PN candidate slams civil service ‘grievances unit’ as political ploy

Therese Commodini Cachia says new unit investigating ‘injustices’ inside civil service will manipulate victims to serve as a political purpose ‘rather than the fulfillment of true justice’

Therese Comodini Cachia
Therese Comodini Cachia

A new 'grievances unit' set up by the chief of the Maltese civil service will be used as an instrument of political retribution, Nationalist candidate for MEP Therese Comodini Cachia said.

"With my experience as a human rights lawyer, I express my incredulity towards this action, which smacks of being a politically motivated move," Comodini Cahica said.

The Office of the Prime Minister is to set up a unit to investigate complaints from public officers and employees who claim they were the victim of an injustice inside the civil service.

The unit will consider all applications presented by applicants who claim they experienced unjust treatment over the past seven years.

The PN candidate said that while she was in favour of the redressing of injustices, she was convinced that the measures of redress would lack objectivity, independence and impartiality. "The setting up of these Units rather than allowing complainants to make use of independent channels such as the courts, tribunals and the Ombudsman continues to undermine public trust in these institutions and indicates the government's negative perception of these democratic institutions," Comodini Cachia said.

The candidate asked whether the government would now implement decisions already taken by tribunals and the Ombudsman's Office which declared that an injustice was committed; how it would ensure that the new units are independent and impartial rather than act as political ploys; who the members will be and what are the objective criteria under which the Units must undertake a review, carry out that review and reach a conclusion.

"Will the conclusions of all complaints be published or only selected conclusions will be made public? What motivations are there behind the Principle Permanent Secretary's decision to restrict this 'opportunity' for occurrences limited to the past seven years?

"Does the Permanent Secretary not consider occurrences older than seven years on equal footing with those happening in the past seven years? Is an injustice suffered at present not equally deserving of redress by the Grievances Units?"

Comodini Cachia said that in the absence of answers to these questions, the units would only be "manipulating victims to serve a political purpose rather than the fulfillment of true justice."

Complaints that have already been dealt by the National Ombudsman can be examined by the grievances unit if the Ombudsman declares that his office's recommendations were not implemented.

The unit will conduct investigations and issue recommendations within two months of receiving the application, unless it requests an extension.

