Energy theft | Police duty-bound to arraign ‘accomplices’

Consumers who paid for tampered smart meters are 'accomplices in the criminal act of corruption' and Police are duty-bound to arraign them, PN says.

Nationalist MPs Jason Azzopardi and Beppe Fenech Adami.
Nationalist MPs Jason Azzopardi and Beppe Fenech Adami.

PN deputy leader for party affairs Beppe Fenech Adami and spokesman for home affairs Jason Azzopardi said the Police were duty-bound to arraign the consumers whose smart-meters had been tampered with.

Enemalta's financial accounts have shown a €30 million loss, which according to the Ministry for the Energy result from theft of electricity. So far, Enemalta has discovered 1,000 smart meters that have been tampered with and suspended nine officials, one of which has pleaded guilty.

Described by the government as the "best way to go after the big fish", Enemalta has decided to waive criminal steps against the consumers as long as they come forward, pay their dues and penalties and provide information that helps "capture the masterminds"of the criminal web.

But the Opposition argues that is "irresponsible" and "immoral" to pardon acts of bribery: "Someone bribed the public officials to tamper with the smart meters. That is an act of corruption which makes the accomplice guilty as much as the author."

Beppe Fenech Adami insisted that no person was above the law, not even the prime minister. "No person can decide that the police should not proceed against anyone suspected of criminal acts. We appeal to the Commissioner for Police to investigate the matter," he said.

Fenech Adami added that a €30 million theft among 1,000 smart meters meant €30,000 theft per smart meters. Adding that an average household did not spend more than around €1,300 a year, the "big fish" were among the consumers involved in the theft.

Jason Azzopardi added that the legal notice which granted the Enemalta chairman the power to waive criminal proceedings against an individual accused of theft, and not those accused of corruption.

He added that another part of the criminal code, Article 309 dealing with fraud, was being ignored.

Citing Article 346 of the Criminal Code, Azzopardi said the police had the obligation to arraign both authors and accomplice. "This is not a courtesy or a choice, but the police's duty," he said.

He went on to quote Article 115 and Article 120 of the Criminal Code dealing with bribing public officers and the penalties that an accomplice would face.

"The accomplice carries the same responsibility carried by the authority. The government is misleading the public when it talks about the small and big fish," Azzopardi added.

Closing off his comments, Azzopardi referred to an address given by junior minister Owen Bonnici in parliament last year. According to the PN MP, Bonnici had said it would be a disgrace if politicians could do something tangible to fight corruption, but they don't.

Defending the PN from claims that a Nationalist administration had granted "an amnesty" in 2006 to those who had tampered with their smart meters, Fenech Adami this was "a big fat lie".

"The consumers had their electricity cut off, ordered to pay five years' arrears a 9% interest on those five years and covered the costs for the installation of a new meter," he said.

He added that at the time, Enemalta did not have the technology to trace the "dishonest consumers" as the meters were not 'smart'. "It was the best way to solve the irregularities by urging them to come forward."

