[Watch] Government justified over certain political appointees – Carol Aquilina
The new president of the Nationalist Party’s administrative council Carol Aquilina says certain appointees should hold government’s trust.
Interviewed by Saviour Balzon on Reporter, Siggiewi’s deputy mayor Karol Aquilina said there are certain positions that should be given to individuals who enjoy government’s trust.
Aquilina was asked to comment about the fact that the PN is being criticised over appointing individuals according to their political affiliations, rather than on basis of meritocracy.
“There are certain positions which government has interest to see – and it is justified – that persons appointed enjoy its trust,” he said.
Reporter is aired from Monday to Friday on Favourite Channel at 7:45pm

Christ! Is this namby-pamby crony the guy who is supposed to help Gonzi lead the party I've always voted for, the PN, into battle at the next election? Dear oh dear.

Oh yes, dear Dr Karol...how come?1? But then it's good to know. Thanks.

X.kull wahda din! Stuck up in the past! Partit tal-klikka!

These are expected and predictable statements from one of the cronies.

So Carol, Labour will not be saddled with people who do not have the confidence of the Gov. So I expect you not to make a mockery out of the sistuation then