Updated | Government to amend incorrect Maltese citizenship rules

Nationalist MP claims difference in translation was dishonest translation

Jason Azzopardi (centre) claimed the difference in translations between the texts of the legal notices was
Jason Azzopardi (centre) claimed the difference in translations between the texts of the legal notices was "dishonest"

The government is to amend an incorrect Maltese-language text of the Individual Investor Programme, which specified a maximum three-year period for IIP applicants to retain the property they must purchase as part of the conditions to become a Maltese citizen.

The legal notice contradicted the English version of the legal notice, which reflects public statements that IIP applicants must purchase a property valued at a minimum €350,000 or rent it for €16,000 per annum, and retain it for five years.

A government spokersperon has confirmed that the correct version is the English version and that the Maltese text will be corrected.

The Maltese Constitution states that while every law is enacted in both the Maltese and English languages, in case of any conflict between the texts it is the Maltese text that prevails.

The property element was introduced by the Labour government to stave off criticism that the global rich could just purchase a passport and access to the EU for just €650,000. The property element, together with a €150,000 investment in financial instruments or government bonds, brings the new price up to €1.15 million.

In a Facebook post, Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi claimed the difference in the texts is was a "dishonest" differentiation.

"The property acquisition period is for three years only," Azzopardi said, claiming that the Maltese translation was deliberately misleading. "The government did not tell anyone and they hid it from everyone so that nobody notices. Do they have any shame? More amendments are needed to the law because this government is fooling the Maltese and the European Commission."

Under the latest IIP rules, no certificate of naturalisation will be issued unless main applicants provide proof that they have been a resident of Malta for at least 12 months preceding the day of the issuing of the certificate of naturalisation.

It is yet unclear what constitutes "proof" especially since the current Article 10 of the Maltese Citizenship Act does not provide a specific definition of residency, leaving much room for legal interpretation. The law allows an aggregate period of four years' residency - over a period six years - preceding the said period of 12 months.

"The residency concept already exists in the Maltese Citizenship Act where Article 10 defines the concept for citizenship by naturalisation. We have agreed with the European Commission that the concept will be implemented as is today," he said.

Parliamentary secretary for justice Owen Bonnici has said that residency "does not mean living in Malta 365 days".

"It also does not mean that an applicant doesn't spend a day in Malta," he said. "We are creating the genuine link satisfying the requirement of residency before applicants graduate to citizens."

One can ask a simple question on this situation. Can a whore teaches about the valours of life?
Meta tkun qed teghereq anke ma zokk ta tursina taqbad biex tipprova ssalva. Il-PN rega ddefinixxa is-sens tal-kelma "fond". Possibli dawn l-Onorevoli ma ghandhomx x'jaghmlu? Jew suppost kienu l--Parlament jithallsu minn butna u "skartaw" naqra ghal din il-farsa?
My GOD!!! Who speaks out about dishonesty! Jason Azzopardi of course - the one who gave a PN activist € 6.5 million for a piece of land that was not worth a third of the price if that - and all in the last few days before the election when as caretaker he had no right to do so. That is DISHONESTY!!!!!!!
(A) Ridiculous assertion by Azzopardi. Surely he is not that naive as to assume that we believe him. Obviously, he is giving his devoted, shell-shocked followers some bile to toss over and comfort themselves at believing how perfect, ship shape and cocky it was in their days. <<-->> (B) @ Popeye, you are wrong to assume (1) that all these successful applicants will live here full time. After all exactly like all those Maltese working internationally. We wish they would, as these would prove very high spending resident "tourists"!!! (2) Again wrong to assume that our wages are competitive. May I refer you to the recent proposed factory manpower shedding. Then again, due to bad University planning during past administrations, our financial services sector suffers from lack of trained local workforce.
Il-qahba milli jkollha ttik.
Jason made arrangements for the transfer of the two pieces of land worth €6 million as well as making payments for land acquired from certain individuals without even the decency of informing the Ministers concerned just before the last General Election. Using his reasoning one can say that he did not make any mistake and did it on purtpose to favour those blue eyed boys knowing that any delay would have scuttled this arrangement.
Rita Pizzuto
Ara veru li dik li kienet maghrufa ghal Steada Stretta milli kollha ttik. Biex Azzopardi li qed jippruvaw jiggranfa ma' kull tibna jigi jghid li ghax saret traduzzjoni hazina l-Gvern qed iqarraq, tassew li jrid iqarraq bil-poplu ghax qalghu tkaxkira nobis bl-iskema li se ggib il- miljuni ta' Ewro u gid lejn Malta. Le konvint li ma jridux Dan il- gid ghax se jigdbu l-Gvern Laburista. Meta se jibda jirraguna ta' Malti ta' veru l-avukat li jidher li m'ghandu xejn x'jaghmel kemm ilu li tilef postu fit- tkaxkira li qala' l-Partit tieghu f'Marzu li ghadda
din oppositzjoni kontra malta u mhux kontra l gvern. ara halluna ta ax qazzistu id dinja. il PN ma fehax ghal telfa wara l ohra.
Jason Azzoppardi and David Agius of all people. The mistake was probably made by the person copying from the English text perhaps David Agius knows very well about copying!! The PN are GETTING SILLIER BY THE MOMENT!
Igor P. Shuvalov
"Nationalist MP claims difference in translation is deliberate" Oh come on! Would the Government make a deliberate mistake in the Maltese version, when foreigners who may be interested in acquiring Maltese Citizenship would certainly refer to the English version as surely they cannot read Maltese.
Haven't the PN made enough damage to the Maltese reputation? Is this the new recycled PN program projected by those who Joseph called that faction that dictate what Simon do? This is the same PN faction that was operating during those 70s and 80s.
If the island is already over populated, why have such a scheme, are we loosing it, or is there clear personal gain here? Just promote the island for business investment by reviewing the ridiculous red tape Malta has for investors. We have competitive wages so there is no issue, just promote professionally.
The dishonesty is by the PN constantly trying tio undermine the Labour Government. As if it is the very first mistake ever made in a publication. Remember the translation of the EU treaties where advisory bodies was translated as IGSMA TAL-PARIRI among other howlers? And all this when translators were being paid some 25 Lm for every page translated and were supposed to be chacked by firms belonging to well-known PN lawyers. Just get a life and stop your silly accusations and obstacles Jason & Co. The IIP is going ahead whetever you do.
Under PN we had a growing economy based on debt.As usual let Labour clean up the mess.So please let him work on the IIP.