Updated | ‘Muscat undermining impeachment’ - PN • CAJ could face fresh challenge

After judge demanded recusal of two members over alleged political bias, possibility of new legal challenges raised with new impeachment motion

Lino Farrugia Sacco (left) - Chief Justice Silvio Camilleri (right) also sits on the Commission for the Administration of Justice
Lino Farrugia Sacco (left) - Chief Justice Silvio Camilleri (right) also sits on the Commission for the Administration of Justice

Updated with PN reaction: Muscat has undermined public trust in the judiciary

The Commission for the Administration of Justice could be facing a new legal quandary in dealing with a new motion for the impeachment of Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat yesterday filed the new motion after the Speaker of the House ruled the original motion filed by Lawrence Gonzi, now no longer an MP, could not be carried on into the new legislature.

FULL REPORT Why judge facing impeachment faces new motion

But with the CAJ having already found prima facie evidence of misbehaviour, proving Gonzi's impeachment motion to be founded, it is likely that the same commission members will not be able to investigate the cash afresh.

"The principle of double jeopardy means Farrugia Sacco, as a defendant, cannot be tried again on the same charges," a legal observer privy to the workings of the Commission told MaltaToday.

"What has to be seen is whether Farrugia Sacco will demand the recusal of all members of the Commission who proved the impeachment motion - he could ask the courts to rule on whether he can be 'tried' by the same people that have already reached a decision."

Farrugia Sacco lost an appeal on the Constitutional Court's decision not to recuse two members whom he said were politically biased because of their relationship to Lawrence Gonzi, as the proponent of the impeachment motion.

In demanding a recusal, if Farrugia Sacco resorts to the courts, he will ask that all members of the CAJ do not hear his case, forcing the President of the Republic - as chair of the CAJ - to appoint new members.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said the Speaker's ruling and the new impeachment motion had got the judge "off the hook scot free".

"We are concerned with the political [aspect]," Busuttil told MaltaToday when asked about the prospect of the entire recusal of the CAJ.

"The government is deliberately creating obstacles for an immediate impeachment of Lino Farrugia Sacco. This goes flagrantly against Joseph Muscat's promise to respect the conclusions of the Commission and get on with it.

"Instead, he is starting the entire process from scratch in order to delay everything until Lino Farrugia Sacco retires in August," the PN leader said.

In a statement issued later on in the day, the PN said Farrugia Sacco would not be removed before his retirement in August.

"This decision has brazenly broken Muscat's promise to bind himself to the decision of the Commission for the Administration of Justice... the prime minister and Labour are now accomplices to Farrugia Sacco's bad behaviour."

The PN is insisting that the motion for impeachment could carry on to the next legislature. The last instance of such an impeachment was that of Judge Anton Depasquale, whose motion was proposed by prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami and then carried on into the 1996 legislature when Fenech Adami was Opposition leader.

But the PN said the new impeachment motion was "clear proof that the prime minister and Labour are ready to do anything to save Lino Farrugia Sacco, who is the father of Labour candidate David Farrugia Sacco."

The PN said Muscat was well aware that a new motion would have meant starting the investigation afresh. "This is not in the best interest for the administration of justice, and chips away at the respect and trust the public should have in the country's judiciary. Muscat did not have the political courage to do what's right, and remove Farrugia Sacco."

Farrugia Sacco had twice asked the Commission for the Administration of Justice - first after Labour's election in March 2013, and then after the resignation of Lawrence Gonzi as MP - whether the motion could be carried over to the next legislature.

But the Commission steamed ahead with its decision, which confirmed prima facie misbehaviour by the judge when he retained his post as president of the Malta Olympic Committee, in breach of the judiciary's code of ethics; and which opened him up to the questionable meeting in which he was filmed by two undercover Sunday Times of London discussing the resale of Sochi Winter Games tickets.

The Times of Malta, whom Farrugia Sacco has sued for libel for reporting the Sunday Times of London's report, also accused the government in its leader of having undermined the impeachment.

"By acting in this way, the government's only achievement is to undermine public confidence in the parliamentary process. Both major parties agreed on the method used to determine Mr Justice Farrugia Sacco's case. Both major parties agree that, as a result of that, he should be impeached."

