Different forms of residency make defining residency ‘problematic’ – de Marco

PN leader for party affairs says judicial protest on citizenship scheme superseded by introduction of 12-month residency period.

PN deputy leader for party affairs Mario de Marco and MEP Helga Ellul.
PN deputy leader for party affairs Mario de Marco and MEP Helga Ellul.

The judicial protest filed by the Nationalist Party to forewarn IIP applicants that citizenship came with an expiry date has been superseded by a new legal notice introducing the 12-month residency period, PN deputy leader for party affairs Mario de Marco said today.

Addressing a press conference urging the government to come up with an action plan for job creation, de Marco was pressed by journalists to say whether the Opposition would be a filing a fresh parliamentary motion to revoke Legal Notice 470 - the latest legal notice that enjoys the European Commission's approval.

"We will find the best mechanism by which our proposals can be included," de Marco said, refusing to go into the technicalities of the matter.

According to the Maltese Citizenship Act, a legal notice cannot be amended, but annulled and a fresh one issued in its place. In fact, a clause in Legal Notice 470 repeals Legal Notice 450, the first legal notice to be issued under which the citizenship scheme was regulated.

"We want the legal notice to lay down clearly what's the genuine link with Malta. The government must be humble enough to listen to our proposals. Is it ready to listen to what we have to say?" de Marco said.

He pointed to a number of "grey areas" in the legal notice, including the fact that the residency period applied only to the main applicant.

The Opposition wants the legal notice to lay down the specifics for an "effective residency". While the government said it would be making use of residency as is applied today, legally it is very difficult to narrow down a definition of residency.

"What is the checklist that defines residency? Today there are different forms of residency for different purposes. This makes defining residency problematic," de Marco said.

Dr. Demarco, the opposition must be humble enough to accept to what the people had said on March of last year, when they sent you and your clique of evil to the opposition benches, but till now you haven't been humble enough to accept this. You and the clique of evil pretend that you are still in power and want everything to be done your way. You have been a negative party and oppose everything that the PL government is doing. So Mr.Demarco, you should be humble and accept the wish of the electorate expressed in the last general election.
Dr Demarco, kemm hsibtuhom cwiec lin-nies in generali ghax ma tghidux li akkost ta kollox ghadkom tridu taraw kif tippruvaw taghmlu l-bsaten fir-roti ghal li skema tal IIP li kif thabbret gennitkom.- Hemm hu il-pjan ta Dr Joseph Muscat biex igib l-investiment u johloq ix-xoghol, imma inthom ma tridux taraw la investiment u anqas xoghol ghax dan ikun jista jfisser zmien itwal fl-oppozizzjoni haga li ma tridux iggerhu jew taccettaw. Tiftakar x’qal Eddie meta hadtu it-tkaxkira tal-1996? “Il-poplu ma fehemx”, arroganza grassa bhal din ma turix li tahsbu li ghadkom id-dritt divin li tiggvernaw inthom. Ma stajtux tghidu li-stess din id-darba ghax it tkaxkira kienet ta barra minn hawn. Nergu nigu ghal IIP. Ma ghamiltux gwerra oxxena biex taraw kif twaqfuha, dan qalu il-leader li ghandkom. Wara li minn ghalikom irbahtu fi Brussels bil-leader u z-zewg tradituri shabkom jaghmlu hilithombiex ihammgu isem Malta. Il-Leader taghkom taghkom jghid li il- Parlament u l-Kummissjomni Ewropea ikkundanat lill gvern Malti kellu jibla kollox meta l-kummisjoni qablet ma Malta b’tibdil zghir u hareg ta mazetta mad-dinja kollha. Imma ma kontux kuntenti ghax li skop taghkom hu li taraw kif tistghu tkomplu tippruvaw timminaw. Issa dak li ma jidihirx li interessa lill Kummisjoni Ewropea qieghed jinteressa lillkom u qedin tfitxu ix-xaghra fl-ghagina. Qbadtu mal-qraba ta minn japplika kemm se jdum hawn biex jiehdu ic-cittadinanza. Ma tafux li dawn jekk jigu hawn u jkunu dipendenti minn dak li applika originarjament jistghu joqodu hawn minnghajr ma jiehdu ic-cittadinanza, u wara kollox ikunu qedin jonfqu flus hawn Malta. U jekk ikollu tfal jattendu xi skola bhala borders barra minn Malta dawn il-Kap taghkom se joqod bil-karta u lapes biex jara meta gew ghal vaganzi ui kemm damu hawn. Xi tridu? Gvern li jaghti zieda ta €600 fil-gimgha lill membri tal kabinet u s-Segretarji Parlamentari minghajr hadd ma jaf, anqas id-deputati Nazzjonalisti. Zieda kif kien se jkollna fit tariffi tad-dawl u ilma? Giti, ikliet, u xiri ta gojjelerija minn fuq dahar il-popolin? Il-hmieg lio hiereg dwar ix-xiri taz-zejt.Trasferiment ta kumpanija tal-EneMalta ghal idejn privati biex il-qlih imur ghandhom? Ix-xiri ta ajruplani JR li kissru lill Air Malta? Li Sptar Mater Dei u in-nuqqas ta serjeta fit tmexxija tieghu? Ix-xiri ta medicini u jin stabu li huma skaduti? Il-kuntrat tal-Arriva “Zmien il-Busullotii spcca”. Hemm ghalfejn inkompli Dr Demarco. Nahseb li ghandhekk mohh biex tahseb
Dr Demarco before you and your party continue with this charade, we the Maltese people would like know who your experts are that are giving you advise, until then you are wasting yours and our time.
You had more than enough chances but your party was only interested in putting spokes in the wheel for a very obvious reason-the IIP is seen by your party as a very serious threat to the PN's electoral future !
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