Constitutional expert: mass deprivation of citizenships is illegal

If one-year residency period is included in amended legal notice, the PN would ‘no longer object in principle’ – Jason Azzopardi.

Constitutional expert Ian Refalo (right)
Constitutional expert Ian Refalo (right)

The judicial protest filed by the Nationalist Party does not affect the citizenship programme's legitimacy. But it also does not make depriving individuals of their citizenship legitimate, constitutional expert Ian Refalo said.

Speaking on TVM2's Realtà, Refalo said one could not simply strip individuals of their acquired rights.

"Citizenship is a matter of fundamental rights and it cannot be repealed capriciously... neither can one simply grab a class of citizens and repeal their citizenship. This would be illegal," he said.

Presented by Brian Hansford, the programme was debating the judicial protest filed by the PN on Monday and the agreement secured on Wednesday between the government and the European Commission.

Refalo reiterated the government had the legal right to grant citizenship to whoever it deems suitable and it would be incorrect for a succeeding government to break that agreement.

"Moreover, the applicant would also acquire rights that are protected by the European Convention and the Lisbon Treaty. Those rights cannot be withdrawn without compensating the individual concerned," he said.

Similarly, constitutional lawyer Austin Bencini said the judicial protest had serious political implications especially since it also affected human rights confirming that the actions in the judicial protest could be in breach of EU regulations.

Academic Ray Mangion was more vocal in expressing his opinion against the PN's judicial protest, pointing out that a reference in the present tense to the Commission's investigation already invalidated the judicial protest once the investigation was terminated.

He also explained that the reference to Article 4 of the Treaty of the European Union was subject to various interpretations: "It is a vague concept."

Mangion pointed out that nothing in the judicial protest showed the programme was in breach of Maltese law.

"Hypothetically speaking, if the PN were to follow through with this judicial protest it would be opening up itself to a myriad of constitutional cases against the Nationalist government," he said.

Opposition's spokesman for home affairs Jason Azzopardi - a guest on the programme together with parliamentary secretary for justice Owen Bonnici - pointed out that the judicial protest had been filed on Monday, two days before the government "was forced to include a residency clause".

Reiterating the PN would not change its position before studying the amended legal notice, Azzopardi said the Opposition would no longer "object in principle" to the Individual Investor Programme if the "genuine link" is included in the text.

The PN had repeatedly called for a five-year residency period and, according to Owen Bonnici, it would have never accepted to negotiate down to one year.

At one point, Azzopardi alleged that during a negotiation meeting, Home Affairs Minister Manuel Mallia said he would "resign from parliament" if a residency period were to be introduced.

Bonnici took umbrage at Azzopardi's comment, saying it was unacceptable that conversations held around the negotiating table were being divulged.

On the legal notice, the junior minister revealed that the legal notice did not specify a period of stay on the island, in case it took more than 12 months for an applicant's citizenship to be processed.

So will prisoners be deprived of citizenship, Simon?
" ........ that the actions in the judicial protest could be in breach of EU regulations." This is really rich, Simon and cohorts went to the EU parliament charging the PL with possibly breaking EU laws and ended up doing it himself with the judicial protest PN presented. Can anyone imagine Simon as PM , gonzi at least went management by crisis, Simon would operate from crisis to crisis. What a dipstick
Jason ma tahsibxx li iktar ma tipprova kemm inti bravvu ioktar qieghed taqa ta mazzetta. Fejnhom il-5 snin u l-ghexerien li ried il-bravu Xmun u naturalment inti mieghu. Tafu li tliftu il-qaleb u l-gbejna u tridu taraw kif se tippruvaw takkwistaw xi bicca mertu. Tahseb li l-poplu Malti se jinsa kif ippruvajtu thammgu isem Malta fil-Parlament Ewropew. Busuttil, Casa u Mezzola se jiddhlu fli-storja ta Malta bhal tlett tradituri ta pajjizhom
every possible expert including the european commission has stated that no one can deprive a person from the acquired citizenship! can we know who is the pn's legal expert?
So for the PN a matter of principle against selling citizenship will disappear if a 1-year residence requirement is included. If it's a principle it cannot be doen away with because of the residency requirement. This shows that the issue wa not a question of principle but simply to oppose anything the Labour Government does and because another company won the bid and not a company belonging to one of the PN MPs.
Din tar-residenza QATT ma ssemmiet minn Simon Busuttil. Qatt ma qal li jekk il-gvern jaccetta xi perjodu ta' residenza kien se jaqbel mal-iskema. Ghax kull ma smajna kien li l-PN ma jaqbilx mal-principju, li se niprostitwixxu ruhna, li gejjin il-mercernarji u tal-mafja, li jekk jitla' gvern tal-PN inehhi l-iskema u c-cittadinanza, li min se jakkwista c-cittadinanza taht din l-iskema qed jaghmel hekk taht theddida li titnehhielu, ecc ecc. Tal-PN haduha wisq bi kbira li Reding accettat residenza ta' sena u li nehhiet il-capping. Jien rajt hafna kummenti ta' nazzjonalisti li qalu li qatt ma stennew li l-EU se taghmel hekk u li se taqbel mal-gvern. Insomma, issa li Jason Azzopardi qal hekk, ma jigix Simon u jghid li din mhix il-linja tal-partit, bhalma ghamel ma' Kevin Plumpton, ghax s'issa il-PN ma riedx jiehu pozizzjoni qabel ma tigi mxandra l-amenda, filwaqt li Jason Azzopardi ha pozizzjoni f'isem il-Partit. Min hu l-Kap tal-PN? Jason jew Simon?
I heard and saw Mangion munch on that judicial protest for pre breakfast! Unbelievable that so many learned PN lawyers willing to sacrifice their yet unborn children rather than appreciate the IIP legalisation stood snobbishly behind their first year law student judicial protest presentation on the steps of the law courts. Mangion made them look as silly as that Bidnija b(l)ogger looks obsolete.
How does right to citizenship influence the society at wide in general, except in case of the occasional requirement to reverse the unreversable process of granting citizenship? In which cases would this be valid? a) criminal activity, in this case, the individual is arrested; a lot of Maltese citizens are held under arrest at Corradino Prisons. b) no idea, can the law drafters and the EP illuminate us on their worries?