The picture above tells a story. Jason is staring at the unknown wisdom of Beppe, but both end up confused at they both lost track of this comedy of errors.
Iz zewgt protagonisit ta ..LA RISATA ALLA MALTESE. Vera kummidjanti bla sugu. Jiehdu gost joffru lilhom infushom ghar redikolagni bil kummenti banali, pero il KAPO jibqa mistohbi ghax jibza li jiehu xi xokk u jibghat iz zewgt salva vita fuq quddiem. Id dawl misruq mhux mil meters izda mis sens komun.
Iz zewgt protagonisit ta ..LA RISATA ALLA MALTESE. Vera kummidjanti bla sugu. Jiehdu gost joffru lilhom infushom ghar redikolagni bil kummenti banali, pero il KAPO jibqa mistohbi ghax jibza li jiehu xi xokk u jibghat iz zewgt salva vita fuq quddiem. Id dawl misruq mhux mil meters izda mis sens komun.
Citizens of Malta - you are seeing the wood for the trees!!! Can't you see that with 1000 persons arraigned in Court, the real winners are the PN Lawyers in their absolute majority who will get richer even quicker. The real losers are you and me who will have to pay for all the Police to dedicate time to arraign (and keep them away from their main duties to catch the big fish, be it corruption, drug trafficking or money laundering), for the Courts to have massive back logs of work - and in the process then criticize the Government for the state of the Courts, and for the overtime work Court officials would certainly have to cope with - all paid by you and me while the PN takes the Political advantage and the financial rewards. Brilliant isn't it.?
M'hemmx li kellna l-ministri 'smart' daqs l-ismart' meters li wahlu! U x'jiswa li ikollok l-ismart meter jekk il-ministru jorqod raqda ta ors meta dan ikun fil-hibernation xitwija? Ahjar jghidilna fuq il-garage fil-belt Jason Azzopardi: dak il-garage li suppost mar ghal NGO u minflok mar ghand bouncer bi tlett jobijiet li taparsi ma jistax jimxi u minflok rawh jippoza u jippassigga mghaggel fuq l-front tas-Sliema! Ruggiera jonqoshom!
Jason Azzopardi u Beppe Fenech ghandhom cucati ohra fuqiex jahlu il-hin u ir-rizorsi tal-Qorti!....Meta jkun il-waqt ninfurmakhom.
Halli nibdew b’Jason, xi jghid Jason jekk il-puluzija tiftah inkjesta fuq minn ha il-flus li kellu jiehu ta propjeta mehuda mil.gvern qabel ohrajn li kienu hilhom jistennew iktar minnhom. Li jinattaw bictejn art li jiswew il fuq minn €6 miljun bit tpartit ma art li kwazi ma tiswa xejn, u dan ghamlu billi ta ordnijiet fejn ma kellu l-ebda dritt jaghmlu imma kienet waslet l-elezzjoni u allura kollox lectu. Persuna tinghata garax il-belt ghax miskin ma kienx jiflah jimxi, ghax il mixi li kien jaghymel mal-istampèerija kien ezercizju. Nigu ghal Beppe damn qieghed jippretendi li dalwaqt se jkun jissejjah ‘Minn Hu bhal Beppe’ flok haddiehor. Beppe qassam it €30 miljun fuq 1,000 meter. Fejn jaf jekk hemmx iktar, kullhadd jaf li minn meta twahhlu dawn li Smart Meters issa sar l-ewwel studju biex jaraw il ghala is-serq ta l-eletriku kiber, ara Tonio qal li hadd ma kellu jippretendi li kellu jmur idur bieb bieb, nistaqsi hawn lill Konrad kemm mar idur biebien biex instab minn kien qieghed jisraq, nahseb li jekk ikolli mmur nistaqsih jibaghtni nsaqqi il-hass tal-Marsa u jkollu ragun. Beppe qal ukoll li hadd ma hu il-fuq mill-ligi, mela minn kien qal f’fwicc il-pulizija ‘Suq hawn jien’ x’kien qieghed jaghmel kien qieghed jikser il-ligi jew le, jew dan kien il-fuq mill-ligi? Dwar il-‘Big fat lie’. Nistaqsi lill Beppe jekk din hix vera? Bicca milli smajtu jghid kienet li ma inghatat ebda amnerstija (mahfra) ta Lm100. Jekk smajtu tajjeb ma qalx hazin- L-amnestija fuq il-flus dovuti mis-serq ta l-eletriku kienet bil kundizzjoni li jihallsu il Lm100. L-ahhar wahda li diga inqalet ghal iktar minn darba. Beppe jista jaghatina indikazzjoni kemm idum il-qorti biex jirrisolvi il fuq minn 1,000 kawza ohra ma li ghandu pendenti?
Donnu l-PN immexxi minn Simon Busuttil u Beppe tant tugaghhom zaqqhom meta jaraw li l-gvern il-gdid jista' b'xi mod jigbor xi muljuni lejn il-kaxxa ta' Malta. Bdewa b'tac-cittadinanza u qed ikompluha fuq ta'das-serq. Il-gvern ghadu kif hatar ruxmata ta' asst kummissarji tal-pulizija u messu jaqbad wiehed minnhom fuq is-serq tal-Enemalta biss. Imissu jahtar imhallef gdid l-istess fuq dal-qasam, halli min ma jridx jikkolabora biex jinqata' kull abbuz, jiehu dak li haqqu. U jidhirli, li l-aghar wahda tkun l-interdett ghal ghomor fuq il-persuna.
