Stipends have to increase to reflect student needs - FZL

Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti says stipends need updating and internships should be introduced to ‘realistically’ support students and their future.

The Forum Zghazagh Laburisti (FZL) said that stipends should be updated to reflect the real needs of students today. "Since the last adjustments to the stipends were made, the cost of living increased while the stipends' value decreased," the forum said.

In a motion approved at the Annual General Meeting of the FZL, arguments were made on several points of principles shaping FZL policy, regarding tertiary education.

The FZL supported the need for much closer cooperation with the industry where students would be able to see what they are taught academically at University in practice.

The need for internships is felt in several university courses, and although faculties have been working on the issue, much more needs to be done according to the FZL.

“Students require experience focused on what they are studying and for it to be recognised as part of their studies,” the FZL said.

The FZL said that this would ensure an easier transition  for students entering the working world and industries would also benefit from a stronger workforce with a solid background in practical training.

Numerous clauses was also criticised by the FZL who said that it should never be considered: "It hinders youth development and restricts students from following their chosen career path."

Reference was also made to examinations and student rights, infrustructure, courses and the need for more specialisation, the lecturers, research and development, student theses, curriculum and the international aspect.

“With this motion, while strengthening its position in favour of further investment in young people’s skills, the FZL urges authorities concerned to descend to student level and no longer use the University and tertiary teaching just for electoral advantage or consider it an economic burden on the country.

“The authorities should recognise the wealth of talent, future of the country, as well as vision and determination for the future found within the university confines,” the FZL said.

Free University Education should be abolished and stipends definitely should become history. . Far too many children of Maltese parents brought up abroad are using our free University Education. . Do we really need so many graduates who are doing non vocational courses and then end up working abroad without giving anything back to the economy?
By a "means test" I mean,each pay(or not) according to his and his immediate families means. If you are poor or of average income than provision will be made for that. No Child should ever be denied an education,but,that doesn't mean that parents greased with money should expect their children be given even greater priviligies Universities abroad supplement their income by means of trusts,wills ,scholarships given by business and a hundred other ways. We could encourage that sort of thing. It is also the case that certain courses(such as at present,scientists,engineers etc should be encouraged more than others . I cant tell you the amount of people taking a course in the History of Art as an example,which is fine in itself but frivolous and useless and means for nothing very much.
@CE It cant be that difficult for Government to work out the cost of any particular course and then charge the graduate the cost of a loan(for the course) with a reasonable interest to be paid back over a few years. If a person(parent) pays more tax than others than usually it's because he earns more than anybody else. If a family can afford to send their child to a private,such as church school or private schooling abroad as in quite a few cases, than they should be able to pay for his/her further education. I am not ,of course saying that a child from a poor background should be left out from a University education,far from it. That is why I am asking for a fair means test. If you own a yacht or a jag or have a mansion of a house then u should not expect the working man to support your lifestyle. There is also a case for making University entrance exams harder.As it is at the moment far too many students of average intelligence are being allowed in with no earthly hope of obtaining a job in their chosen field once they leave. Obtaining an ordinary degree doesn't mean much anymore. So how about a smaller intake with the emphasis on excellence rather than mediocrity?
With all due respect Moribund but I've got friends from all spheres of life and I have yet to meet 1 doctor/accountant/engineer etc that is paid less because he comes from a poor family. Discriminating because of family wealth is unfair and equally dangerous. Its unfair because the person whose paying most tax will have to bail both his kids and the kids of others. Its dangerous because not all families want their kids to go to the university (especially if they got a business) and may not financially support them. The best solution is an interest free loan. However I can't understand how the government whose financially supporting the money suckers without asking anything back, can expect these people to finance themselves. Unlike the money suckers and the typical factory manworking on minimum wage these are the people who will pay for our pensions after all.
Keep the stipend, but they have to pay it back once they are employed with a steady job. It's called giving something back.
If we must have stipends,then students and their immediate family should be subject to a means test. This will insure that the money goes to those that need it most. Personally I think stipends and higher education should be subject to some form of loan which should be payable when the graduate enters the World of work,payable with a lesser interest over a number of years. That is fair.