case of the dog Star made international headlines after the dog was found buried alive up to her snout.

I have to say that please dont go there with the disturbed childhoob BS because my husband was severely abused and came from a totally screwed up family and he has NEVER harmen an animal. This culture should be eliminated from the lanet. The people who do this should be hung but first set on fire. May they rot in hell. may their children be born disfigured. may they see their mothers die terrible deaths. This is what I wishh for all of the C&NTS who abuse -torture and neglect animals. For a justice system that is still so barbaric in its views of rights for animals it is never goig to get better. GOD BLESS AMERICA so long as your not an animal because if you are you are still a slave to be mistreated, abused, and owned by evil human beings. So please. Cut the childhood crap out because its thinking like that which has children growing up with such skewered twisted views.
I think the time has come for us people of good will to unite and hunt down these kind of bastards,and obviously be the judges too. Please journalists try not to report extensively as maybe these sickos enjoy viewing their acts on TV, so at least they will not have that pleasure.
The Culprit shoukd have the same fate.
Death penalty NOW! This brutality deserves nothing less than a death penalty!!!
Sick. Find him/her ,lock him/her and throw away the key.
Cruelty to animals is often a sign of a disturbed mind which in turn is the result of a very troubled childhood. This particular case with its ritualistic tones and the message sent strengthens the view that this is a cry for help from a highly perturbed individual. if the perpetrator is caught he should be punished, but referred for help too.
through the previous months more and more animal brutality had come to the surface and this is what is trigering us animal lovers to fight for new legislations. What the courts and the member of the Parliaments have to keep in mind is that people who do these things are most dangerous because if a person is capable to do this to an innocent pup, just imagine what he is capable to do to a human being who intentionally tells him something which he might not like. The truth lies here, altough some form of new penalties were ammended several people are not scared enough and even not aware of them. We need to give voice to those who can't speak but can feel. I am so sorry for this little puppy who as such a young age met this true evil. Shame on the person who did this and I really hope that justice will reach him. Please if anyone have some kind of information on this case, step forward, do not be scared from a person so coward that after doing such action he decided to leave a note instead of taking up his responsability. Please help the animal welfare do their job so at least finally we can bring animal brutality to the end.. together. Thanks for just finding some time to read this article.