Transparency International seeks Malta chapter

Anti-corruption organisation starts slow build-up to national chapter in Malta

Transparency International has over 100 chapters across the globe.
Transparency International has over 100 chapters across the globe.

Transparency International has appointed Joseph Zammit, an activist for Amnesty International in Malta, to form a board of directors with a view to create TI's first ever chapter in Malta.

The anti-corruption organisation was formed in 1993. Now present in more than 100 countries, the movement works relentlessly to stir the world's collective conscience and bring about change.

Speaking to MaltaToday, Zammit said he will be inviting like-minded people who want to campaign for public accountability and integrity, transparency and against corruption, to form a board of directors.

The board will be tasked to create a Transparency International chapter after this gets approved and endorsed by TI itself.

Through more than 100 national chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, TI works with partners in government, business and civil society to put effective measures in place to tackle corruption.

The organisation is politically non-partisan - no donor has any input into Transparency International's policies and its sources of funding are made transparent as is its spending.

Huguette Labelle is Chair of the Board of Transparency International, member of the Board of the UN Global Compact, and member of the Group of External Advisors on the World Bank Governance and Anti-corruption Strategy. A former Chancellor of the University of Ottawa, she also serves on additional national and international boards. She provides advisory services to national and international organisations. Labelle served for 19 years as Deputy Minister of different Canadian government departments.

Lis-sur John Zammit nghidlu li jien, Carmel Grima, lest li noqghod fuq dan il-board"Transperancy International" ghax ilni ghal dawn l-ahhar 34 sena niggieled biex tinkixef il-verita' fuq l-ahhar erba' Prim ministri ta' Malta Kattolika, u kif dawn qed jahbu il-verita' fuq il-frame-up ta' Missieri, Karm Grima. Dr.EFA kien ghamel l-Inkjesta fuq hekk u hbija ghax kixfet kollox u halliet lilna il-familjari f'abbiss; Dr. Alfred Sant seraqha u inkixef fuq mist. Parl 14066; Dr. Gonzi qalli li ma hux kompitu tieghu li jghamel gustizzja mieghi; u Dr. Muscat qalli li xi darba fil-futur(through customer care) imbieghed ghad xi darba jinvestiga jerga u jara kif jista' jghin!Ghax imdahhla z-zewg partiti f'dan l-att fahxi hadd ma jrid jikxef lil shabu ex ministri.