Grievances Unit to investigate ‘injustices’ to civil servants in past seven years

New, civil service’s ‘grievances unit’ will act as ombudsman for public sector workers who claim they suffered an ‘injustice’ over the past seven years

The new rules will allow various ministerial units to decide on alleged injustices in the civil service
The new rules will allow various ministerial units to decide on alleged injustices in the civil service

The Office of the Prime Minister is to set up a 'Grievances Unit' that will accept requests or complaints from public officers and employees who claim they were the victim of an injustice inside the civil service.

The unit will acting as a sort of ombudsman's office, issuing recommendations on justified requests and complaints in a bid to address any shortcoming.

Every unit will be composed of a board from each ministry or group of ministries.

The unit will consider all applications presented by applicants who claim they experienced unjust treatment over the past seven years.

Every request has to be made in writing, specifying the precise allegation and with accompanying documentation. The requests will be presented to the ministry's grievances unit through the ministry's permanent secretary's office.

The requests will give the units authorisation to access any documentation concerning the applicant.

The unit will not consider any cases that are currently undergoing a court hearing, unless new information materialises and warranting a new evaluation.

Complaints that have already been dealt by the National Ombudsman can be examined by the grievances unit if the Ombudsman declares that his office's recommendations were not implemented.

The unit will conduct investigations and issue recommendations within two months of receiving the application, unless it requests an extension.

The grievances unit's recommendations in addressing an alleged injustice will be made in the light of public service rules, and then sent to a central unit for the investigation of injustices, to ensure a consistency in the application of each individual unit's recommendations. The recommendations will also be sent to each responsible ministry.

The unit will start receiving complaints from 11 February, up until 10 March 2014.

Matthew Vella Thanks for your report, the way I see it, this is another window cleaning farce. If this government is serious and not nothing more of the same of what we the people experience under the P.N., and that is those inside the inner circle getting fat and fatter and fatter on us the little guys who pay tax on every corner. If this government mean what he is saying he should start chasing complains that come in the paper every day and follow complains that he receive, not a complain is transferred from minister to minister to secretary to secretary only to tier you out and loose hope. This is my experience.
Why since the last 7 years only , why?
@Xifajk...u ghala minn 1987 u mhux minn 1962....u ghala minn 1962 u mhux minn zmien il kavallieri? Siehbi tidher li ma tantx qlajt fuq l-istonku int fl-ahhar 7 snin. Pjuttost nahseb li halqek kien fix xaghri biex qed titkellem hekk jew m'ghandekx ideja x'gara fl-ahhar legislazzjoni. Tislijiet.
@Xifajk...u ghala minn 1987 u mhux minn 1962....u ghala minn 1962 u mhux minn zmien il kavallieri? Siehbi tidher li ma tantx qlajt fuq l-istonku int fl-ahhar 7 snin. Pjuttost nahseb li halqek kien fix xaghri biex qed titkellem hekk jew m'ghandekx ideja x'gara fl-ahhar legislazzjoni. Tislijiet.
It is interesting to know who suggested the period of 7 years. Perhaps a civil servant that doesn't know what discrimination is? tajba din! Mela min sofra ngustizzja qabel is-7 snin, qisu ma sofra xejn. Jekk ridna nkunu gusti, aktar missha saret min sofra ngustizzja u gie diskriminat fl-ewwel 7 snin ta Gvern tal-PN i.e. mill-1987 '; quddiem. Those were really the victims.
Ta' Flimkien Kollox Possibli u ta Malta Taghna Ilkoll huma l-istess, indaqs, injustizzji biss. Ghaliex ghall ahhar 7 snin biss?? ghaliex mhux minn 1987. Povry poplu dejjen jaqla fuq l-istonku tieghu. Insomma, issa tigi l-elezzjoni ta MEPs u naraw min imissu jiehu lezzjoi din id-darba.