Berlusconi asked Fenech Adami’s wife, ‘How does he make love to you?’
Former prime minister and president emeritus recalls career in autobiography: Black Monday, the murder of Raymond Caruana, and the usual ‘bunga-bunga’ talk from Silvio Berlusconi
President Emeritus and former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami launched his highly-anticipated autobiography Friday evening, which amongst other topics details his political career as well as his earlier experiences.
At the launch at the Hilton in St Julian's, Fenech Adami recalled the highlights of his political career, including Malta's accession to the EU in 2003, the PN's electoral wins and also recalled the tough times that plagued his forty-year long political career, amongst which include the infamous Black Monday and the murder of Raymond Caruana.
In one particular anecdote, Fenech Adami tells how former Italy Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi had asked the late Mary Fenech Adami: "So tell me, how does your husband make love to you?"
Describing the former Italian supreme as an "extrovert", he explained that his question left him and his wife flabbergasted but admitted that question was synonymous with Berlusconi's behaviour.
In another anecdote, the former PN leader tells how he had accomplished his sole objective when Malta joined the EU in 2003, and also explains that he only had one ambition: that of serving his country and those who had vested their trust in him and his beloved Nationalist Party.
Fenech Adami also recalls the murder of Raymond Caruana and described the sight of his lifeless body in a pool of blood as "his worst experience". The former PN leader also recounts the 1979 Black Monday and how the PN and he took the attack in their stride and made them stronger and more popular.
Meanwhile, Fenech Adami tells how former Italy prime minister Romano Prodi had questioned his sanity after he had ordered an election, just weeks after Malta voted in favour of EU accession.
"It was only the logical thing. I truly believed that the electorate would not be changing their mind in a couple of weeks and it was therefore the best thing to do," Fenech Adami said.
While admitting that he did not envisage an autobiography, Fenech Adami nonetheless insisted that he is thoroughly satisfied with the outcome as it portrays "a true picture of his life and political career."
President George Abela, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, PN Leader Simon Busuttil, opposition members and family friends were present for the launch.