A rebel, moi? Debono’s dry reply to Fenech Adami autobiography

Franco Debono says Eddie Fenech Adami’s subtle reference to the way Lawrence Gonzi handled rebellion inside PN was aimed at Austin Gatt, not him

It wasn’t me.... says Franco Debono
It wasn’t me.... says Franco Debono

In his autobiography 'Eddie: My Journey', former prime minister and president emeritus Eddie Fenech Adami instantly sets the tone at the start of this biographical tome. His customary conciliatory prelude starts with an admission: "The PN made its fair share of mistakes".

But there is the obvious pinpointing to decisions - bad - made by other people. "Some cannot be rectified, such as building a new party headquarters at huge cost," is his gentle missive for former secretary-general Joe Saliba.

The other goes out to Lawrence Gonzi, his successor, with implicit reference to his problems with former MP Franco Debono. "Without doubt [the PN] needs to take greater care to ensure it selects candidates who are suited to the character of the party and its objectives. The internal turmoil it went though was not at all pleasant. You always have levels; I know I did. A leader has to react to that. Perhaps I was more prepared to confront certain situations head-on, but Lawrence Gonzi had his own merits and deserved a long period in office as prime minister."

On his part, Franco Debono - when faced with this extract of Fenech Adami's autobiography - replied with uncustomary dryness. "Fenech Adami was referring to Austin Gatt."

Doubtful. Apart from his typical description as "gruff" (nothing new there), Gatt is praised for his role in raising the money for Net TV and for being "a loyal collaborator... an extremely active and determined individual."

"He has a brash character who has always moved quickly, sometimes too quickly for the people around him. He had a tendency to run off if left unchecked, and I found it necessary to rein him in on occasion. His response was generally positive.

"He often remarked to me, rather sarcastically I haste to add, that in retrospect he 'confirms' my decision on some issue or other was the right one. But he never hesitated to take a decision and I did not find him at all difficult to get along with. On the contrary he was a huge asset."

Ma nemminx li Tranco hekk biss qallek,ghax jekk ghamilt bhal fil programm reporter fejn ippruvajt tnehhilu il mertu ta battalja ghariformi fil gustizzja u dik kostituzzjonali ftit jibqa lok biex nahseb mod iehor.dawk ir riforni jisseihu riforni franko debono xorta wahda.
I would remove the letters "et" he lost us the election with his arrogance.
More political satire by the ex PM. He did not bother to mention the arrogance of ex Minister Austin Gatt. He did not mention how the stubbornness of Austin Gatt caused the downfall of the Gonzi Regime. He also did not mention the fact that he said he knew and he will reveal the name of Karen Grech's murderer, but alas old age does crazy things to one's memory. When it comes to Franco Debono what can one say? He is a rebel and he fights for what he thinks is right. Franco Debono is, if anything else a fighter, contrary to what a lot of people think. maybe he does things a bit different but he is a determined man, in other words never count FD out because he will get up before the ten count. EFD enjoy your retirement.
According to Eddie: "The PN needs to take greater care to ensure it selects candidates who are suited to the character of the party" which means that its candidates should be arrogant, corrupt, devious, pompous and hypocrites. They must be seen in churches at every opportunity, partaking of the holy sacraments even though they continually foment divisiveness and hatred amongst fellow Christians. Which, in most respects, made Eddie the perfect PN leader.
Sure Gatt was an asset, especially when he was in the Galketta Blu. Seems that he retained the contacts he made in those days! Nothing new that the PN made its shares of mistakes, including that of joining the EU too early, on the eve of a world crisis. Besides, when the PN was advised about its mistakes, instead of correcting them, as the present government is doing, it found excuses and got on without taking heed of the people's reactions. That was arrogance at its best. And EFA himself shares the burden of such actions. His defeat by Alfred Sant should have given him a lesson, besides his famous quotes as 'money no problem,' 'suq hawn jien,' £800 hbieb teirghi' and other blunders as the lie about Alfred Sant, the accumulated debts, other false promises (solving Karen Grech's and Raymond Caruana's murders), etc.