‘Under Sant, Malta had no vision’ - Eddie Fenech Adami

Former prime minister and ex President of the Republic will be launching his autobiography ‘Eddie – My Journey’ in which he claims Alfred Sant and Dom Mintoff ‘never liked each other’, with the latter declaring openly to Fenech Adami how he had no problem bringing down government in 1997.

Eddie Fenech Adami will be launching his highly-anticipated autobiography on Friday.
Eddie Fenech Adami will be launching his highly-anticipated autobiography on Friday.

The highly-anticipated autobiography of former prime minister and president of the Republic Eddie Fenech Adami, 'Eddie - My Journey', will be launched on Friday and, much like its author, it pulls no punches.

Fenech Adami, a figure synonymous with local politics for the best part of forty years, discusses, amongst other events, Alfred Sant's ill-fated two-year spell as prime minister, the build-up to Dom Mintoff's intervention in 1998 which brought down the Labour government, and his own early - and often difficult - years in politics.

Whilst admitting that his Nationalist government which lost the 1996 election had its faults, Fenech Adami said that he had not expected the Labour government to be in such a 'pitiful state' after only being in power for a year.

"We had our faults as a government, but at least we had a strategy and knew where we were going," he writes. "Under Sant, Malta had no vision for the future,"

Fenech Adami said that, by that time, the prospect of European Union membership had become an inevitable scenario and writes that the PN had urged Alfred Sant to change his stance opposing accession to the EU.

And much like the last legislature of Lawrence Gonzi - Fenech Adami's successor - will be remembered by many for the internal conflict between the party's leader and disgruntled backbenchers, Alfred Sant's Labour government of 1996 included one, rather opinionated politician too.

Dom Mintoff, an MP in Sant's government, also happened to be the former leader of the Labour party and former prime minister of the country during the 1970s and early years of the 80s.

In 'Eddie - My Journey', Fenech Adami recalls how Dom Mintoff had been showing signs of disgruntlement 'for some time'.

"The two never liked each other and the rift was becoming more pronounced," Fenech Adami says of the relationship between Sant and Mintoff.

"Mintoff was openly expressing displeasure: firstly because Sant never consulted him; secondly, because he claimed that certain conditions he had set before agreeing to stand as a candidate in the 1996 election were not being honoured."

Fenech Adami considered it a 'big mistake' of Mintoff to have remained in parliament after having left office.

"When one resigns, one should leave the political stage," he opines. "Mintofff was breathing down Sant's neck, which is the last thing any leader would want."

Perhaps most interesting of all, Fenech Adami recalls a meeting he had with Mintoff prior to the 1998 budget.

"Mintoff had been meeting Guido (de Marco) on and off, but then decided, with his usual urgency, that he wanted to see me... he wanted us to take a common stand with him on the EU, in writing, to get negotiations going, and said we must stick to it come what may."

"Displaying obvious reluctance, I said 'What would Sant have to say about such a thing?' His response was typically combative; he asked me if I was afraid to bring down the government."

Although, Fenech Adami claims to have been reluctant about gaining power through an agreement with Mintoff, ('I wanted to force a change of policy on our own terms'), he writes that a PN win in the local council elections with 54% of the votes, served as a clear indication that the Labour government was losing much of its popularity.

"From our opinion polls, it was also emerging that a significant number of people had regretted not voting for the Nationalist Party in the previous general election."

Mintoff voted with government in a second budget vote, allowing Alfred Sant to 'limp into the new year', but it was not long before Mintoff acted on his warning of a few months earlier.

"However, none of us imagined that a proposal to redevelop the Cottonera waterfront would be the straw that breaks the camel's back."


Eddie - My Journey, published by Allied Publications and printed by Progress Press, is available for the pre-publication price of €37 from BDL Books, Tel. 21380351 or www.bdlbooks.com After the book's launch on Friday, it will also be available from all major bookshops. Proceeds ofrom the sale of the book are going to Dar tal-Providenza.



