PN, Din l-Art Helwa say MEPA should have not approved ODZ policy until finalising Impact Assessment test

Environmental NGO calls on government to reissue all MEPA planning policies for public consultation• Ryan Callus calls on government to stop revising policies until finalising SPED

Just days after the Malta Environment and Planning Authority board approved the new policy regulating outside-development-zone construction, environmental NGO Din l-Art Helwa and Ryan Callus, the Opposition's representative on the board, have called on the government to stop revising policies until finalising the Strategic Environment Impact and Development (SPED).

"Prior to approving the new ODZ policy, the board should have first approved the SPED. However, against all pragmatic ideas, the government is insisting on revising the policy without first approving the Impact and Development test," Ryan Callus argued.

According to EU legislation, an Environment Impact Assessment is required for any formal plan deemed to have an impact on the environment.

The approved document includes a number of changes from the proposed version, which was issued for six weeks public consultation last October. While previous policies limited any ODZ development to two storeys, the new approved plan does not impose a limit, thus permitting higher developments.

Moreover, the new policy allows multiple applications on the same site and allows development on buffer zones and areas of high landscape value.

"Moreover, in light of Din l-Art Helwa's letter to the Chairman of the Environmental and Planning Committee Marlene Farrugia, the Opposition spokesperson said it is a "shame that parliamentary secretary for planning Michael Farrugia does not seem ready to consider this appeal."

Callus who voted against the revision of the ODZ policy, said the government has already made it clear that it could move ahead with its polices without consulting all the stakeholders - a far cry from its electoral promise that it would be a government which listens," Callus argued.

"Consequently, the government should listen to the opposition and Din l-Art Helwa to stop revising the development polices until the SPED is finalised as these decision effect the strategic vision of Malta and the future generations."

Meanwhile, on its part, environmental NGO Din l-Art Helwa called on the government to reissue all the planning policies currently being revised or introduced by MEPA - including the ODZ policy - for public consultation.

Echoing the Nationalist's stand, the environmental NGO was highly critical of the board's decision to approve the new ODZ policy before formulating a Strategic Environment Impact Assessment to replace the Structure plan.

"During a recent meeting with the MEPA board, it was announced that the draft of the SPED was close to being finalised, consequently, putting more onus on the MEPA board not bring new policies for approval," it said.

"It goes without saying that the new SPED, following consultation and environmental assessments, should guide any new planning policies and these should not be absorbed retroactively."

"Ignoring in depth analysis on land use and an effective Strategic Plan is a serious manifestation of bad governance."

U x'se naghmlu b'dawl l-eluf ta kmamar madwar Malta u Ghawdex li saru ' farmhouses' u vilel, f'dawn l-ahhar 25 sena? Kif 'Din L-art Helwa' qatt ma uriet il-hegga u kwazi qalet xejn qabel fuq dawn l-elef ta vilel specjalment fil_Bidnija u Ghawdex? Jaqaw hafna 'membri' ta Din L-art Helwa u zealots ohrjan joqghdu go farmhouses u vilel bhal dawn? Nisthgu, imhabba l-it-trasparenza, 'it-top people' ta Din L-art Helwa, jghidulna fejn joqghodu halli iserhlna mohhna li m'ghadhomx 'double standards dawn?
Ryan, x'naghmlu bil- villa li bena l-ex President taghkom u pogga ghal bieh bis-somma ta €650,000. Ingaluh iwwaqqaha u jerga jgib ikl-post kif kien opriginali?. X'se naghmlu bl-irrangar ta -ex Lowenbrauw li malajr malajr qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni nhargu permessi bis-suppostijit li baqaghu suppostijiet (tal-parking)Fejn kien Azzopardi dik il-habta jew kien mohhui f'dawk il-bictejmn art li jiswew ioktar minn €6,000,000.
Were were Ryan Callus ,Din l-Art Helwa and the PN when George Pullicino ran riot with the famous rationalising exercise when hundreds of ODZ land was issued for building!