Four Mt Carmel Hospital patients suffer medicine overdose
Police and hospital management investigating ‘source of medicine’.
The police have launched an investigation after four patients at Mount Carmel Hospital suffered an overdose from medicine.
In a statement, the Ministry for health said the four patients were admitted at Mater Dei Hospital late last evening after they felt unwell.
"The patients were first examined by Mt Carmel's doctors who suspected the patients may have overdosed on medicine," the statement said.
The patients were referred to Mater Dei Hospital and were placed under observation.
The ministry said that both the police and Mt Carmel Hospital's management were carrying out their investigations to determine the "source" of the medicine.
Mental Health Commissioner John Cachia was informed of the case.

Wasn't something related to medicine the case in an unfair dismissal of two person from Mt.Carmel? I remember Maltatoday reported the case well. Is it related?