L-akbar skandlu ghaliha hu, li infaqna 70 miljun euro biex introducejna li Smart Meters biex jinqata is-serq, u spiccajna bl-Smart Meters imbaghbsa u s-serq tad dawl kompla xorta wahda. Kif hadd ma induna qabel x'kien qed jigri huwa misteru. Hat's off to minister Mizzi.
What fu*king wet blankets! But do they really believe we are all so naive???
Paul Sammut
1. Where is Tonio? 2. Who is stopping Beppe from warning the culprits that if ever the PN gets elected (God forbids) it will prosecute and maybe also imprison them? 3. If ever the PN gets elected (if it is still around, God forbids) take up the job of minister for investment and the first project that he will invest in be a large prison capable of holding some 2,000 inmates? 4. Off to watch Only Fools and Horses where at least one can get entertained with better comedians.
And when GonziPn gave an amnesty to those who tempered with the electricity meter (a maltese hobby) why did n.t the Police take action? Halluna ta SimonPN ooze hypocrisy by the gallon!lil Ahjar tghidulna kif u ghala tghajtu amnestija lil Hafi lil Quiroz u lil Farrugia!
This all a bit rich in a country where it's OK to charge non-Maltese a higher energy price. Who are the fraudsters here?
ghax ma ressaqtuhomx meta kontu fil gvern inthom mela bzajtu theft of electricity ilu mit 2011 veru bzajtu
Hu x'hinu jibqa l-fatt li minkejja li serq tad-dawl sploda bid-dhul ta l-ismart meters minn 8% ghal 10%, Tonio Fenech kellu l-ghodda f-idejh u ma ghamel assolutament xejn. La ipprova igieghel lil min seraq id-dawl ihallas dak li seraq. La wahhal multi lil min seraq. L-anqas ma ressaq lil hadd il-qorti. Konrad wara biss xaherjn fil-gvern, ra il-figuri, fehem xi jfissru u waqqaf kummissjoni biex tara minn fejn gej is-serq. Issa hareg ir-rizultat. X'zamm lil Tonio milli jagixxi bhal Konrad halli jiskopri minn fejn kien gej is-serq. Ir-raguni probabbli hi li staha jghid kemm kien facli biex dawn l-ismart meters il-godda ikunu imbghabsa
Beppe should be thankfull, like all of us, for taking actions on several corrupt cases left uncheched by the PN government and not try to lure the present government to take 1000 persons to court and prison, feed them and their families. It is more than enough to have caught them, made a stop to further robbery and get back to the Maltese coffers millions of due Euro.
Igor P. Shuvalov
We are being asked to choose between two options: 1. Waiving criminal action with a very good chance of people owning up paying any dues plus 10% on these dues and interests. 2. Starting investigations, arraigning these people (if enough evidence is found) with the possibility of a suspended sentence (vide VAT scandal), adding to the courts backlog, and then if found guilty starting fresh court proceedings to recover the money owed. And all this at a financial cost.
Looks who is talking maybe he forget his own party past corrupt system we had in the last 25 years of P.N. rein and when these smart meters were install in 2012 were in those days the govern system was a happy go lucky system
Dawn iz-zewgt ipcielaq kellom ic-cans jattwaw dak li jridu issa meta kien fil-gvern, meta Austin Gatt ta amnestija fuq tbaghbis tal meters tad-dawl lil aktar minn 2000 persuna. Ghaliex ma qamilkomx dak iz-zmien?
Looks who is talking maybe he forget his own party past corrupt system we had in the last 25 years of P.N. rein and when these smart meters were install in 2012 were in those days the govern system was a happy go lucky system
In-Nazzjonalisti iridu jaghmlu WITCH HUNT. Nibdew mill l-ex Ministri u nibqu nizlin l-isfel. L-ewwel witch hunt ghandha tkun kemm intraw kompjuters li ittiehdu minn Kapijiet tad-dipartimenti biex jinqdew uliedhom l-Universita, kemm intraw tonner tal-Kulur biex issir ritratti dan mhux minn fuq dar il-Poplu??? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Jien dejjem hallast il-kontijiet KOLLHA sa l-anqas 1 cent, iggiefieri mhux qed qed hekk ghaliex irrid nehles minn xi abbuz li stajt ghamilt. Qedin taraw kemm huma bla kuxjenza dawn li jsehu lilhom infushom Demokratici, daqshekk saru ihobbuhom il-familji, jew meta kien fil Gvern biss kienu ihobbuhom, issa li taghwhom il-genb u tkaxkira nobis iridu nivvendikaw ruhom minn Nazzjonalisti taghhom stess? IPPROKRIT, OQBRA IMBAJDA