Party Financing: a step forward, but details in need of drastic overhaul, says AD
AD believes that the donation amounts proposed in the White Paper are too high and should be reduced, as should the limits for permissible expenditure by candidates in various elections.
With reference to the White Paper presented by the Government yesterday on party financing, Deputy Chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika, Carmel Cacopardo, said that this is a positive move that Alternattiva Demokratika has included in all its electoral programmes since 1992.
AD is in complete agreement with the principles of transparency and accountability that the White Paper promotes, but feels that there needs to be a profound debate on the details that is about how the law will eventually be implemented.
"AD believes that the donation amounts proposed in the White Paper are too high and should be reduced, as should the limits for permissible expenditure by candidates in various elections," Cacopardo said.
"The White Paper does not mention loans that parties may acquire from time to time. Neither does it refer to the commercial enterprises owned by the same political parties," he reiterated.
Professor Arnold Cassola, Chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika, said that AD notes that there is no reference to the expenditure which political parties are allowed to make during an electoral campaign.
"There should be a reasonable limit for this together with sensible thresholds for expenditure by individual candidates," he reiterated.
The Green Party understands the need for legislation regarding party registration but feels that the White Paper goes into too much detail in this regard.
"AD plans to participate in consultation with the other parties to submit its own proposals," Cassola said.