Helga Ellul launches MEP campaign
Experience, competence and dedication best describe Helga Ellul, says PN leader.
During her launch of the MEP campaign for the forthcoming European Parliament elections in May, Nationalist candidate Helga Ellul said that during the financial crisis, during which many European countries were in dire straits, Malta was thriving and creating jobs. "Now it's the other way round. We still do not know what are the new areas and niches in the economic sector."
'My experience, our Europe, your Future' is the slogan chosen by PN MEP hopeful Helga Ellul.
Ellul said that she has been a European all her life and that she believed in the competences of the Maltese workforce. "I could never deny an opportunity to represent my country in the European Parliament."
Ellul wants to strengthen the link between theory and hands-on practice on employment. She said she will strive to provide more information to young people on range of jobs available and the qualifications required.
The PN candidate said that central to her effort will be the implementation of a regulatory framework for social enterprise, which is business with a social impact. Moreover, working on developing sectors strong in Maltese know-how, so as to continue to ensure a healthy and diversified spread of economic activity.
Turning her attention on education, the former Brandstatter CEO backed the implementation of careers education to guide young people to make the right choices. Support by business and industry to provide students with apprenticeships and work experience.
"We all have a duty to vote, whatever our views about the European Union. Through these elections, you have a say in the vision of the European Union," Ellul said.
PN leader Simon Busuttil praised Ellul's hard work to attain Maltese citizenship. "Helga represents the business sector. Through Helga's candidacy, the PN affirms that it is pro-business and in favour of policies that support business, because this will create more jobs."
Helga also represents experience and competence. "This is not an easy task in politics and hence it is an honour for the Nationalist Party to be able to attract people like Helga ellul. We are proud to have Helga on the PN list," Busuttil reiterated.
Busuttil admired her dedication, because after all these years helping families and creating more jobs, she is now dedicating her life to assist families through politics.
Busuttil said that Ellul's vast experience as Playmobil's CEO will be an assist for the Maltese representation in the EU. In 1994, Ellul was awarded the Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika.