Rate the minister survey: boost for cabinet ministers
Nine ministers lose points among Labour Voters but 11 Ministers gain ground among PN voters.
A survey carried out among 400 respondents over the past week has reconfirmed family and social solidarity minister Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca as the minister with the highest rate of approval, followed by energy minister Konrad Mizzi and education minister Evarist Bartolo.
Compared to October 2013, all ministers in Joseph Muscat's cabinet have seen an increase in approval, mostly thanks to an increase in positive ratings from respondents who voted PN in the last general election.
This suggests that PN voters have warmed up to some of the ministers, while Labour voters - especially switchers - are showing their first signs of restlessness.
Among the most contrasting results were those of health minister Godfrey Farrugia and tourism minister Karmenu Vella.
Read the full report and survey in MaltaToday