Bendy buses sold for €601,200
Malta’s short-lived misadventure with the much-maligned bendy buses sees Sudan take the bendies.
The infamous green Arriva bendy buses have been sold for a total of €601,200 - VAT excluded - to a Maltese company who offered to buy them. The buses will be exported to Sudan.
In a statement, the transport ministry said an expression of interest for the sale of bendy buses closed on Friday 14 February and the offers were analysed on Monday and Tuesday.
"Three offers were submitted and the buses were sold to the highest bidder," the ministry said.
Explaining the company will now sign an acceptance letter and submit its deposit by Friday 21 February, the ministry stopped short of saying who the successful bidder was.
The ministry said the unnamed company was bound by the contractual agreement to export the bendy buses and the spare parts by not later than four weeks followed the signing of the contract.
The bendy buses will be exported to Sudan.
"Even though the bendy buses were not included in the negotiations between Arriva and the government, the income from the sale will be transferred to Malta Public Transport Services," the ministry said.
According to the ministry, the bendy buses did not cost anything to the government.