Amnesty for energy thieves is ‘biggest scandal ever’ for Labour, says PN

Beppe Fenech Adami: ‘Muscat is defending criminals, in a far cry from his electoral promise to fight corruption’

Beppe Fenech Adami
Beppe Fenech Adami

Nationalist MPs Beppe Fenech Adami and George Pullicino have blasted the intention by the Labour government not to have some hundreds of consumers and businesses charged with the corruption of public officials, after three Enemalta officials were charged in court on the organisation of a racket that involved tampering smart meters.

The government said it does not intend to conduct a "witch hunt" and instead allow consumers and businesses to regularise their position and pay interest and penalties, rather than face criminal steps for corrupting the Enemalta employees who organised the smart meter racket.

"We believe this is scandalous, immoral and irresponsible. It's the biggest scandal to have hit Labour in the first 10 months of its government," Fenech Adami said.

 "It's a scandal because a criminal who bribed someone to steal from Enemalta and the taxpayer will not be facing criminal steps. The Criminal Code makes bribery a criminal act. And the penalty for that is a prison sentence."

Fenech Adami also attacked Muscat for presenting legal amendments to harshen penalties for bribery, but that now he was taking steps to pardon people who bribed Enemalta officials.

"Joseph Muscat is defending criminals, in a far cry from his electoral promise to fight corruption. Instead he is helping aiding and abetting them.

"He is placing himself above a law that should be equal for all. No prime minister has the authority decide that some 1,000 people who corrupted a public official should be above the law.

"This seriously undermines the police in a democratic state: the police are obliged to take criminal steps against 1,000 people who Muscat knows who they are. Government is undermining the good work of the police, putting aside the obligation to arraign them."

Insisting the PN was not after the individuals, Fenech Adami said the citizens had a right to know who were "the criminals" who bribed the public officials.

Pullicino, the Opposition's spokesman on energy, also revealed the names of five Enemalta employees who have been suspended in connection with the investigation: Louis Attard, Edward Camilleri, Anthony Pace, Alan Cachia and Anthony Mifsud.

'Amnesty' for corruption

Yesterday, parliamentary secretary for justice Owen Bonnici reiterated government's promise not to hold consumers and businesses who acquiesced to have their smart meters tampered with, criminally liable for corrupting public officials and Enemalta employees.

"We have been given advice that paying for a mechanism to avoid paying fully for the energy consumed possibly does not equate to a bribe," Bonnici told MaltaToday.

According to Article 88 of the Electricity Supply Regulations, consumers found to have tampered with the meters, theft of electricity and unregistered consumption have to pay for the unbilled supply, plus interest and a penalty equivalent to 10% of the supply obtained illegally allowing perpetrators avoid criminal proceedings. However, the procedure introduced in 2006, makes no reference to other illegalities such as bribing Enemalta employees.

Asked why the government will not take any criminal action against consumers who admit to energy theft, Bonnici said, "This is not an amnesty, government is simply putting into action a legal provision which was enacted in the previous legislature, which enables Enemalta to recover money which was stolen to its detriment, impose penalties and obtain information from persons who come forward to regularise their position."

Muscat is defending criminals:Ha nghidlek storjella helwa Dr. Beppe.Fil-15/10/1979, ex ministru laburista organizza irvellijiet u inharqet it-Times u dar missierek, li skond ix-xhud Michael Testa kien informa lil kulhadd minn gimgha qabel x'se jigri, imma hadd ma ghamel xejn biex iwaqqaf dan l-agir. (forsi kienu jafu minn qabel li ma se jweggghu l-hadd u dan seta minflok jibbustja l-personalita' tal-leader Nazzjonalista ghall-elezzjoni li kienet waslet. Wehel missieri, Karm Grima, li l-irvellijiet inqalghu minhabba li dan kien Kastilja u kien qed jistenna l-Mintoff johrog biex jghidlu x'kien qed jippjana dan l-ex ministru laburista biex ikisser lill-gvern ta' Mintoff, ghax missieri ukoll kien infurmat x'se jigri. Intbaghat fuq sentenza ta' Qorti ibbazata fuq tlitt certifikati medici foloz u fil-1991, fuq insistenza tieghi dan il-prim il-gdid Dr. EFA ghamel l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi, li dlonk hbija fl-istrong room tal-Parlament gax kixfet kollox inklus li missieri l-anqas biss kellu pistola biex jispara imma hedded li jmur igib wahda jekk ma jhalluhx jara lil Mintoff ghax importanti kienet l-ittra li kellu jghatih. Dan Dr. Efa ma hebiex il-kriminali iktar minn Dr. Muscat. fl-opinjoni tieghek?
I would like to ask Dr Beppe Fenech Adami why all these scandals are appear now after long period hidden in tabu seal cases were in 25 years p.n. rein nothing pop up under his father and Dr Gonzi were they supposed in command of their troops were always says in a maltese phrase with ultra sound effects ; HADD WARA HADD TASAL TA KULLHADD; that means never attack anyone before you see your hidden past mistakes which are grave down the metric earth soil
What a bunch of clowns.
Nispera li ma nergax nigi iccensurat mil-Editur. Beppe u Gorg, meta tajtu mahfra inthom u kull ma ridtu minn ghandom kienet is-somma ta Lm100 biss minghajr ma jghidu minn kien kiern komplici dik xì'kienet skandlu jew hniena ala P.N. U minn ha mahfra Presidenzjali biex jghid il-verita u l-mahfra ma gietx rtirata meta kull ma qal ma kienx emmnut dak mhux skandlu hux imma hniena. Kalluna u isthu tidru quddiem in-nies
Look who's talking. Keep it up Beppe. You, Simon and the rest of your party are the greatest asset the Labour Party has.
Sometimes you start thinking, let's give time to the PN to understand where they really are and hope that they start understanding the electorate, But the more they open their mouths, the less trust you give to them, and the more you realize that the haven't even started understanding that they are still at the bottom of a pile of shit. Poor PN, why has this party fallen so low and unfortunately that's bad for democracy.
audacious what this BFA outcries on the media. give us a break please!!!
Dawn in-nies bil-lingwa Taljana jghidulhom 'Mangia Santi e cacca diavoli'. Kemm saru skrupluzi, ha jghatu amnestija ohra huma!!. Ma jafx id-dottore li dan hu tip ta' 'Out of Court Settlement Agreement'? fejn l-Enemalta tigbor flusha flimkien mal-penali dovuti, minghajr ma tidhol il-qorti.
what was the brazilian drug barons name ?the one who pn gave a presidential pardon and what for?
Rita Pizzuto
Not so many words, but just a few. The biggest scandal is that we had a governments run by the Nationalist Party that were so corrupt that corruption was the order of the day. For Beppe to point accusing fingers at the present administration is so infantile. He is trying, but will not succeed to cover up his party's undoings in government. So much and so many years of corruption but very few charged. Only 11 months uNder a Labour government we now have all the proof that corruption under previous administrations was ripe. What is supposed to be an experienced administrator like Konrad Mizzi has managed to reveal so much dirty linen; yet experienced heads like Tonio, and Austin were failures. For them and under the PN Malta was so clean. Now we all know how dirty it was....sand there's much more to come!
Rita Pizzuto
