Paediatricians issue guarded statement over gay adoption

Doctors say married parents offer stability and unique influence to children, and urge caution on gay adoptions

Paediatricians said children thrive in both traditional and non-traditional families, but have shown preference for married couples.
Paediatricians said children thrive in both traditional and non-traditional families, but have shown preference for married couples.

The Maltese Paediatric Association has called on MPs to give "due weight" to the "stability and the unique influence that a married couple can give to the child" in a statement on the adoption of children by gay couples.

The doctors were unequivocal in their statement that married parents created the "best environment" for children but did not discount gay adoptions outright. "Nonetheless children can thrive well in a variety of family types including single and same-gender parents. The Association is committed to equally support children in traditional and non-traditional families."

The statement, signed by president Prof. Thomas Attard and secretary Dr Juanita Debattista, carried the disclaimer that gay adoption was an emotive issue and that the association's role was neither to endorse nor condemn sexual orientation. "The guiding principle and main concern of the Association is the welfare of the child."

The doctors however claimed that there was "a lack of scientific research in the local context" and urged MPs to "proceed with caution" before enacting any laws.

"Civil authorities should ensure that all types of families are regulated and protected by the law, and supported to build and maintain strong and stable families to provide a healthy environment for their children. The law should also safeguard the civil and legal rights of children irrespective of their families’ structure.

"In the enactment and implementation of laws regulating adoption, the best interests of the child should be the paramount consideration, and should take precedence over the interests of adults. Emphasis should be placed on a thorough assessment of all applicants in their competency as parents to provide affection and security to the child. Among the several factors that should be considered in the screening process, the Association recommends that due weight is given to the stability and the unique influence a married couple can give to the child."

The Labour government is pioneering a civil unions bill that will give full equality to gay couples and unmarried opposite-sex couples registered in unions, including the right to adopt children.

The Nationalist opposition says it wants a social impact assessment on the effects of gay adoption.

Kif dahlu f'ghalqa ta haddiehor dawn? Jaqaw hemm is-soltu 'tal-Knisja' li qed jipprovaw jaghtu daqqu ta idd li dawk 'tas-soltu'? Ghallura il-pediatricians jistghu jghidulna mill-liema xjenza gabuh dawn l-gherf taghhom?
How about introducing a filter so that we can take a break from the Murrays of this world who spend their life trawling the local papers, infesting every single article with their rubbish. Seriously, Mr Murray, do you realize that although you have this compulsion to expound on absolutely every topic under the sun, you, in fact, display a constant, abyssmal ignorance of everything you touch upon, that is unparalleled in these columns (and that is saying something !). Can you do everyone, most especially yourself, a favour and take a break from speaking in order to clear a little time for yourself to do some actual learning ? And, while you're at it, must you really sound like you've just sunk a bottle of gin each and every time you type anything ?
Clearly this is an association lead by narrow minded people who want to be seen that they are playing the Saints and they are on the side of the church. Times changed, we have to move on with modern times rather than being stuck in a rut. Juanita and Thomas are clearly mired in 600BC era. Our PM should press ahead with the proposed civil union bill. Ultimately the PM has a mojority of 9 seats in Parliament and when the bill is voted upon it will be a free and democratic vote. If it goes through then the bill will be enshrined into law. The PM has every right to make the final decision regardless what the church or the opposition say afterwards.
Roger Tirazona exptcs us to take a survey carried out by a Dr in a same -sex relationship as bible. Dr. Nanette Gartrell of the University of California, is himself in a same -sex relationship his research findings will clearly be affected by this. It is for this reason that this research is never taken seriously.
Joseph MELI
How about giving 'due weight ' to the influence or other regarding the clear INSTABILITY of marriage itself?
I'm afraid to say that the only important factor for children is stability! How can a heterosexual couple be better for their children when they fight or argue all the time? How can a gay couple be better if they do the same? Children need stability. They do not need traditional married couples only. And what about traditional married couples who are never home for their children? Shall we also start condemning one of the spouses so that he/she stays at home as many of us were traditionally brought up in? Is it ok for both spouses to work and only see their children when they are tired or dump them at their (great/) grand-parents? If a gay couple can give a child a stable, loving home - it does not matter if they're two men or two women. As long as the child is safe and secure. Why not? And on which study did the Pediatrician Association base its conclusion? Since they studied Science why not give us also the source of their information?
So let's be clear about it. Are these 'professuri Maltin" expressing an opinion or are they fence-sitting. If fence-sitters, what is the point of their intervention? Is it to create uncertainty about the ability of gay and lesbian parents to take care of children? What do they mean why they refer to "married parents"? Are they making a case for homosexual couples to be allowed to get married. I am tired of so-called professionals who speak in riddles. Clarity of thought is what one expects from self-styled intellectuals. Sadly Malta has few of these notwithstanding the grandstanding of those in professions and academic institutions.
Tajba din! Mela li tfal jittrabbew go istitut minn sorijiet jew patrijiet OK u li koppja gay taddotta mhix OK. Sur Thomas Attard u Sinjura Juanita Baldacchino tistghu tghidulna meta hrigtu stqarrija kontra li tfal jitrabbew go istitut? Jew ghandkom agenda purament politika? Ghidulna ftit meta skellimtu kontra trobbija fi stituti? Irrid nghid li m'ghandi xejn kontra dawn is-sorijiet u patrijiet li fi zmien meta s-socjeta' giet taqa' u tqum minn dawn it-tfal kellhom ikunu huma li tawhom wens. U ta dan nrringrazzjahom (u marridux nitfghu li kulhadd f'keffa wahda minhabba dak li hareg dan l-ahhar fuq kif uhud mit-tfal kienu jkunu abbuzati). Pero' l-issue mhux dik. L-issue hija it-two weights two measures ta' min irid jaghmel minn kollox ballun politiku. Halluna sinjuri pedjattrici!
It seems Pediatricians in Malta need some catching up with what is released in the journal of Pediatrics.