Insurance policies clearer for consumers – Marlene Mizzi

European Parliament’s plenary approves opinion on the insurance of natural man-made disasters.

The European Parliament's plenary has approved, by an overwhelming majority, the opinion on the insurance of natural and nan-made disasters.

Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi was main spokesperson on behalf of the S&D group.

"I am delighted with the outcome of this vote.  This result is a confirmation of the European Parliament's continuous fight to ensure that citizens are protected and knowledgeable about products that are meant to safeguard their interests," Mizzi said.

The opinion on the insurance of natural and man-made disasters is in reply to the Commission's green paper on the same subject.  In its green paper, the Commission had proposed the creation of uniform rules and insurance liability when it comes to insurance policies of natural and man-made disasters.  The opinion by Parliament, argues however that such an approach was not needed due to different levels of risk that are present in Europe. 

"The opinion is a reflection of the reality that surrounds us.  Different areas have different risks associated to them when it comes to disasters.  Insurance policies must reflect this," she said.

Mizzi added that the approval of the opinion ensures consumers will now benefit from more clear and simple information in order to be take informed decisions on the type of insurance that they buy for themselves.

"It is our duty to ensure that the interests of the citizen are protected from all points of view, particularly from the financial hardship that can result from a lack of information," she said.

pmurray if you think that I do not have a legal background you are greatly mistaken. If I am giving a service I set the conditions and it's not for anyone else to tell me what should be MY conditions or to get into another business. If you don't like MY conditions for MY service then seek someone else, but you cannot decide for me what conditions I make to give my service.
Joseph MELI
Advukat You clearly dont know what you are talking about and despite your non-de-plume clearly have no concept of the law in this regard .The only right here is the right to choose by the consumer and if a travel agent is worried about claims it has the right to seek another form of gainful buisness and travel agents are not their customers keepers nor are they responsible for their health and or welfare whilst they are on holiday or travelling with that agency .I have ahad an annual travel insurance policy fro as long as I can rememebr but that is not the isssue and the issue is that is MY CHOICE and at law it is clearly provided that it is MY CHOICE ALONE .As travel Insurance is as stated (as check the law before offering inexpert and injudicious 'what or who is right ' advice) and is A TOTALLY DISCRETIONARY AND OPTIONAL EXTRA moreover, the travel agents DO NOT have any right not to accept a booking unless the customer has travel insurance cover and travel agents should take this up with the law-makers if unhappy with the law as it stands -for as it stands traevl insurance is neither mandatory nor compulsory to possess nor is it a condition of booking acceptance .Get with the programme Mr Lawyer.
pmurray the travel agents are right not to accept bookings if the person does not have a personal health insurance because they will face the music if a person needs treatment and hosptialization while he is on tour. You know the conditions and if you don;t like it don't book and make arrangements for travelling yourself. But then don't come back crying if you have to spend a fortune on health treatment while abroad.
Joseph MELI
Dear Madame Mizzi, It would be interesting to learn with regard to 'the interests and rights of citzens' relating to insurance and insurance polices ,allied with consumer information in this vital area, how such are ensured or by whom ? As here in Malta we have a number of travel companies and holiday agents who 'insist ' -indeed make it a mandatory booking condition -that a travel insurance policy is held by any prospective traveller before a booking will be accepted .For this unilateral and arbitrary condition is a clear breach and viollation of a consumers rights! As whilst travel insurance is recommended-as is most types of insurance cover - it is NEITHER MANDATORY NOR COMPULSORY to possess such and is a totally OPTIONAL and DISCRETIONARY EXTRA to purchase by any prospective traveller yet this 'consumer right' is studiously and clearly circumvented by such companies .What about that fact then Marlene ?