@toni borg, qatt ma kont nobsor li l-PN ghandu daqshekk cwiec fi hdanu meta niftakkar lil Tonio Fenech jghid li ma jridx cwiec maltin imbaghad il-PN mimli bihom. Li kieku kellek daqsxejn sens kont tistaqsi lilek inniefsek, jekk din il-bicca ilha sejra minn qabel l'2008 ghalfejn gonzi ma hax passi qabel u halla sa ftit qabel l-elezzjoni li ghaddiet. Tinsiex gonzi kien speaker ukol u wisq probabli kien jaf x'jista jigri u ma riedx verament li l-mozzjoni tghaddi. Kieku kien jibqa fil-parlament sakem il-mozzjoni tigi deciza u mhux irrezenja u mar jinheba.
"This goes flagrantly against Joseph Muscat's promise to respect the conclusions of the Commission and get on with it." No he did not, the motion died because of certain short comings in the process. Gonzi should not have retired and gone into hiding, if he was still in parliament the original impeachment could have still been saved. No Simon stop twisting facts and telling half truths which are worse than lies.
So Dr Muscat is to be blamed for the procrastination of the previous government. @ Toni Borg. You are treally showing the true colours of the Nationalist group.Loss of pension and vindictiveness at a grand scale Long live the Party with the motto of 'Religio a Patria' A real bunch of Pharisees
I don't know this person but it seems that the Nationalist Party wants to crucify this person. If he did wrong he should answer but what good for the goose is good for the gander. This should apply to all persons including the past Ministers, head of departments, politicians and all those in the administration whatever their grade who were corrupt and abused the system.
Back to square one... Labour, the guardian of abuse.
allura x qed jipretendu il pN li dan l-imhallef jigi impeached meta hemm clausula bhal dik fil ligi ?? xi jridu li l-imhallef imbghad jfittex il gvern u jkollna intuh xi xeba mijjiet ta l-eluf ? filkas forsi jistu jigarantixxhu li jhallashom il partit fallut taghhom ? Dan kollhu ghax mhux nazzjonalist ipatentjat dan l-imhallef ??
Jien ma nafx din il-herqa kollha biex jitnehha l-Imhallef Farrugia Sacco. Jekk il-proceduri parlamentari jiddettaw li l-mozzjoni waqghet ladarba inbidlet il-legislatura,mela hekk ghandu jsir.U issa se tigi prezentata mozzjoni ohra kif suppost. Il-kap tal-Oppozizzjoni jippretendi li ghandu xi omnipotenza fuq il-ligijiet u l-kostituzzjoni tal-pajjiz. Imbghad kemm hawn min ghamel aghar minn hekk u qisu qatt ma gara xejn. U personalment nahseb il-mozzjoni li kien prezenta il-PM precedenti ma kinitx xejn hlief vendikazzjoni politika.Tista' tghidli x'ghamel hazin l-Imhallef Farrugia Sacco billi baqa' jmexxi l-KOM ? Onestament il-PM precedenti ahjar ra l-imgieba abbuziva ta' xi ministri li kellu fil-kabinett tieghu.
When is this child named Simon going to stop crying? He is the typical spoilt child who wants to have everything his way and cannot get one right. And just because he is so disastrous in everything he does he keeps on stamping his little feet and cries louder. How very annoying this child can be. Time for him to grow up and be a man
Simon Busuttil has avoided referring to the Speaker's ruling, knowing that he hasn't any argument to contradict that ruling ! So, once again , he plays his usual childish political game of wanting to DICTATE what should be done in this case, when he now knows, that the previous motion of impeachment couldn't be carried forward to the new legislature, once the proponent of the motion is no longer in parliament. And the original motion had not started to be debated in the last legislature.
Partit nazzjonalista ispirat mill principji DEMOKRATICI NSARA qabda farizej u nies vendikativi! bhal ma ipprovaw jghamlu lill magistrat Antonio Mizzi ghax il mara Marlene Mizzi kandidata mal PL!
Very appropriate picture indeed with the Hon. Farrugia Sacco laughing and smirking...HE WHO LAUGHS LAST LAUGHS BEST.... and so he will get his pension thanks to JoeyTaghnaLkollMuscat.blaroadmaps.com
@ Bones fejn tridu take its course u fejn jaqblilkom intom tridu tkunu minn ta l-ewwel li ssalbu nies!!! Mhux ovvja xi jrid Gozewf!!! imma kemm int bahna biex ma tindunax siehbi. Irid li jerga jibda kollox mill gdid biex it tifel ta kandidat laburista li huwa magistrat jilhaq johrog bil penzjoni. issa jekk ghandek mohh hadmu ha tifem!....forsi
A judge impeached because he was President of the Maltese Olympic Committee? Give us a break? How many time were 'Nationalists' judges, Presidents honorary or otherwise of Band Clubs,Football Clubs and 'closet' active member of the PN? SimonPN is doing this because it does not want to 'reform' the Law Courts, because as they stand today, the PN feels at home at the Law Courts. This is the real problem in our Law Courts! Certain political judgements are nothing but a disgrace. This is not a perception but a reality felt by the 50%+ of the population.
Everything should be done fairly for the judge, impeachment should follow standard procedures. Why is the PN hell-bent on crucifying the judge AS SOON AS POSSIBLE ? Simon, Let the Law take its Course.