Alfred Sant urges party activists to vote in forthcoming EP elections

Former Labour leader address PL general conference for the first time since he stepped down.

Alfred Sant
Alfred Sant

A standing ovation welcomed former Labour leader Alfred Sant at the Labour Party's annual general conference. Addressing party delegates as a candidate for the European Parliament elections, this was the first time that Sant delivered a speech at the general conference since stepping down.

Praising the "brilliant work" carried out by his successor Joseph Muscat, Sant told party activists to "remain close to the government, supporting it all the way".

"The Nationalist Party does not know how to accept a defeat. So it's our responsibility to remain close and support the government. We also have to give them their space and back the decisions they take," he said.

Sant also said that choosing not to vote was not the right way to send a message: "Abstaining is like cutting off your nose to irritate your wife. Send a message by voting. Only a Labour government can reposition Malta's place in the EU," he said.

Calling for votes in favour of the Labour candidates, Sant said "only we can promise to always work in the national interest".

Taking cue for Muscat's 'Malta for all', Sant said Europe as well can be "for all".

"But to do this we have to look forward. People keep telling me how right I was... it would have been better if I had been wrong. But we cannot keep looking back. So let's work to make sure that what goes on in the EU does not negatively affect us and ensure that what is implemented is in our best interest," he said.

Sant had opposed Malta's accession to the EU.

The conference was addressed by parliamentary secretaries Owen Bonnici and Michael Farrugia; ministers Chris Cardona, Konrad Mizzi, Leo Brincat and Edward Scicluna; and MEP candidates Clint Camilleri, Cyrus Engerer, Charlon Gouder and Deborah Schembri.

Although head of delegation Joseph Cuschieri was meant to address the conference as well, he never turned up.

At one point during Gouder's intervention, silence fell over the delegates when he saluted former President of the Republic Eddie Fenech Adami on his birthday.

Gouder's gesture did not go down well with the delegates, as the audience looked like it had been taken aback - until Labour leader Joseph Muscat started a slow clap that eventually developed into a respectable applause.

The best person for Europe is Dr Sant never gullible and a free thinker, not blinded by EU bullshit and pragmatic.
@ xifajk & always hoping. Ma tahsbux li jekk ma tivvutawx tkunu qedin izzidu ic-cans li jkollna iktar gudiet, jahdmu kontra Malta kif gara fil-kwistjoni tal IIP. Jekk kontu taqraw x’jikteb Dr Sant issibu li hu dejjem werta ix-xewqa li fl-E.U. tqum kuxjenza favur pajjizi zghar. Ma tahsbux li hu jista jkun il-mutur neccessarju biex din il-kuxjenza tqum. @ pmurray & guzep. Ma nistenniex ahjar minn tnejn li inthom, kullhadd jaf kemm thabbat qalbkom favur il Gvern Laburista. guzep l-anqas taf x’inti tghid “This is the same man that did not want to join the EU. And now this same individual is begging to join the EU” mela ta tafx li ahna diga naghmlu parti mil E.U. allura kif qieghed jitlob (begging) biex nidhlu. Sa fejn naf jien kull Malti hu medmbru tal E.U la Malta membru. Mela nsejt kemm beka Simon li bl-IIP se nimlew lill E.U. bil Mafia, Money Launderers, Prostituti, Kriminali etc.etc u waqaf meta li-stess E.U. meta ftehmet mal-Gvern Malti, qaltlu li qieghed jaggiba u ma ghandux ghalfejn jikkonfondi. Insejt li Dr Sant fis-sedna 1996 kien sar il-Prim-Ministru ta Malta u ma ghamilx il-5 snin minhabba it-tbabis tad-distretti mil.gvern precedenti. Taf li kellu voti bizzejjed ghal mill inqas tlett deputati iktar? p.murray Dr Sant qaghad lura milli jiehu sehem attiv ghal-inqas fejn jidher biex ma jimbarazza lill hadd. Din hi l-procedura normali ta leader li jirrizenja mill kariga. Anke E.F.A. ghamila din u wera ruhu fl-ahhar elezzjoni bi sforz iddisprat biex titynaqqas ikt-tkaxkira li hadtu imma ma rnexxietx. Veru li irredikola ruhu li bhala ex-President ta Malta tela fuq palk politiku. Dwar jekk Dr Sant hux ‘Euro Sceptic’ ma nahsibx li taf x-inti tghid. Tidher li ma intix midhla ta l-artikli tieghu. Dr. Sant irid jara E.U. iktar demokratika li thares l-interessi tal-pajjizi kollha u mhux l-ewwel thares lejn l-interessi ta minn hu ekonomikament ggant u ghandu certu sahha u imbaghad lejn ic-ckejken. Naf li Drt. Sant ma ghandux bzonn ta Bebbuxu biex jiddefendih imma naf ukoll li ma jaghix kaz ta hmerijiet li jinkitbu u jinghadu kontrih. Insellmilkom.
Can you blame the delaghetes for not showing ant enthusiasm,E.F.A. will be remembered as the man who was responsible for splitting the Maltese into labourites and Nationalists. Quite a lot of nasty things happened since he took over the leadership of the N.P. They may have been coincidences, no one can say. Bombs in front for premises occupied by loyal civil servants. Killing of Karen Grech and Raymond Caruana. Meetings with known criminals under bridgers during the death of night, Hooligan attacks described as election result ephoria. Vindictive transfers, civil servants left in rooms empty of everything except a table and a chair with nothing to do. Need to mention more?
Listen to the pot calling the kettle black. This is the same man that did not want to join the EU. And now this same individual is begging to join the EU. Hypocrisy at it's best. But wait a minute because Politicians are allowed to do that. They seem to dance to the music of the hour and that is what Mr Sant is doing now. Dr Sant could not make it as a Prime Minister and now he wants to be made a MEP? That job in Brussels must pay a lot of dividend, of course always at the Tax payers Expense.
I am a strong follower of Dr. Sant, but please Dr. Sant the only chance I have to protest is not to vote. The last time I wrote a complain I was sent minn ghand Qajfas ghal ghand Pilatu till I realized this is a stage. Do you want us to remain in such a situation?
Malta fil qafas tal unjoin Ewropea. Dr Sant minn dejjem kont taf x'tghid u ghadek sal Llum. Veru qedin go qafas ghaliex xejn ma nistaw naghmlu fil-LIBERTA. Alfred Sant urges party activists to vote in forthcoming EP elections, why should we, we voted NO for the EU and you were right. If the EU really believes in equality, freedom etc then she should practice it. I can't understand why the change. If the EU is that caring, brilliant, efficient and whatever why Brittan will be holding a referendum to see if the British want to opt out??? If the Eu isn't good for Brittan then it far more worthless for Malta. I won't be voting whatever anyone says. Apart from that Malta is not taghna ilkoll but was governed by Nationalist and is still governed by them, so if they are interest they can go and vote. Those of us who really love our country should abstain from voting. The EU is for the Elite and the small countries like Malta are there to be stamped by the BIG BROTHERS.
Joseph MELI
Wonder where Freddu has been for the last 6 years as he was conspicious by his absence at the PL annual conferences since 2008?Could his renewed interest in attending such have something to do with the fact that this confirmed ,dyed-in -the -wool Eurosceptic is now attempting to hitch his wagon to the never-ending MEP gravy train by standing for election as such.What a hypocrite!