Henley wants to make €200 million killing on passport sale – PN
Opposition rebuts comments from Henley partner who insists PN mass deprivation of citizenships is illegal
The Nationalist Party has shrugged off comments by international citizenship advisors Henley & Partners, the concessionaires for the sale of Maltese citizenship, saying the company "does not care about the irremediable damage" to Malta's reputation over the sale of passports.
"All they care about is the cash," the PN said in a statement. "They will probably rake in €200 million 'just like that'," the PN added, mocking the way Labour MPs like Luciano Busuttil have been selling the idea of copping €1 billion in sales of Maltese passports.
The government's IIP has been capped at 1,800 applicants.
Henley specialist Chris Kalin yesterday said the PN's threat to deprive IIP citizens of their citizenships if the Nationalists are returned to power, was "simply illegal".
The Opposition filed the judicial protest to forewarn applicants that in five years' time, if the PN is in government, the scheme will be cancelled and all passports issued under the scheme will be revoked.
"This judicial protest is kind of futile as we have been informing clients and prospective applicants of what the Opposition has been saying. But, as we have made it clear in the past, the idea to cancel citizenships is simply illegal," Kalin told MaltaToday in a phone interview.
On its part, the PN said Henley's network of companies in Malta was proof of the company's intentions to make millions on the sale of citizenships, amongst them Henley Estates Holdings.
"We are insisting that IIP citizens should be obliged to reside in our country for a number of years apart from buying property and making investments that create jobs. This would create a genuine link between the person and the country," the PN said.