Can Any one tell me if my journey includes the names of persons who committed several serious crimes in the name of Politics? If not why?
One thing EFA. Under your government kien hemm hdura kbira li firdet hafna nies.
Mistoqsijiet lill EFA. Qal xi haga fuq il-laqgha ta fi Triq Federiku il-Belt fid-dlam, meta sar ftehim li jaghtu daqqa ta stallet go dahru G.B.O. kif fil-fatt gara? Qal xi haga dwar kif u x’fatta informazzjoni delikata fdata lilhu (kif suppost) minn Mintoff dwar it-tilwim mal-Libja fuq it-tiftix taz-zejt saret publika? Qal xi haga dwar kif kumbinazzjoni bdejna naraw bombi jispoldu wara bibien ta certi nies jew fi twieqi ta ghases tal-puluzija li hallew puluzija immankat ghal ghomru? Qal xi haga dwar il-Pontifikal li ordna f’West Minister Cathedral? Qal xi haga meta fil-fiera f’Earls Court kien qal lill Investuturi prospettivi biex ihaffu ghax jibqghu l-art? Qal kemm minnhom gew u investew f’Malta jew qatghu qalbhom jistennew fil kju u telqu lura? Qal xi haga dwar l-avventura li kellu meta qasam il-hajt ta Berlin u ndahal fil-Lvant tal-Belt u kemm dahal il-gewwa? Qqal xi haga dwar ix-xiri tal Avbro JR’s li fallew liil Air Malta? Qal xi haga kif gvernijiet tieghu kellhom il hila jonfqu il €1.4 Biljun li sab fil-kaxxa ta Malta, ibighu il gojjelli li halla Mintoff bhal Mid Med, Malta Com, etc. Etc li kienu qedin ihallu miljuni fil-kaxxa ta Malta u spiccaw hallew dejn ta €6 biljun? Ha passi kontra l-qattiela ta Karin Grech u Raymond Caruana li dwar ta l-ahhar anke semma ismijiet? Qal xi haga dwar il-ghala gideb fuq Alfred Sant? Dwar Mintoff u Alfred Sant tghejd ghallhekk Mintoff kien hatar lill Dr Sant bhala rapprezentant tieghu fi Franza barra hatriet ohra, tghid ghax ma kienux jingwalawa? Ghallum nieqaf hawn, meta naraw il-ktieb kollu forsi jkollna x’nistaqsu iktar.
Daphne Caruna Galizia tiddiskrivi lill-avukat Eddie Fenech Adami bhal 'the village lawyer'. Fil-fatt li kieku ma kienx ghal Peter Serracino Inglott li kien 'his speech writer', u li kien jiltaqa mieghu go Barriera go Imqabba biex jipperswadih biex l-PN ibiddel l-istrategija ta Partit arci konservattiv ghal wiehed li bil-fors ried jaccetta l-welfare state tas-socjalizmu demokratiku ippriedkat minn Mintoff- kieku l-PN kien jibqa ' mhux electable'? Skond Peter, iva kien jibqa fl-oppozizzjoni; u ghalhekk wiehed jista jikkonkludi li Fenech Adami kien hlejqa biss ta Peter Serracino Inglott u li minghajru kien ikun 'non-entity' fil-politka Maltija?
It's funny. I left two comments so far on another leading english language newspaper. In one comment I asked for the chapter number in which EFA talks about his knowledge of Karin Grech's murderer/s and in another comment I asked Eddie directly about the murder. Both comments were censored. In none of the 116 comments do the names of Karin Grech and Raymond Caruana come up. What a sham of a paper.
What a joke of a politician. As if he was ever a prime minister. During his time, the prime minister was RCC and Fr.Peter. he was just a puppet. The same goes for the book. As if he is capable of writing ANYTHING, never mind a book. Hallina man!!
Meta Fenech Adami se jitlob skuza lil Alfred Sant tal-malafama li kien tah u taghha wehel Lm3000 fil-qorti? Ezempju haj ta kristjan li uliedu kienu moqdija mil-koxxa mil knisja, bl-annulamenti li akkwistaw.
Fenech Adami will be remembered as the father who has bequeathed 5 billion euros of debt to his sons and daughters! Some vision!
.... qed jerga' jitfacca issa dan il-vizjonarju kbir, dan il-bozza tal-elf? ...... dan il-luminarju kbir qed jerga' jsib halqu issa? ..... x'kien fettillu kiteb ktieb meta qal ma naf li qalilna li kien qed jaqra ktieb meta kien prim ministru jew president????? U BILHAQQ ...... LIL DOTTOR FENECH ADAMI TIFTAKRUH MAD-DEMARK IWIEGHDUNA LI JEKK MALTA SSIR MEMBRU KONNA SE NIEHDU MITT MILJUN LIRA - TINSEWX, MITT MILJUN LIRA - FIS-SENA ...... DAWN QATT BAQGHU MA GEW ...... HEKK KIEN IHARREF LILL-MALTIN DAN IL-BNIEDEM KBIR LI KELLU VIZJONI ...... MHUX AHJAR MA DDAHAKNIEX DOTTOR EFA?
