AD slams ‘hypocrisy’ of European governments on Austrian citizenship claims

Arnold Cassola calls for Commissioner to investigate claims that leading Ukrainian politicians are being granted Austrian citizenship.

Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Arnold Cassola, 'What is good for the Maltese goose is also good for the Austrian gander.’
Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Arnold Cassola, 'What is good for the Maltese goose is also good for the Austrian gander.’

Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Arnold Cassola, said that it was unacceptable if reports that leading Ukrainian politicians were being granted Austrian citizenship were true.

Earlier, the Austrian Times reported that Ukraine's last Prime Minister, the current intermediary Prime Minister and the man likely to be the next Prime Minister have all allegedly been secretly given Austrian passports.

"The hypocrisy of certain European governments is simply unacceptable. As Maltese Greens we have been consistently against the outright sale of European citizenship.  Yet, these Ukrainian semi-despots have bought their Austrian passports without any problem," Cassola said.

Calling on Commissioner Vivienne Reding to investigate the case, Cassola said that 'what is good for the Maltese goose is also good for the Austrian gander.'

The three Ukrainians were named as allegedly having Austrian passports by German Green MEP Rebecca Harms at their weekly European Parliament press briefing.

"It is incredible that the normal people who are fighting on the streets in Ukraine for European rights cannot travel. Yet, those who are beating them and are responsible for the plundering of the country are able not only to leave the country but can get Schengen visas and even Austrian citizenship," Harms said.

The paper explained that in Austria, people who invest in property or business are also eligible to receive passports.

"The investments are typically made at the regional level and then the local government fast tracks the application," it read.
"There is also the chance for anyone who comes into Austria with a significant amount of money of getting a residence permit, which can then later be changed to citizenship under the 'Privatierslösung'. The applicants do not need to have any skills, but they need to have a provable income of more than €3,500 a month. That means that this money needs to be paid into a local bank or through the purchase of property," it added.

Nifrah lill Dr Cassola ghal-pass li ha u fl-istess hin nistaqsi liz-zewq tradituri Maltin David Casa u T. Comodini, jekk kienux jafu b'dal kaz u jekk iva il-ghala ma qalu xejn u,jekk le il-ghala ma indagawx biex jaraw jekk skontom kienet ser issir hsara lill E.U. bhal ma allegaw li kienet se taghmel Malta. Forsi l-interess taghhom bhala MEP sic Maltin li jappartienu lill P.N....n kienx biss li jippruvawe ihamgu isem Malta
At Last a politician with Malta`s interest at heart. What about Austrian due diligence, probably burnt up on the streets of Kiev.
Din l-ahbar fittiexta bil lenti fuq Times of Malta imma ma rajta mkien. tajt harbitlu lil editur kif jaharbulu xi kummenti li naghmel kien u ma jgibhomx?
historian Comodini iga' bezqitlu fis-sunnara lil Simon ghax meta staqsewha dwar il-parir li Simon qal li ghandu li jekk xi darba jkun fil-gvern jista' jnehhi c-cittadinanza qalet li hija m'ghandhiex x'taqsam. Simon jew ried jilghaba tal-iblah halli ma jhallasx dwana biex jghaddi z-zmien bin-nies u jaghmel l-ostakli kollha u ma kellu parir xejn, jew ta parir lilu nnifsu u shabu stess ma jridux jaqghu ghac-cajt bhalu u l-parir li jghid li ghandu jaghmluh taghhom ukoll.
Shows what a bunch of HYPOCRITES those MEP's who voted against Malta in the EP are. About the loal NP MEP's, the less said the better.
Where is Jason Azzopardi now saying Austria has no passport scheme .Does he think we are stupid.Keep on spreading the lies.
Gilbert Bartolo
Tal-AD l-aktar nies serji u konsistenti li ghandna f'pajjizna.
Shame on the Austrian Swoboda. You must resign from the presidency of the Socialist group.
But Austria did not have the opposition party and Arnold working the interest of their country like Maltese opposition
But Austria did not have the opposition party and Arnold working the interest of their country like Maltese opposition
Igor P. Shuvalov
How is it that this story has not yet hit the headlines of those e.papers who for the last month or so, were so prompt to splash immediately every bit of negative news re the citizenship scheme? Let's wait to see if those Austrian MEPS who cast their vote against Malta's scheme, if they will now do a Casa/Comodini act and see that a motion condemning Austria is presented in the EU Parliament! And what about a statement about this matter from that Party which was worried that European values were going to be lost because of Malta' Citizenshipo scheme?
Il-Gvern Awstrijak ghandu dritt jghati c-cittadinanza lil min irid ghax hija kompetenza tal-gvernijiet nazzjonali ! Issa tara kemm se ggibha zewg la l-UE qieghda taghmel minn kollox biex l-Ukrajna tissieheb fl-UE !Jew int trid taghti din il-kompetenza wkoll lil burokrtaici ta' Brussell ?
Fejnhom Casa u Comodini issa halli naraw dak li ghamlu kontra Malta ghamluhx kienx fl interess ta lEU ukoll . Prosit AD.Sissa anqas il gvern ghadu ma fetah hallqu wara dak li ghadda minnu mill l EU.