Netanyahu testifies on Israeli raid on flotilla

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today told and inquiry into the Israeli naval raid on a Gaza aid flotilla that he could not “afford to ignore a threat to Israel’s existence.”

Netanyahu was the first witness to testify to the state-appointed inquiry into the lethal clash at sea on 31 May in which Israeli commandos killed nine Turkish activists, after boarding their vessel from a helicopter at night.

The raid took place in international waters off the coast of Israel after the aid flotilla ignored Israeli warning not to proceed into Gaza, which is ruled by the Hamas Islamist movement and is sealed off by an army blockade.

Netanyahu said, “The state of Israel and the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) operated according to international law. As prime minister I can’t ignore Hamas as a threat to Israel’s existence.”

Nine Turks were killed when Israeli commando stormed the ship ‘Mavi Marmara’

which was released from the port of Ashdod in Israel yesterday and towed back to Turkey.

Israel says its commandos only used live fire after they have been attacked with clubs, knives and guns. The Turkish activists were clearly prepared for violence.

Video recordings of the clash are to be used as evidence in the investigation.

The raid sparked a world outcry and almost ruptured Israel’s relations with once- close Muslim ally Turkey.

It also pushed Israel to ease restrictions of its Gaza blockade which is aimed at preventing the territory’s rulers Hamas from increasing their arsenal but also aggravates the privations of 1.5 million mostly aid –dependent Palestinians.

Israel’s Defence Minister Ehud Barak and its military chief Lieutenant General Gabi Ashkenazi are also expected to testify this week.