PN candidate in ‘media blackout’ swears loyalty to party

Kevin Plumpton, reportedly removed from media events, posts grovelling Facebook message swearing loyalty to PN and leader

Kevin Plumpton
Kevin Plumpton

Nationalist Party candidate for MEP Kevin Plumpton has reaffirmed his loyalty to his party and leader Simon Busuttil, despite being reportedly 'shut out' from media events after stepping out of line on the controversial sale of citizenship.

Taking to his Facebook page - again - Plumpton claimed he had removed the original post in which he said the PN should withdraw a threat to revoke citizenships granted under the Individual Investor Programme, out of his own free will.

"It is obvious that the Labour Party has attempted to spin the issue out of proportion and fanned rumours about my candidature. In doing so, Labour is obviously using its own yardstick as to how a party should deal with a candidate that expresses an opinion on a sensitive issue," Plumpton, also the president of the PN's youth section, said.

The PN has retained Plumpton as a candidate but it has not denied reports that his media exposure will be cut short.

"I consider this matter as a closed case and I will not comment on it any further," Plumpton said.

In his original post, Plumpton said that after the government had buckled under EU pressure to include a residency requirement for IIP applicants, the PN could withdraw a judicial protest it filed in which it threatens prospective applicants that it will revoke all IIP passports if it is elected to power.

Plumpton subsequently removed the post, but not before he posted and tweeted comments made by another PN candidate, Helga Ellul, in which she extolled the benefits of the alleged €1 billion in revenues the government claims it can reap from the IIP.

"I removed the post out of my own free will as it was clear that my opinion was being used sensationally and in certain cases manipulated by sections of the media and the Labour Party," Plumpton said.

"My Facebook post could be interpreted as ill-timed, as the Nationalist Party - rightly so - has stated that it will reserve judgement until the publication of the legal notice by the government to ensure that the changes announced by the European Commission are reflected in the text of the legal notice."

Plumpton insisted that he had "no issue" with the party, and that he was "honoured" to be a candidate.

"The Nationalist Party has always been a democratic and open party, and that is why I feel so comfortable and proud to work within this party... I have always been and will remain loyal to the Nationalist Party and to PN Leader Simon Busuttil."

All those members who were dmocratic and open were forced to become part of the irrelvant section of the party and made to shut up. This is what is happening to this candidate when he expresses an opinion which does not tow the party line. BLANKET SILENCE from the public media.
I applaud Plumpton for his common-sense approach as expressed in his original posts. I censure him for grovelling, and not standing up to be counted on behalf of unbiased, uncommitted voters; which his Party swore they wanted back in the fold. I castigate the PN for stifling budding politicians and their Catholic Church's derived "The leader cannot err" attitude. No wonder the PN were violently thrown out of office in this day and age of reasoned debate, where not many cannot see the devil's work within the Party.
One mistake and they screw you. The candidate can claim a lapsus as Dr Franz Agius did many years ago and he was forgiven.
And there was I believing he was made of sterner stuff. BUT, I suppose, being clever he knows where his bread might be buttered. Bad slip there, Kev!
Pure ass licker.
Miskin Kevin Plumpton. Pattewielu qares, issa qed jipprova jraqqa' l-pannu bil-qar'ahmar.
"The Nationalist Party has always been a democratic and open party". "PN candidate in ‘media blackout’". What a contradiction of democracy!
In a few words dear Kevin, you went to Canossa.
Ga bis-sarima dan. Dik hi d-demokrazija tal-PN!
@ plumpton L anqas inti cuc!!! Jghatuk bis sieq u tmur tilaqhom!! Din demokrazija pn style, jekk ma taqbilx mghana inkissruk.
Its obvious that Plumpton has no issue with the PN but the PN has an issue with Plumpton. If the PN is a democratic and open party why did Plumpton remove his comments? Why did the PN issue a statement that Plumptons views were not its views? Can plumpton specify what exactly was wrong with his views? The PN were all out to stop the IIP in its tracks but they FAILED!
So much for principles. Did he or did he not say that the pn is behaving in a partisan manner? Did he or did he not say that the protest should be withdrawn? This should serve as an eye-opener to those who were tempted to vote for this person. Do we want to be represented by someone who says one thing and then reneges for electoral convenience?
Ok mela issa la tlabt skuza nivvutawlek hahahahahah AS IF
Mr. Plumptom stop being a plonker . The less you say the better you sound.
Maureen Attard
And they did not choose Jean Claude Micallef as an MEP Candidate.