Eddie Fenech Adami, insejt li gbdit fuq Alfred Sant ghaliex kont ghidt li ghamel il-bsaten fir roti lil ibnek biex jidhol l-universita? Wara hareg li ma kien veru xejn. Fil vangelu li ktieb tlabt mahfra ghal dak li ghamiltlu lu Alfred Sant? Tinsiehx haga wahda li hawn ghamilt li ridt ghaliex f'dan il-pajjiz il-politikanti huma Akbar mill xi alla falz, imma jghidulna li irid isir haqq mill Missier Etern u kulhadd jithallas ta ghemilu.
"Under Sant, Malta had no vision for the future," Under Sant, Malta had no future, period. And now after he fought the idea of joining the EU in the past, he wants to go to Brussels as a MEP to represent Malta? Mr Sant must be a dreamer and if the PL sends him to Brussels, they are even bigger dreamers. Cannot send a boy to do a man's job.
So now Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami is saying that Dom Mintoff told him that he was ready to bring Alfred Sant government down. Why did Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami waited all this time to reveal this. Maybe he feels more comfortable now that Dom Mintoff cannot confirm or deny this? It's a pity that Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami is not disclosing who was behind the murders of Karen Grech and Raymond Caruana, since Dr. Fenech Adami said many times that he knew who was the murderers. Or maybe he was not telling the truth then? If he was not telling the truth in those circumstances, what guarantee do we have now that this is not another lie by Dr. Fenech Adami to take some merit over things that happened in those days?
So now Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami is saying that Dom Mintoff told him that he was ready to bring Alfred Sant government down. Why did Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami waited all this ttime to reveal this. Maybe he feels more comfortable now that Dom Mintoff cannot confirm or deny this? It's apity that Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami is not disclosing who was behind the murders of Karen Grech and Raymond Caruana, since Dr. Fenech Adami said many times that he knew who was the murderers. Or maybe he was not telling the truth then? If he was not telling the truth in those circumstances, what guarantee do we have now that this is not another lie by Dr. Fenech Adami to take some merit over things that happened in those days?
There was a vision (modernising Malta, working together with Europe as partners and the global vision as partners with the major powers, a united Med and collaboration with Northern Africa) but PN tricked and blinded the people with EU propaganda and money. So here we are, not to bad either. So Mintoff, the King-Maker, postponed EFA retirement and handed the government, on a silver-platter, to the PN which had no time to reform and who are forever grateful and obliged to him. They needed a laborite to get back into government.
"Under Sant, Malta had no vision’ - Eddie Fenech Adami That is rich from a man who could only move forward by selling all Malta's assets and could never break even in his budgets. What was his vision , becoming a EU member at all costs even if it meant ass kissing and sucking up to the other EU countries so much so that we ended with the migrants' problem since PN could only agree to a VOLUNTERY NURDEN SHARING. What about his other vision "Fejn hma l-laburisti".
Hallina EDDIE.... jew Edward kif tridna insejhulek ! Mhux billi biddilt ismek ghal "EDWARD" biex tinstemgha aktar helu wara li NOMINAJT lillek inifsek "President" xorta il-poplu jibqa jafek bhala Eddie li kien jintrefgha fuq ispallejn minn elemeneti "bi kwalitajiet tajbin u anqas tajbin.... u li tirikmandalhom il "Mahfriet Presidenzjali ghal wahda , tnejn, tlieta ! HALLINA EDDIE! Dr. Sant ta' lill gvern tieghek id-DIREZZJONI wara li nstigajt u xewwixt kif taf taghmel int biex twaqqa il-Gvern! Irbaht Gvernijiet bil-gideb, bil-flus li writ minn amministrazzjonijiet Laburisti li bihom XTRAJT U IMMANIPULAJT IL-MEDJA u s-silenzju taghha fuq l-ISKANDLI li kienu jsiru fi zmienek wara bibien maghluqa! Il-pajjiz kien ikun ferm aktar sinjur minnghajrekk!
Salv, Fil ktieb li jiswa aktar min €60 Eddie jghid min qatell lill Karen Grech u lill Raymond Caruana? jew jghid li jrid issa li m'hawnx Mintoff u Demarco jirrisponduh