It is a political move as most injustices were politically motivated. please shut up.
Well duh. I don't think anybody from either side of the political spectrum have any illusions about the scope of this entity. These are the blessings of a political system which is more like a clan war than a modern democracy.
Human rights lawyer? What is her opinion of the the mortal sin elections in the 60s?
Why doesn't Commodini Cachia just stand back and be comoda and allow all the hundreds of people who were discriminated against by her Government, her corrupt Government take just retribution? On the other hand what about those people who were discriminated against by Nationalist Governments throughout the 25 years of despotic rule in Malta and have long since retired. What will the 7 year window allow them - just stand back not comodi and get nothing!!! This is what is so unfair about limiting these cases to just 7 years. An injustice will always be an injustice whether perpetrated now, 7 years ago or 20 years ago.
Thanks Therese for admitting that INJUSTICIES were in fact carried out but unfortunately you seem to suffer from a short memory! Way back in 1996 all those who suffered injusticies(again under a PN govt) were given the opportunity to go to court but despite the majority winning their cases the PN gov't of 1998 simply ignored the courts sentences! Well this time round the lawyers wont be earning a quick buck but Justice will definetly be served and done! Therese you will soon have more surprises coming your way.
Ghandhekk ragun tkun kontra Dr T Commodini Cachia ghhax se jkompli jinkixef il-hmieg tal-Partit li tappoga int meta kien fil-gvern. Insejt meta Eddied Fenech Adami gie misjub hati mil-Qorti u mil Ombudsman u mar ghand il-President siehbu Ugo Mifsud Bonnici b'rizenja f'but u b'ittra ta fiducja mil-Kabinet u il President miskin sema mill-appell tal-Kabinet. Hallina trid u mur ghamel xogholok sew
Comodini Cachia might like to know that in the case of the recent complaints of unjust treatment in the AFM, the Minister responsible is contesting the right of the Ombudsman to investigate the complaints and is therefore refusing to provide any information to his office. Will this grievance unit -- no doubt one of great balance and sobriety -- take the Ombudsman's place?
This should go back to 24yrs or so of a PN government
We have another one who has joined the entertainment group. It was your condemned party that implied political injustice and now because the Government is fulfilling its electoral program and correct the injustice done you are accusing of victims manipulation to serve political purpose. How low can your level reach. what a lousy piece of furniture.
jimporta tghidulha ma ddahakx nies lil din il-brava avukatessa li qed tiftah halqha ghax qed toqrob l-elezzjoni tal-parlament ewropew? .... forsi din il-brava ghadha ma ndunatx li l-poplu malti ma ghandu EBDA fiducja la fil-qrati u lanqas fl-ufficcju tal-ombudsman? .... fil-qrati ddum is-snin ghaddej b'kawza ..... ara, per ezempju, l-kaz li nqata' dan l-ahhar dwar il-Bank of Valletta ... inqata' wara xi tletin sena ..... imbaghad hemm ukoll l-ufficcju tal-ombudsman li taht said pullicino gie ridott ghal pulcinellata .... istituzzjoni ghajjiena, bla hegga, bla interess genwin fic-cittadin, bla vuci li f'dawn l-ahhar snin kulhadd nesiha u tinstema biss b'xi tharbixa ta' xi press release minn said pullicino biex taparsi jurina li ghadu hawn u ghadu jferfer ..... ombudsman li hu kkakkmat mal-pultruna u ma jiccaqlaqx minnha li ma jmorrux isiru jafu bih in-nies u jaghtuh x'jaghmel ..... HALLINA KOMODINA ..... IC-CUCATI LI QED TGHID MA JGHODDUX GHALINA .....
The Ombudsman's office cannot investigate the public service commission. This grievance unit can help in such cases.
The Ombudsman's office cannot investigate the public service commission. This grievance unit can help in such cases.
Din l-avukata ghada titwieled fil-politika,lanqas ideja m'ghandha tal-hnizrijiet ta vendikazzjonijiet politici li twettqu ma eluf ta' laburisti, u mhux laburisti biss, taht gvernijiet tal-PN ! ! If such cases of injustices are dealt with by the courts, only God knows when justice will be meted to those who have suffered injustices. Probably there will be quite a number who would have already departed from this vale of tears before their injustice is redressed.
Din l-avukata ghada titwieled fil-politika,lanqas ideja m'ghandha tal-hnizrijiet ta vendikazzjonijiet politici li twettqu ma eluf ta' laburisti, u mhux laburisti biss, taht gvernijiet tal-PN ! !
Tough ship Ms Comodini, all is fair in love and war so why shouldn't it also apply for politics. How do you think that PN survived 25 years in government. Are you naive to believe it was a democratic party or that it did justice with everyone despite their political colour.Aask those who were found having suffered injustices, thou proven right by the courts, Kummissjoni ghal-Gustizzja and the Ombudsmen and their grievances never addressed by the PN governments.
Never like Eddie's "Kummissjoni ta' Kontra l'Ingustizzji! That was a SHAM if there was ever one where all you got was a letter saying that you have no claim without even being asked to testify with no information at all on who sits on the Board to evaluate claims of injustice !
Never like Eddie's "Kummissjoni ta' Kontra l'Ingustizzji! That was a SHAM if there was ever one where all you got was a letter saying that you have no claim without even being asked to testify with no information at all on who sits on the Board to evaluate claims of injustice !
Never like Eddie's "Kummissjoni ta' Kontra l'Ingustizzji! That was a SHAM if there was ever one where all you got was a letter saying that you have no claim without even being asked to testify with no information at all on who sits on the Board to evaluate claims of injustice !