Metsola asks EC to investigate risks posed by LNG floating terminal
Roberta Metsola submits petition to EU institutions to remove risk to residents around Marsaxlokk bay.
Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola has submitted a petition to the European Parliament urging the European Commission to investigate the risk to the public’s safety by the Government’s plans to berth a floating liquefied gas storage unit close to shore.
Metsola quoted the EU’s SEVESO II Directive which lays down that Member States shall prohibit the use of any establishment, installation or storage facility, where the measures taken by the operator for the prevention and mitigation of major accidents are seriously deficient saying that petitioners were understandably concerned that the project will violate the Directive.
“I’ve met many concerned citizens of the towns and villages that are most affected by this proposed project and they cannot understand why these unnecessary risks are being taken in this manner. In contrast, other EU Member States with similar projects, such as those off the Italian ports of Livorno and Ancona, have ensured that safety is paramount and that the legitimate concerns of residents were addressed by stationing the depot a safe distance away from them, with proper security zones around the vessel. None of the above safety provisions are envisaged in the Maltese Government's proposed intentions,” Metsola said.
She noted how Marsaxlokk bay already houses a concentration of power generation and fuel storage facilities, as well as very busy in-bay shipping movements of the Malta Freeport.
Only a preliminary Quantitative Risk Assessment has so far been carried out, with no Maritime Risk Assessment yet.
“The risks would be greatly mitigated if the gas storage for this plant was moved to a secure location and a safe distance from residential areas, outside the bay.”
She said that as the only Maltese MEP in the Petitions Committee she had a duty and a responsibility to act.
Nationalist MPs and MEP candidates are backing Metsola’s petition.
The petition can be signed in the following link: