Updated | Opposition to discuss position on new IIP legal notice
Opposition spokesman for home affairs Jason Azzopardi says PN needs to first analyse legal notice before commenting further.
The Nationalist Party will be making its position on the revised Individual Investment Programme public tomorrow evening.
In a statement, the PN said that a meeting of the parliamentary group will be held on Wednesday afternoon, during which Legal Notice 47 of 2014 - under which the IIP is regulated - will be analysed and discussed.
The PN wants to ensure that the notice reflects what has been agreed between the government and the European Commission. In fact, the legal notice replicates a statement issued by the European Commission last week.
Choosing to reserve its judgement until the legal notice is published, the PN said this was the third time that government had to change its programme.
Contacted by MaltaToday for a comment, Opposition spokesperson for home affairs Jason Azzopardi declined to comment on the matter.
"It took the government almost one week to publish the new legal notice. I hope that no one expects the PN to reply in just a few hours," he said. "After tomorrow's meeting, during which we will discuss this third amendment, I will gladly comment."