Not so many words, but just a few. The biggest scandal is that we had a governments run by the Nationalist Party that were so corrupt that corruption was the order of the day. For Beppe to point accusing fingers at the present administration is so infantile. He is trying, but will not succeed to cover up his party's undoings in government. So much and so many years of corruption but very few charged. Only 11 months uNder a Labour government we now have all the proof that corruption under previous administrations was ripe. What is supposed to be an experienced administrator like Konrad Mizzi has managed to reveal so much dirty linen; yet experienced heads like Tonio, and Austin were failures. For them and under the PN Malta was so clean. Now we all know how dirty it was....sand there's much more to come!
To keep matters in context, has this "bravu vavu" forgotten just how some years back his colleague Wistinu's dished out an amnesty from criminal prosecution to 2400 Enemalta's thieving customers. All was forgotten and forgiven for the cost of a change of meter and a paltry Lm100 without the requirement to make good for any losses!!!!!! NOW THAT IS A SCANDAL, apart from all the rest that is!
Peppe li kieku tlajtu ergajtu intom fil Gvern naccertak li dawn qatt ma kienu jinqabdu , kieku bil kontijiet gholja bqajna ,dawn kolla tal qalba taghkom, kienu jafu bihom u ma ghamlu xejn,issa jried gustizzja attaparsi biex hu stess imur jiddefendi xi wiehed minnom ha jiehu kemxa flus min duq dahru , jigifieri min fuq dahar il poplu Malti, Peppe ghalhekk qieghed jeqred biex jiddefendi xi wiehed minnom ghax ha jitlef il-pappa
Nationalist MPs Beppe Fenech Adami and George Pullicino have blasted the intention by the Labour government not to have some hundreds of consumers and businesses charged with the corruption of public officials, after three Enemalta officials were charged in court on the organisation of a racket that involved tampering smart meters. How can anyone be charged with corrupting these three officials. If you can find the first three person who corrupted one of these officials each, then you might have a very week case in court. How could the prosecution prove it’s case if the official accuse the meter holder and the meter holder accuses the official. Also as a defence strategy the family could each declare responsibility. The father say it was him, the mother says it was her, each one of their children would claim responsibility. Who may I ask french adami would the court find guilty? He doesn’t have to answer but I will for him. Nobody! In such a circumstance the court wouldn’t find any of them guilty Also it would be very hard for the prosecution to proof that these officials were not fiddling with the old meters as well and so already corrupted. I am sure from these 1000 so called customers some of them had also their old meter tampered by the same official. So what the pn officials are saying in my honest opinion is pure BULLSHIT and they know it. To further proof my point, if I have an affair with a 50 year prostitute I could be charged for paying for sex but I can never be accused of soliciting to corrupting this lady? She would be charged with soliciting and prostitution.
Let the police and the courts do their job. The Government should stay out of all this, their job is to run the country and not interfere and meddle with police investigations. These pardons by both governments have to stop and let a court of law decide the faith of these people. Take politics out of politics and let justice take it's course. Stop treating people like we are a bunch of imbeciles. Remember that all of you like the rest of us put their pants on, one leg at a time.
You wouldn't believe that Fenech Adami is serious! His PN introduced the same legal provisions in 2006 and now he accuses the present government of scandal. My God what a pitiful, pathetic Opposition. Veru dritt fil-hajt sejjer il-PN tieghek, Simon. You will remain in Opposition for many years to come!
Tehel il-brimba, u mhux l-ghanqbuta Sur Fenech Adami. Jekk taf min ghidilna, hekk jew b'hekk ahna nistghu nipprotegu lill- min jaghmila ta' whistleblower. Tinsiex dan is-serq ilu isir minn mindu dahlu l'smart meters. Kollox kien jghodd qabel ghax ukoll saru parties fil-qorti, parties fil-muzewijiet, kummissjonijiet ta'4 miljuni u xejn ma hu hazin. Kollox tajjeb. Sa gvern bla sinsla baqa ilaqqat sa l-ahhar.
Its better to educate people than to punish them sur beppe. dawk il faxxisti jaghmlu kif tghid int.
And who speaks? The son of the person who had given THREE Presidential Pardons to Zeppi l-Hafi, a renowned criminal. And whose testimony in Court was not believed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So a future nationalist government would prosecute all these people and send them to jail, like he intends to retrieve all passport from the IIP.
