Letter to Members of Parliament calls for public consultation on gay adoption
Group says Civil Liberties Minister Helena Dalli should publish research and studies carried by the LGBT consultative council.
A group of mothers involved in the educational and social sectors have sent a letter to the Members of Parliament prior to the discussion about amendments the Civil Unions Bill, calling for more public involvement in the discussion on same-sex adoption.
The document - signed by hundreds of persons - raises concern about the 'rights' of the child versus those of the couple, that rearing children in same sex couples might lead to difficulties and that this issue must be considered within a broader aspect of surrogacy. Furthermore, it calls for consultation and discussion with the public, in the interest of transparency and accountability in the process of legislating.
During the last Parliamentary Committee meeting, Minister for Social Dialogue Helena Dalli said that the Government had set up a consultative council, which carried out research and studies over a period of months, before drafting the Civil Unions Bill.
The group maintains that it is in the public's interest to know more about that research and how conclusions were reached, particularly as they pertain to the rights of minors who they claim are being overlooked.
The Parliamentary Committee for the Consideration of Bills will reconvene on Tuesday 18 February at which time the signatures collected will be presented to the minister.