Paul Sammut
Will it never end? Is there no end to these pulcinellati. Are Simon, Jason and Beppe taking it in turns with charades? How come Beppe is so damn sure that the Enemalta employees were corrupted and not that they sold their 'service' to greedy consumers. This was not a case of simply fixing some account but the supply of a very sophisticated hardware, which the consumer would not even dream about. So how come Beppe is so certain about the corruption he refers to? One couldn't possibly believe that he was aware of such goings on.
Dr beppe can you tell me about this this happens under your goverment
@dscerri. Don't you know that with an additional 1000 cases there will bee nough weork for all lawyers including mediocare ones.
I'm about to puke!!!!
Paul Sammut
Will it never end? Is there no end to these pulcinellati. Are Simon, Jason and Beppe taking it in turns with charades? How come Beppe is so damn sure that the Enemalta employees were corrupted and not that they sold their 'service' to greedy consumers. This was not a case of simply fixing some account but the supply of a very sophisticated hardware, which the consumer would not even dream about. So how come Beppe is so certain about the corruption he refers to? One couldn't possibly believe that he was aware of such goings on.
Insejtu l-hijacker Beppe? imma kif tigu intom minn fost kulhadd u titkellmu fuq amnistija meta hlistu mill-habs bniedem li qatel sittin ruh. Ebda gvern fid-dinja ma ghamel dak li ghamiltu intom. Partit Skadut bil-leader, d-deputy u anke l-votanti li jemmnukom. Ara minn jiftah halqu wkoll
BFA should come to his senses and realise that the biggest scandal was when his government knew that there was meter tempering (reports were even tabled in parliament) and did not take action. This government was able to work on it and in less than a year is taking action to recover the money plus penalties - a problem which the PN put under the carpet.
"We believe this is scandalous, immoral and irresponsible. It's the biggest scandal to have hit Labour in the first 10 months of its government,". "It's a scandal because a criminal who bribed someone to steal from Enemalta and the taxpayer will not be facing criminal steps. Kliem Beppe Fenech Adami u siehbu l-bravu Gorg Pullicinio li donnu issa jrid jibda jaghmel hoss. Nistaqsi lill Beppe Fenech Adami minn ghamila il ligi li ser tuza l-EneMalta ma dawk li jmorru jistqarru li ghandhom il meter imbabas. Mhux taht gern immexxi minn missierek. Tifilhu tkunu ipokkriti iktar? Tifilhu tkunu pulcinelli iktar? Tifilhu tippruvaw tostakulaw lill Gvern prezenti iktar. Forsi se tghidli imma il-ligi saret ghal dawk li babbsu il-meters huma. U jiena nistaqsi (a) il-ligi ma tghid xejn dwar hekk u (b) fejn se jkunu jafu li l-meters babas fihom minn joqod f’dik id-dar u ma qabbadx lill xi hadd. Beppe halli nghidlhekk skandlu kbir li sar. Meta persuna inghatat il-mahfra presidentili fuq tlett akkuzi (a) serq jew attentat ta serq fuq anzjana (b) fil-pussess tieghu instabet id-droga u (c) komplici fuq attentat ta qtil. Haga naturali SUPPOST li l-mahfra inghatat biex jghid il-verita. Fil-qorti, fil-kawza ta l-attentat ta qtil ix-xiehda tieghu ma gietx emmnuta mill-gurati, anzi minn xhieda li inghatat deher li il-persuna li ippruvat twettaq id delitt kienet il-persuna li hadet il-mahfra presidentjali. Spicca l-guri u l-mahfra presidetjali ma gietx irtirata, anzi kien hemm minn tafa dubju fuq is-serjeta ta’ l-uzu tal-gurati. Dan il proxxmu tant kien cert li qal il-verita li meta waslet elezzjoni ghamel rikors fil-qorti biex il-mahfra tieghu ma tigix irtirata u gieba zewg. U jiena nistaqsi, x’kienet ir-raguni li l-mahfra ma gietx irtirata, x’kienet ir-raguni li xi hadd tefa dell fuq l-uzu tal gurati. Ghandhekk hila Beppe tghidli jekk dan kienx li skandlu tas-Seklu? Ghandhekk hila tghidli jekk dan kienitx immoralita kbira? Ghandhekk hila tghidli jekk din kienitx irresponsabbilta kbira? Jekk dawn huma wiosq ghalik staqsi lill Gorg biex itik daqqa t’id
Before you started pretending to be a protector of morality Beppe,you should had the decency to tell the readers that your father,Eddie Fenech Adami not only defended criminals,but even giving promotions to Police Officers to an Assistant Police Commissioner who where found guilty in Malta,s courts of committing Frame-ups and Torture.
L-akbar skandlu kien zgur ta dak li hu hafi u li ghandu kwalitajiet kriminLI a1;ta Queroz li ukoll inghata l-mafra fuq id-drogi?; fuq dawk li qed li qed johorgu issa : licenzji tal-hut; licanzji solari......kollha taht GonziSimonPN! ! How low did GOnziSimonPN get?
Kif ma jiflahx jivvinta? Mela Muscat mhux l-istess regolamenti li hallejtu intom qed juza? Komplu sejrin hekk u zgur gurnata aghar minn ohra se tkun fejn tidhol il-kredibilita ghalikom! Tal-misthija>
unbilible how can twist these things
Honoraria, Enemalta oil purchases,, these all pale into insignificance when it comes to this story. How dare the government suggest people pay what they owe and a fine instead of allowing our courts to be clogged up with thousands of cases that would result in them paying a fine. The PN is a spent farce.
Beppe you must have forgotten your father's greatest friend, the one who does not wear shoes, the one who used to carry your father on his shoulders during the mass meetings, the one who enjoyed more than one presidential pardon. And what about the hundreds of Vat and Income Tax evaders who were granted time to make amends on more than one occasion. What about the Cat scandal at the Vat offices ? And what about the recent pardon to George Farrugia. You should be man enough as to declare that once the PN is in power these people would face criminal action as you are requesting for them right now. But what you are doing is trying in vain as to hide yet another scandal made by the PN, no more no less. Keeping in mind that when the PN was in power a draft law in this respect was being drawn up by the Pn, but it never materialised. Indeed the Pn has hit rock bottom and is certainly clutching at any straw.
They believe this is scandalous, immoral and irresponsible. Kemm saru esperti fl-ahhar ll il-xahar. Ghax ma jweghdux li meta xi darba jkunu fil-gvern, jerghu jifthu l-kaz u jtellghu lil kulhadd il-qorti. Nerga nfakkar li Simon Busuttil ha m'ghand il-gvern ta' Gonzi l-mijiet t'eluf t'euro f'isem is-Shell barra l-qorti. Allura x'hemm hazin li Cikku l-Poplu jaghmel bhalu. Please tkomplux ggiegheluna nisthu nghidu li konna nippartjienu ghal PN.
can you look ta this it was another story when pn was in power
Fejn kont ftit xhur ilu meta kien ghaddej l-akbar skandlu taz-zejt u meta kienu qieghdin ibabsghu dawn il-meters ????? BFA u Tonio Fenech fejn kontu ??? U milli jidher Sur Fenech Adami "IL-KBIR GHADU GEJ!" Issa kullhadd jghaf li l-PN = tgerfix, tbaswir, skandli,dejn, fallimenti u Partit ta TAHWID KBIR.
Dan l'iblah ta missieru kollu scandli, u lis scandli ta missieru u ta shaabu il hallelin u giddibin mumix scandli hux? Kull ma jaghmel il gvern scandlu skont hu, dawn il qabda korrotti, li wicchom u s----m xorta.
BFA should know better who defended criminals. Who gave amnesty to a drug baron? Who gave an amnesty to a person who has "good qualities and less good qualities"?
Who defended Zeppi il Hafi? Any more comments are superflous.
Igor P. Shuvalov
So now that the Citizenship Scheme controversy is almost over, the Opposition has taken on two other battle cries: The Gas Storage at Marsaxlokk and the Energy Amnesty - not the amnesty given by the Nationalist Government to somebody heavily connected with the oil purchase scandal - but to those who are going to pay heavily for their abuse. Clearly a strategy to try to turn of the spotlight from the fact that abuses in all sectors was rampant during the PN administration.
What a lousy clown. If setting a system to collect all the energy consumed and a penalty on top is still considered as defending the criminal,just for the fact that no criminal proceedings will follow, then what would this bright lawyer have to say when his rotten party knew for ages about such criminal act and did NOTHING about it. This person is suffering from constipation of the brains and diarrhea of the mouth.
Amnesty for energy thieves is ‘biggest scandal ever’ for Labour, says PN, ghaseb kemm hu izjed skandlu min kien jaf xqiad issir u ma aghmel xejn.
Mela insejt sur beppe li missierek ta l akbar mahfra lil akbar tfaffikant tad droga lil queroz
imma int b serjeta jew ma tisthix jew qed tighx fil qamar